
Metallica — легендарная американская метал-группа, оказала большое влияние на развитие метал-музыки и входит (наряду с группами Slayer, Megadeth и Anthrax) в так называемую «большую четвёрку трэш-метала». В 2009 году Metallica была введена в зал славы рок-н-ролла. Альбомы Metallica были проданы в общей сложности в количестве более 100 миллионов экземпляров во всем мире, что делает эту группу самой коммерчески успешной из всех метал-групп. Альбом группы, названный Metallica, является самым продаваемым альбомом за всю историю метала: его продажи составляют более 15 077 000 копий в США.

1. Nothing Else Matters Текст Текст

Tuning: Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb

6/8 time
P (9/8 time) H P S P S



Main guitar part :
So close,no matter how far......
Gb-----0----------0-----|-2---2-2-2-2--0--0-0-----| repeat 2X
Forever trusting who we are............and nothing else

2. Die, Die My Darling Текст Текст

Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Just shut your pretty eyes

I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in Hell

Don't cry to me oh baby
Your future's in an oblong box, yeah
Don't cry to me oh baby
Should have seen it a-comin' on
Don't cry to me oh baby
I don't know it was in your power
Don't cry to me oh baby
Dead-end girl for a dead-end guy
Don't cry to me oh baby
Now your life drains on the floor
Don't cry to me oh baby

Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Just shut your pretty mouth

I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in Hell

Don't cry to me a baby
Your future is in an oblong box
Don't cry to me oh baby
Should have seen the end a-comin' on, a-comin'
Don't cry to me oh baby
I don't know it was in your power
Don't cry to me oh baby
Dead-end girl for a dead-end guy
Don't cry to me oh baby
Now your life drains on the floor
Don't cry to me oh baby

Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Shut your pretty mouth

I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in Hell

Don't cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Don't cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Die, die, die my darling
Die, die, die my darling

Die, die, die, die, die, die....

3. The Unforgiven Текст Текст

New blood joins this earth
And quickly he's subdued
Through constant pained disgrace
The young boy learns their rules

With time the child draws in
This whipping boy done wrong
Deprived of all his thoughts
The young man struggles on and on he's known
A vow unto his own
That never from this day
His will they'll take away

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through what I've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee unforgiven

They dedicate their lives
To running all of his
He tries to please them all
This bitter man he is
Throughout his life the same
He's battled constantly
This fight he cannot win
A tired man they see no longer cares
The old man then prepares
To die regretfully
That old man here is me

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through what I've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee unforgiven

You labeled me
I labeled you
So I dub thee unforgiven

Непрощённая (перевод Фёдора Холодкова из Электрогорска)

Ляг со мною, все мне расскажи
Повторяй за мной слова, чтобы демоны ушли.
Дверь открою, если ты мне не солжешь,
Ведь я смогу тебя понять, лишь если ты меня поймешь.

Ляг со мною, небес почувствуй боль.
Все тени дня, всю тьму ночей я разделю с тобой…
Дверь открыта, но сквозь щель не виден свет,
Лишь на сердце черный шрам, но сквозь щель не виден свет,
Но сквозь щель не виден свет,
Там совсем нет солнца…

Что я чувствовал, что знал
Из страниц, что я листал?
За мною дверь, пропустить в нее тебя??
Что я чувствовал, что знал?
Я один, я так устал…
Ты будешь здесь? Ведь я один, кто ждет тебя…
Или ты непрощенная???

Ляг со мною, верь мне, боль ушла…
Не важно, любит или нет, любовь в ней умерла.
Она здесь будет, даже если я уйду,
Лишь на сердце новый шрам, даже если я уйду,
Даже если я уйду,
Даже если сгину…

Что я чувствовал, что знал
Из страниц, что я листал?
За мною дверь, пропустить в нее тебя??
Ляг со мною… Что я натворил??
Закрыта дверь – твои глаза,
Но солнце даст мне сил… Солнце даст мне сил…
Да, мне даст сил солнце…

Что я чувствовал, что знал
Из страниц, что я листал?
За мною дверь, пропустить в нее тебя??

Что я чувствовал, что знал?

От двери ключ
Укрываю я в тебя,
Ведь ты же непрощенная.

Навеки несвободная,
Другая, не как я,
Ведь ты же непрощённая...

4. The Unforgiven II Текст Текст

Lay beside me, tell me what they've done

Speak the words I wanna hear, to make my demons run
The door is locked now, but it's opened if you're true
If you can understand the me, then I can understand the you

Lay beside me, under wicked skies

Through black of day, dark of night, we share this paralyze
The door cracks open, but there's no sun shining through
Black heart scarring darker still, but there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining

What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you?

What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there, 'cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?

Come lay beside me, this won't hurt, I swear
She loves me not, she loves me still, but she'll never love again
She lay beside me, but she'll be there when I'm gone
Black hearts scarring darker still, yes, she'll be there when I'm gone
Yes, she'll be there when I'm gone
Dead sure she'll be there

What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you?

Lay beside me, tell me what I've done

The door is closed, so are your eyes
But now I see the sun, now I see the sun
Yes, now I see it

What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you?

Oh, what I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you
So I dub thee unforgiven

Oh, what I've felt
Oh, what I've known

I take this key
And I bury it in you
Because you're unforgiven too

Never free
Never me
'Cause you're unforgiven too

Unforgiven II

Lay beside me, tell me what they've done

Speak the words I wanna hear, to make my demons run
The door is locked now, but it's opened if you're true
If you can understand the me, then I can understand the you

Lay beside me, under wicked skies

Through black of day, dark of night, we share this paralyze
The door cracks open, but there's no sun shining through
Black heart scarring darker still, but there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining

What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you?

What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there, 'cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?

Come lay beside me, this won't hurt, I swear
She loves me not, she loves me still, but she'll never love again
She lay beside me, but she'll be there when I'm gone
Black hearts scarring darker still, yes, she'll be there when I'm gone
Yes, she'll be there when I'm gone
Dead sure she'll be there

What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you?

Lay beside me, tell me what I've done

The door is closed, so are your eyes
But now I see the sun, now I see the sun
Yes, now I see it

What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you?

Oh, what I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you
So I dub thee unforgiven

Oh, what I've felt
Oh, what I've known

I take this key
And I bury it in you
Because you're unforgiven too

Never free
Never me
'Cause you're unfor

5. Master of Puppets Текст Текст

End of passion play, crumbling away
I'm your source of self-destruction
Veins that pump with fear,
sucking darkest clear
Feeding on your deaths' construction

Taste me and you will see
More is all you need
You're dedicated to
How I'm killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your Master
Your life burns faster
Obey your Master

Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

Needlework the way, never you betray
Life of death becoming clearer
Pain monopoly, ritual misery
Chop your breakfast on a mirror

Taste me and you will see
More is all you need
You're dedicated to
How I'm killing you
(live version, "How I'm fucking you")

Come crawling faster
Obey your Master
Your life burns faster
Obey your Master

Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

Master, Master,
Where's the dreams that I've been after?
Master, Master,
You promised only lies
Laughter, Laughter,
All I hear and see is laughter
Laughter, Laughter,
Laughing at my cries

Hell is worth all that,
natural habitat
Just a rhyme without a reason
Neverending maze,
drift on numbered days
Now your life is out of season

I will ocupy
I will help you die
I will run though you
Now I rule you too

Come crawling faster
Obey your Master
Your life burns faster
Obey your Master

Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
ha ha ha
ha ha ha

6. Enter Sandman Текст Текст

Say your prayers little one
Don`t forget my son
To include everyone
I tuck you in
walk within
Keep you free from sin
'til the sandman he comes

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to never never-land

Something's wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren't of Snow White
Dreams of war
Dreams of liars
Dreams of dragons fire
And of things that will bite, yeah

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
take my hand
We're off to never never-land

Now I lay me down to sleep (x2)
Pray the lord my soul to keep (x2)
If I die before I wake (x2)
Pray the lord my soul to take (x2)

Hush little baby don't say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
It's just the beasts under your bed
In your closet and in your head

Exit light
Enter night
Grain of sand

Exit light
Enter Night
Take my hand!
We're off to never never-land

Yeah, ha ha ha


Yeah, yeah
oh, whoa

We're off to never never-land

Take my hand
We're off to never never-land
Take my hand
We're off to never never-land

We're off to never never-land

7. Turn the Page Текст Текст

Переверни страницу

К востоку от Омахи, на бесконечном
шоссе в полном одиночестве
Можешь без помех послушать нытье мотора
на одной ноте
И вспомнить женщину или девушку, с
которой познакомился вечером накануне

Но твои мысли быстро перескочат в
привычное русло, как всегда,
Когда ехать часов шестнадцать и
заняться нечем.
И ехать-то особо не хочется, скорей бы
уже добраться.

И вот я снова качу по дороге,
И вот я снова стою на сцене,
Вот я снова корчу из себя звезду,
Вот здесь - переверни страницу.

Вот ты заходишь в очередной ресторанчик,
едва живой с дороги.
И чувствуешь - пока пытаешься согреться,
все пялятся только на тебя.
Делаешь вид, что тебе все равно, хотя
хочется рвать и метать

Чаще всего до тебя не долетают обрывки
их разговоров, но иногда ты слышишь -
Ничего нового - "Это девка? Или парень?"

И кажется, ты вечно в меньшинстве и
страшно открыть рот
Ответить им всем.

И вот я снова качу по дороге,
И вот я снова стою на сцене,
Вот я снова корчу из себя звезду,
Вот здесь - переверни страницу.

В свете прожекторов ты словно на
другой планете
Стремишься выжать из себя и отдать
последнюю унцию энергии,
Чувствуешь, как пот стекает по спине
вместе с музыкой, которую играешь

А чуть позже тем же вечером валяешься
в постели без сна,
Эхо от усилителей звенит в голове,

Куришь последнюю за день сигарету,
Вспоминаешь ее слова
Ее слова.

И вот я снова качу по дороге,
И вот я снова стою на сцене,
Вот я снова корчу из себя звезду,
Вот здесь - переверни страницу.

On a long and lonesome highway, east of Omaha
You can listen to the engines
moanin' Out its one note song
You can think about the woman or the girl
You knew the night before

But your thoughts will soon be wandering
The way they always do
When you're ridin' sixteen hours
And there's nothin' much to do
And you don't feel much like riding
You just wish the trip was through

Here I am, On the road again
There I am, Up on the stage
There I go, Playin' star again
There I go, Turn the page

So you walk into this restaurant
Strung out from the road
And you feel the eyes upon you
As you're shaking off the cold
You pretend it doesn't bother you
But you just want to explode

most times you can't hear 'em talk
But other times you can
All the same old clichés:
"Is it woman? Is it man?"
And you always seem outnumbered
You don't dare make a stand
Make your stand

Here I am, On the road again
There I am, Up on the stage
Here I go, Playn' star again
There I go, Turn the page

Out there in the spotlight, you're a million miles away
Every ounce of energy, you try and give away
As the sweat pours out your body, like the music that you play

Later in the evenin' as you lie awake in bed
With the echoes of the amplifiers ringin' in your head
You smoke the day's last cigarette
Rememberin' what she said
What she said

(Yeah, what she said.)

Here I am, on the road again
There I am, up on the stage
Here I go, playn' star again
There I go, turn the page
And there I go, turn that page
There I go, yeah
Here I go, yeah(3x)
There I go, there I go
(And I'm gone)

8. The Memory Remains Текст Текст

Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane
But the memory remains

Heaven rains on fingers wave
Another star denies the grave
See the nowhere crowd, cry the nowhere tears of honor

Like twisted vines that grow
That hide and swallow mansions whole
And dim the light of an already faded prima donna

Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane...
Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane...
But the memory remains

Heaven rains old cigarettes
Up to lips that time forgets
While the Hollywood sun sets behind your back

And can't the band play on?
Just listen, they play my song
Ash to ash
Dust to dust
Fade to black

Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane...
Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane...
Dance little tin goddess


Drift away
Fade away
Little tin goddess

Ash to ash
Dust to dust
Fade to black

Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane...
Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane...
But the memory remains

Ash to ash
Dust to dust
Fade to black...
But the memory remains

Faded prima donna yeah, yeah

Dance little tin goddess, dance

9. Whiskey in the Jar Текст Текст

As i was going over
The Kork and Kerry mountains
I saw Captain Farrell
And his money he was counting
I first produced my pistol
And then produced my rapier
I said "Stand and deliver
Or the devil he may take you"

I took all of his money
And it was a pretty penny
I took all of his money and
I brought it home to Molly
She swore that she'd love me
No Never would she leave me
But the devil take that woman
For you know she treat me easy


Mush a ring dum a doo dum a da
Whack for my daddy'o
Whack for my daddy'o, there's
Whisky in the jar, o

Being drunk and weary
I went to Molly's chamber
Taking my Molly with me
And i never knew the danger
For about six or maybe seven
In walked Captain Farrell
I jumped up, fired off my pistols
And i shot him with both barrels


Now some men like the fishing
And some men like fowling
And some men like to hear
The cannonballs are roaring
Me - I like sleeping
Specially in my Molly's chamber
But here i am in prison,
Here i am with a ball and chain, yeah

10. One Текст Текст

I can't remember anything
Can't tell if this is true or dream
Deep down inside I feel to scream
This terrible silence stops me

Now what the war is through with me
I'm waking up , I cannot see
That there's not much left of me
Nothing is real but pain now

Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please God , wake me

Back in the womb it's much too real
In pumps life that I must feel
But can't look forward to reveal
Look to the time when I'll live

Fed through the tube that sticks in me
Just like a wartime novelty
Tied to machines that make me be
Cut this life off from me

Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please God , wake me
Now the world is gone , I'm just one
Oh God , help me hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh , please God help me

Darkness imprisoning me
all that I see
absolute horror
I cannot live
I cannot die
trapped in myself
body my holding cell

Landmine has taken my sight
taken my speech
taken my hearing
taken my arms
taken my legs
taken my soul
left me with life in hell

11. The Day That Never Comes Текст Текст

Born to push you around,
Better just stay down,

You put away,
He hit's the flesh,
You hit the ground,
Mouth so full of lies,
Tend to black your eyes,

Just keep them closed,
Keep praying just keep waiting,

Waiting for the one,
The day that never comes,
When you stand up and feel the warmth,
But the sunshine never comes,

No the sunshine never comes

Pushed you across that line,
Just stay down this time,

Hide in yourself,
Crawl in yourself,
You'll have your time,

God I'll make them pay,
Take you back one day,
I'll end this day,
I'll splatter color on this gray,

Waiting for the one,
The day that never comes,
When you stand up and feel the warmth,
But the sunshine never comes,

Love is a four letter word,
And never spoken here,
Love is a four letter word,
Here in this prison,

I suffer this no longer,
I'll put an end to,
This i swear, This i swear,

The sun will shine,
This i swear, This i swear,
This i swear

12. Fade to Black Текст Текст

Life, it seems, will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters, no one else

I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free

Things not what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Can't stand this hell I feel

Emptiness is filling me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now he's gone

No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
Now I can't think, think why I should even try

Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye, *Goodbye*

13. Mama Said Текст Текст

Mama Said (оригинал Metallica )

Mama, she has taught me well
Told me when I was young
"Son, your life's an open book
Don't close it 'fore its done"
"The brightest flame burns quickest"
That's what I heard her say
A son's heart sowed to mother
But I must find my way

Let my heart go
Let your son grow
Mama, let my heart go
Or let this heart be still
Yeah, still

Rebel, mind your last name
Wild blood in my veins
They bring strings around my neck
The mark that still remains
Left home at an early age
Of what I heard was wrong
I never asked forgiveness
But what is said is done

Let my heart go
Let your son grow
Mama, let my heart go
Let this heart be still
Never I ask of you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness
That I'll take to my grave
Never I ask of you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness
That I'll take to my grave
So let this heart be still

Mama, now I'm coming home
I'm not all you wished of me
A mother's love for her son
Spoken, help me be
I took your love for granted
Not a thing you said to me
I needed your arms to welcome me
But, a cold stone's all I see

Let my heart go
Let your son grow
Mama, let my heart go
Or let this heart be still
Let my heart go
Mama, let my heart go
You never let my heart go
So let this heart be still
Never I ask of you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness
That I'll take to my grave
Never I ask of you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness
That I'll take to my grave
So let this heart be still.

Мама говорила (перевод Unforgiver )

Мама учила меня,
Говорила мне пацану, -
Сын, жизнь твоя - открытый учебник,
Не закрывай его, пока не закончишь.
Тише едешь, дальше будешь, -
Слышал я от неё.
Слова запали в душу,
Но я искал свой путь.

Отпусти моё сердце.
Позволь своему сыну повзрослеть.
Мама, отпусти моё сердце
Или позволь этому сердцу успокоиться.
Да, затихнуть.

Бунтарь, помни свои корни.
Дикая кровь в моих жилах.
Меня захомутали,
Тавро ещё остаётся.
Покинул дом я рано.
Что слышал - не признавал.
Никогда не просил прощения,
Но слово я держал.

Отпусти моё сердце.
Позволь своему сыну повзрослеть.
Мама, отпусти моё сердце
Или позволь этому сердцу успокоиться.
Никогда не просил у тебя,
Но ничего и не давал.
Но ты дала мне свою пустоту,
Которая останется со мной до конца.
Никогда не просил у тебя,
Но ничего и не давал.
Но ты дала мне свою пустоту,
Что останется со мной до конца.
Да упокоится это сердце.

Мама, теперь я возвращаюсь домой,
Я не все твои мечты.
Материнская любовь во мне
Жила, помогала мне жить.
Я взял твою любовь за основу -
Не то, чему учила ты.
Я ждал, что твои объятья встретят меня,
Но могильный камень - всё, что я вижу...

Отпусти моё сердце.
Позволь своему сыну повзрослеть.
Мама, отпусти моё сердце.
Позволь этому сердцу успокоиться.
Отпусти моё сердце.
Ты никогда не отпустишь моё сердце.
Так что позволь этому сердцу успокоиться.
Никогда не прошу у тебя,
Но ничего и не давал.
Но ты дала мне свою пустоту,
Которая останется со мной до конца.
Никогда не прошу у тебя,
Но ничего и не давал.
Но ты дала мне свою пустоту,
Которая останется со мной до конца.
Да упокоится это сердце.

14. Sad But True Текст Текст

I'm your life
I'm the one who takes you there
I'm your life
I'm the one who cares
They betray
I'm your only true friend now
They'll betray
I'm forever there

I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
sad but true

I'm your dream, mind astray
I'm your eyes while you're away
I'm your pain while you repay
you know it's sad but true

You're my mask
You're my cover, my shelter
You're my mask
You're the one who's blamed
Do my work
Do my dirty work, scapegoat
Do my deeds
For you're the one who's shamed

I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
sad but true

I'm your dream, mind astray
I'm your eyes while you're away
I'm your pain while you repay
you know it's sad but true

I'm your hate
I'm your hate when you want love
Pay the price
Pay, for nothing's fair

I'm your life
I'm the one who took you here
I'm your life
And I no longer care

I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
sad but true

I'm your truth, telling lies
I'm your reasoned alibis
I'm inside open your eyes
I'm you

15. Until It Sleeps Текст Текст

Where do I take this pain of mine
I run but it stays right by my side

So tear me open, pour me out
These things inside they scream and shout
And the pain still hates me
So hold me until it sleeps

Just like a curse, just like a stray
You feed it once and now it stays
Now it stays

So tear me open, but beware
There's things inside without a care
And the dirt still stains me
So wash me until I'm clean

It grips you so hold me
It stains you so hold me
It hates you so hold me
It holds you so hold me
Until it sleeps...

So tell me why you've chosen me
Don't want your grip
Don't want your greed
Don't want it

I'll Tear me open, make you gone
No more can you hurt anyone
And the fear still shakes me
So hold me until it sleeps

I don't want it.....NO

It grips you so hold me
It stains you so hold me
It hates you so hold me
It holds you, holds you, holds you
Until it sleeps...

So tear me open, but beware
The pain's inside without a care
And the dirt still stains me
So wash me til I'm clean

I'll Tear me open, make you gone
No longer will you hurt anyone
And the hate still shakes me
So hold me until it sleeps
Until it sleeps
Until it sleeps
Until it sleeps

пока они спят

Откуда взялась эта боль?
Я бегу, но она остается cо мной.
Так разорви же меня, выплесни наружу.
Внутри тебя есть что-то, что кричит и вопиет,
И боль все еще ненавидит меня.
Так держите же меня, пока она спит.

Подобно бедствию, подобно бездомному,
Ты накормишь её, и она остается.
Так разорви же меня, но остерегайся:
Внутри тебя есть что-то, оставленное без присмотра,
И грязь все ещё пристает ко мне.
Так отмойте же меня пока я не очищусь

Она привлечет твое внимание - держите меня.
Она запятнает тебя - держите меня.
Она возненавидит тебя - держите меня.
Она завладеет тобой - держите меня,
Пока она спит.

Так скажи же мне, почему выбран я?
Ведь мне не нужна твоя власть, не нужна твоя жадность.
Я разорву себя, заставлю тебя уйти,
Ты больше не сможешь причинить кому-нибудь боль,
И я всё ещё дрожу от страха.
Так держите же меня, пока она спит.

Она привлечет твое внимание - держите меня.
Она запятнает тебя - держите меня.
Она возненавидит тебя - держите меня.
Она завладеет тобой - держите меня,
Она держит тебя, держит тебя, держит тебя
Пока она спит.

Я не хочу это, хочу это, хочу это, хочу это, нет
Так разорви же меня, но остерегайся:
Внутри тебя есть что-то, оставленное без присмотра,
И грязь все ещё пристает ко мне.
Так отмойте же меня пока я не очищусь
Я разорву себя, заставлю тебя уйти,
Ты больше не будешь причинять боль.
И страх всё ещё режет меня,
Так держите же меня, пока она спит...
Пока она спит...
Пока она спит...
Пока она спит...

16. For Whom the Bell Tolls Текст Текст

Make his fight on the hills in the early day
Constant chill deep inside
Shouting gun on they run through the endless gray
On they fight for their right, yes, but who's to say?

For a hill, men would kill, why? They do not know
[Incomprehensible] wounds test their pride
Men of five, still alive through the raging glow
Gone insane from the pain and they surely know

For whom the bell tolls
Time marches on
For whom the bell tolls

Take a look to the sky just before you die
It is the last time he will
Blackened roar, massive roar fills the crumbling sky
Shattered goal fills his soul with a ruthless cry

Stranger now are his eyes to this mystery
He hears the silence so loud
Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be
Now they see what will be blinded eyes to see


17. I Disappear Текст Текст

Hey, hey, hey
Here I go now, here I go into new days(x2

I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer

hey, hey, heeee-heeeey
Here I go into new days

Hey, hey, hey
Ain't no mercy, ain't no mercy there for me(x2)

I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer

Hey, hey, heeee-heeeey
Ain't no mercy, ain't no mercy there for me

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong, then it's time I disappear

Hey, hey, hey
And i went on, then I went on down that road

I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer

Hey, hey, heeeeee-heeeeey
And i went, then I went on down that road

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong, then it's time I disappear(2x)

I'm gone! I'm gone! I'm gone baby!

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong, then it's time I disappear(2x)

Oh, disappear

18. Fuel Текст Текст

Gimme fuel, gimme fire
Gimme that which I desire

Turn on, I see red
Adrenaline crash and crack my head
Nitro junkie, paint me dead
And I see red

A hundred plus through black and whites, ha, ha
War horse, warhead
Fuck 'em man, white knuckle tight
Through black and white

Ooh, and I burn
Fuel is pumping engines
Burnin' hard, loose and clean

And I burn
Turning my direction
Quench my thirst with gasoline

So gimme fuel, gimme fire
Gimme that which I desire, hey

Hey, turn on beyond the bone
Swallow future, spit out hope
Burn your face upon that chrome

Take the corner, going to crash
Headlights, head on, headlines
Another junkie lives too fast
Yeah, lives way too fast, fast, fast, woh

Ooh, and I burn
Fuel is pumping engines
Burnin' hard, loose and clean

Ooh, and I burn
Churning my direction
Quench my thirst with gasoline

So gimme fuel, gimme fire
Gimme that which I desire

Ooh, yeah, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey
Feel it burning
Burn my fuckin' pain

Ooh, I burn
Fuel is pumping engines
Burnin' hard, loose and clean

Then I burn
Turning my direction
Quench my thirst with gasoline

Gimme fuel, gimme fire
Gimme that which I desire, yeah

That burn, yeah

Дай мне топлива, дай огня,
Дай то, что я хочу!

Завожу, я вижу красный свет.
Адреналин долбит и трещит у меня в голове.
Я наркозависим от скорости, без нее помру.
И я вижу красный свет.

Скорость уже за сотню, я мчусь через тьму и свет, ха-ха!
Это мой боевой конь, моя боеголовка.
Пошли их всех, и, сжав руль в кулаках,
Мчись через тьму и свет.

Ооо, и я горю.
Подливаю топлива в движок,
Чтобы горело помощней, и я чист и свободен.

И я горю,
Следую в своем направлении,
Утоляю свою бензиновую жажду.

Так дай же мне топлива, дай огня,
Дай то, что я хочу!

Эй, а что там за поворотом?..
Забыть о будущем, плевать на надежду,
Сожги свой передок, пока он не станет хромовым.

Не вписался в поворот - готовься в аварии.
Фары, прямо, впереди -
Еще один наркоман живет слишком быстро.
Да, и он слишком быстр, быстр, быстр, уау!

Ооо, и я горю.
Подливаю топлива в движок,
Чтобы горело помощней, и я чист и свободен.

И я горю,
Следую в своем направлении,
Утоляю свою бензиновую жажду.

Так дай же мне топлива, дай огня,
Дай то, что я хочу!

О, да, эй.

Эй, эй, эй, эй,
Эй, эй, эй, эй,
Эй, эй.
Почувствуй, как оно горит
И сжигает мою боль.

Ооо, и я горю.
Подливаю топлива в движок,
Чтобы горело помощней, и я чист и свободен.

И я горю,
Следую в своем направлении,
Утоляю свою бензиновую жажду.

Так дай же мне топлива, дай огня,
Дай то, что я хочу! Да!

Так горит, да!

19. The Unforgiven III Текст Текст

How could he know this new dawn's light
Would change his life forever?
Set sail to sea but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure

Was he the one causing pain
With his careless dreaming?
Been afraid
Always afraid
Of the things he's feeling?
He could just be gone

He would just sail on
He would just sail on

How can I be lost
If I've got nowhere to go?
Searched the seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost
In remembrance I relive
How can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

These days drift on inside a fog
It's thick and suffocating
This seeking life outside its hell
Inside intoxicating
He's run aground
Like his life
Water's much too shallow
Slipping fast
Down with the ship
Fading in the shadows now
A castaway

All gone

Blame gone away

How can I be lost
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost
In remembrance I relive
And how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me, why can't I forgive me?

Set sail to sea but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure
How could he know this new dawn's light
Would change his life forever

How can I be lost
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost
In remembrance I relive
So how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

The Unforgiven III

How could he know this new dawn's light
Would change his life forever?
Set sail to sea but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure

Was he the one causing pain
With his careless dreaming?
Been afraid
Always afraid
Of the things he's feeling
He could just be gone

He would just sail on
He would just sail on

How can I be lost?
If I've got nowhere to go?
Searched the seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost
In remembrance I relive
How can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

These days drift on inside a fog
It's thick and suffocating
This seeking life outside its hell
Inside intoxicating
He's run aground
Like his life
Water's much too shallow
Slipping fast
Down with the ship
Fading in the shadows now
A castaway

Blame all gone away
Blame gone away

How can I be lost
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost
In remembrance I relive
And how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me, why can't I forgive me?

Set sail to sea but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure
How could he know this new dawn's light
Would change his life forever

How can I be lost
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost
In remembrance I relive
So how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

20. Astronomy Текст Текст

(Originally recorded by Blue Oyster Cult)

Clock strikes twelve and moondrops burst
Out at you from their hiding place
Like acid and oil on a madman's face
His reasons tend to fly away

Like lesser birds on the four winds
Like silver scrapes in May
Now the sands become a crust
And most of you have gone away

Come Susy dear, let's take a walk
Just out there upon the beach
I know you'll soon be married
And you'll want to know where the winds come from

Well it's never said at all
On the map that Carrie reads
Behind the clock back there you know
At the four winds bar

Yeah, hey, hey, hey, hey
Four winds at the four winds bar
Two doors locked and windows barred
One door let to take you in
The other one just mirrors it
Hey, hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey

Ooh, in hellish glare and inference
The other one's a duplicate
The queenly flux, eternal light
Or the light that never warms
Yes, the light, that never, never warms
Yes, the light, that never, never warms
Never warms
Never warms

The clock strikes twelve and moondrops burst
Out at you from their hiding place
Miss Carrie nurse and Suzy dear
Would find themselves at four winds bar

It's the nexus of the crisis
And the origin of storms
Just the place to hopelessly
Encounter time and then came me
Hey, hey, hey, hey

Call me Desdenova, eternal light
These gravely digs of mine
Will surely prove a sight
Hey, and don't forget my dog, fixed and consequent

Astronomy...a star
Astronomy...a star
Astronomy...a star
Astronomy...a star
Astronomy...a star

21. Welcome Home (Sanitarium) Текст Текст

Welcome to where time stands still
No one leaves and no one will
Moon is full, never seems to change
Just labeled mentally deranged
Dream the same thing every night
I see our freedom in my sight
No locked doors, no windows barred
No things to make my brain seem scarred

Sleep, my friend, and you will see
That dream is my reality
They keep me locked up in this cage
Can't they see it's why my brain says “rage”

Sanitarium, leave me be
Sanitarium, just leave me alone

Build my fear of what's out there
Cannot breathe the open air
Whisper things into my brain
Assuring me that I'm insane
They think our heads are in their hands
But violent use brings violent plans
Keep him tied, it makes him well
He's getting better, can't you tell?

No more can they keep us in
Listen, damn it, we will win
They see it right, they see it well
But they think this saves us from our hell

Sanitarium, leave me be
Sanitarium, just leave me alone
Sanitarium, just leave me alone

Fear of living on
Natives getting restless now
Mutiny in the air
Got some death to do
Mirror stares back hard
Kill, it's such a friendly word
Seems the only way
For reaching out again

22. So What Текст Текст

Кого это ибет?

Кого, блять, ибет?

Ну, я был в Хэстинге,
Я был на Брайтоне,
И в Истпорте тоже.

Кого это ибет?
Кого это ибет?

Я бывал тут,
Бывал там.
Да я бывал, блять, везде!

Кого это ибет?
Кого ибет?
Ибет? Ибет, маленький скучный пизденышь?

Кого ибет?
Кого ибет, что ты делаешь?
Да, кого ибет?
Кого ибет, что там делаешь ты? Ты. Ты! Ты! Ты!

Да я ибал королеву.
Я ибал ибаного.
Я даже сосал йайца старого мужика!

Кого это ибет?
Кого это ибет?

Я выибал овцу.
Я ибал козу.
Я пихал им свои йайца прям в глотку!

Кого это ибет?
Кого ибет?
Ибет? Ибет, маленький нудный уебок?

Кого ибет?
Кого ибет, что ты делаешь?
Да, кого ибет?
Кого ибет, что там делаешь ты? Ты. Ты! Ты! Ты!

Я пил то,
Я пил это.
Я опрокидывал пинту мочи!

Кого это ибет?
Кого это ибет?

Я жрал дурь.
Я жрал спиды.
Я обдалбывался до кровотечения.

Кого это ибет?
Кого ибет?
Ибет? Ибет, маленький скучный пизденышь?

Кого ибет?
Кого ибет, что ты делаешь?
Да, кого ибет?
Кого ибет, что там делаешь ты? Ты. Ты! Ты! Ты!

У меня были "крабы" (О_о... видимо жаргонное название каких-то паразитов)
У меня были вши.
У меня были всякие паразиты и это паршиво.

Кого это ибет?
Кого это ибет?

Я ибал то.
Я ибал это.
Я даже отибал несколько школьных пизденок.

Кого ибет?
Кого ибет, что ты делаешь?
Да, кого ибет?
Кого ибет, что там делаешь ты? Ты. Ты! Ты! Ты!

Кого, блять, ибет?
Йееееа! )))

23. Creeping Death Текст Текст

Hebrews born to serve
To the pharaoh
To his every word
Live in fear
Of the unknown one
The deliverer
Something must be done
Four hundred years

So let it be written
So let it be done
I'm sent here by the chosen one
So let it be written
So let it be done
To kill the first-born pharaoh son
I'm creeping death

Let my people go
Land of Goshen
I will be with thee
Bush of fire
Running red and strong
Down the Nile
Darkness three days long
Hail to fire

So let it be written
So let it be done
I'm sent here by the chosen one
So let it be written
So let it be done
To kill the first-born pharaoh son
I'm creeping death

Die by my hand
I creep across the land
Killing first-born man
Die by my hand
I creep across the land
Killing first born man

Rule the midnight air
The destroyer
I shall soon be there
Deadly mass
Creep the steps and floor
Final darkness
Lambs blood painted door
I shall pass

So let it be written
So let it be done
I'm sent here by the chosen one
So let it be written
So let it be done
To kill the first-born pharaoh son
I'm creeping death

24. Seek and Destroy Текст Текст

Scanning the scene
in the city tonight
Looking for you
to start up a fight
There's an evil feeling in our brains
But it's nothing new
you know it drives us insane

On our way
You will pay
One thousand deaths
On our way
You will pay
One thousand deaths
Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy!
Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy

There is no escape
and that's for sure
This is the end we won't take any more
Say goodbye to the world you live in
You've always been BITCHING
but now you're KILLING

On our way
You will pay
One thousand deaths
On our way
You will pay
One thousand deaths
Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy!
Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy!!

Our brains are on fire
with the feeling to kill
And it won't go away
'til our dreams are fulfilled
There is only one thing on our minds
Don’t try running away
`cause you’re the one we will find

On our way
You will pay
One thousand deaths
On our way
You will pay
One thousand deaths
Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy!
Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy

25. Ride the Lightning Текст Текст

Guilty as charged
But damn it, it ain't right
There's someone else controlling me
Death in the air
Strapped in the electric chair
This can't be happening to me

Who made you God to say,
I'll take your life from you?

Flash before my eyes
Now it's time to die
Burning in my brain
I can feel the flame

Wait for the sign
To flick the switch of death
It's the beginning of the end
Sweat, chilling cold
As I watch death unfold
Consciousness my only friend

My fingers grip with fear
What am I doing here?

Flash before my eyes
Now it's time to die
Burning in my brain
I can feel the flame

Someone help me
Oh please, God help me
They are trying to take it all away
I don't want to die

Time moving slow
The minutes seem like hours
The final curtain call I see
How true is this
Just get it over with
If this is true, just let it be

Wakened by horrid scream
Freed from this frightening dream

Flash before my eyes
Now it's time to die
Burning in my brain
I can feel the flame

26. Wherever I May Roam Текст Текст

...And the road becomes my bride
I have stripped of all but pride
So in her I do confide
And she keeps me satisfied
Gives me all I need

...And with dust in throat I crave
Only knowledge will I save
To the game you stay a slave
Rover, wanderer
Nomad, vagabond
Call me what you will

But I'll take my time anywhere
Free to speak my mind anywhere
And I'll redefine anywhere

Anywhere I roam
Where I lay my head is home

...And the earth becomes my throne
I adapt to the unknown
Under wandering stars I've grown
By myself but not alone
I ask no one

...And my ties are severed clean
The less I have, the more I gain
Off the beaten path I reign
Rover, wanderer
Nomad, vagabond
Call me what you will

But I'll take my time anywhere
I'm free to speak my mind anywhere
And I'll never mind anywhere

Anywhere I roam
Where I lay my head is home

But I'll take my time anywhere
I'm free to speak my mind
And I'll take my find anywhere

Anywhere I roam
Where I lay my head is home

Carved upon my stone
My body lie, but still I roam
Wherever I may roam
Wherever I may roam
Wherever I may roam

Lyrics - James Hetfield
Music - Lars Ulrich

27. St. Anger Текст Текст

St. Anger.

Saint Anger 'round my neck
Saint Anger 'round my neck
He never gets respect
Saint Anger 'round my neck

(You flush it out, you flush it out)
Saint Anger 'round my neck
(You flush it out, you flush it out)
He never gets respect

Fuck it all and no regrets
I hit the lights on these dark sets
I need a voice to let myself
To let myself go free
Fuck it all and fuckin' no regrets
I hit the lights on these dark sets
Medallion noose I hang myself

Saint Anger 'round my neck

I feel my world shake
Like an earthquake
Hard to see clear
Is it me? Is it fear?

I'm madly in anger with you

And I want my anger to be healthy
And I want my anger just for me
And I need my anger not to control, yeah!
And I want my anger not to be me
And I need to set my anger free



Праведный гнев.

Праведный гнев душит меня
Праведный гнев душит меня
Он никогда не получает уважения
Праведный гнев душит меня

(Ты отбрасываешь его)
Праведный гнев душит меня
(Ты отбрасываешь его)
Он никогда не получает уважения

К чертям всё и никаких сожалений
Я пролил свет на эту тьму
Мне нужен голос, чтобы позволить себе,
Чтобы позволить себе стать свободным
К чертям всё и никаких сожалений
Я пролил свет на эту тьму
Я повешусь в петле медальона
Праведный гнев душит меня

Я чувствую, что мой мир пошатнулся
Это как землетрясение
Трудно понять,
Я ли это? Страх ли это?

Я нахожусь в безумном гневе из-за тебя

И я хочу быть в гневе, чтобы оставаться в здравом уме
Я и хочу быть в гневе для самого себя
И мне нужен мой гнев, чтобы быть неуправляемым
И я хочу быть в гневе, чтобы быть собой
И мне нужно дать волю своему гневу


28. Loverman Текст Текст


There’s a devil waiting outside your door
(How much longer)
There’s a devil waiting outside your door
It is bucking and braying and pawing at the floor
And he’s howling with pain and crawling up the walls
There’s a devil waiting outside your door
He’s weak with evil and broken by the world
He’s shouting your name and he’s asking for more
There’s a devil waiting outside your door

Since the world began
Forever, Amen
Till end of time
Take off that dress
I’m coming down
I’m your loverman
Cause I am what I am what I am what I am

L is for LOVE, baby
O is for ONLY you that I do
V is for loving VIRTUALLY all that you are
E is for loving almost EVERYTHING that you do
R is for RAPE me
M is for MURDER me
A is for ANSWERING all of my prayers
N is for KNOWING your loverman’s going to be the answer to all of yours

Till the bitter end
While empires burn down
Forever and ever and ever and ever
Amen I’m your loverman
So help me, baby so help me
Cause I am what I am what I am what I am
I’ll be your loverman!

There’s a devil crawling along your floor
(How much longer)
There’s a devil crawling along your floor
With a trembling heart, he’s coming through your door
With his straining sex in his jumping paw
There’s a devil crawling along your floor
And he’s old and he’s stupid and
He’s hungry and he’s sore
And he’s lame and he’s blind
And he’s dirty and he’s poor
Give him more
There’s a devil crawling along your floor

Here I stand
Forever, Amen
Cause I am what I am what I am what I am
Forgive me, baby
My hands are tied
And I got no choice
No, I got no choice at all

I’ll say it again
L is for LOVE, baby
O is for O yes I do
V is for VIRTUE, so I ain’t gonna hurt you
E is for EVEN if you want me to
R is for RENDER unto me, baby
M is for that which is MINE
A is for ANY old how, darling
N is for ANY old time

I’ll be your loverman! I got a master plan
To take off your dress
And be your man
Seize the throne
Seize the mantle
Seize the crown Cause I am what I am
What I am what I am I’m your loverman!
There’s a devil lying by your side
You might think he’s asleep but look at his eyes
He wants you, baby, to be his bride
There’s a devil lying by your side

29. Through the Never Текст Текст

All that is, was and will be
Universe much too big to see

Time and space never ending
Disturbing thoughts, questions pending
Limitations of human understanding
Too quick to criticize
Obligation to survive
We hunger to be alive

All that is, ever
Ever was
Will be ever
Through the never

In the dark, see past our eyes
Pursuit of truth no matter where it lies

Gazing up to the breeze of the heavens
On a quest, meaning, reason
Came to be, how it begun
All alone in the family of the sun
Curiosity teasing everyone
On our home, third stone from the sun

All that is, ever
Ever was
Will be ever
Through the never

On through the never
We must go
On through the never
Out to the
Edge of forever
We must go
On through the never
Then never comes

All that is, ever
Ever was
Will be ever
Who we are
Ask forever
Through the never


30. Battery Текст Текст

Lashing out the action, returning the reaction
Weak are ripped and torn away
Hypnotizing power, crushing all that cower
Battery is here to stay

Smashing through the boundaries, lunacy has found me
Cannot stop the battery
Pounding out aggression turns into obsession
Cannot kill the battery
Cannot kill the family, battery is found in me


Crushing all deceivers, mashing non-believers
Never-ending potency
Hungry violence-seeker feeding off the weaker
Breeding on insanity

Smashing through the boundaries, lunacy has found me
Cannot stop the battery
Pounding out aggression turns into obsession
Cannot kill the battery
Cannot kill the family, battery is found in me


Circle of destruction, hammer comes crushing
Powerhouse of energy
Whipping up a fury, dominating flurry
We create the battery

Smashing through the boundaries, lunacy has found me
Cannot stop the battery
Pounding out aggression turns into obsession
Cannot kill the battery
Cannot kill the family, battery is found in me


Совершишь действие - получишь реакцию.
Слабые разодраны и растерзаны,
Сила гипноза всё сокрушает и заставляет пригибаться к земле.
Дивизион здесь, чтобы остаться...

Прорвавшись через границы,
Безумие нашло меня.
Невозможно остановить Дивизион,
Источающий агрессию.
Впав в одержимость,
Невозможно убить Дивизион...

Не могу убить семью,
Я обнаружил дивизион в себе...


...Уничтожает всех лгунов, раздавливает всех неверующих -
Безграничное могущество.
Проголодавшийся искатель насилия, питающийся слабаками,
Плодит безумие...

Прорвавшись через границы,
Безумие нашло меня.
Невозможно остановить Дивизион,
Источающий агрессию.
Впав в одержимость,
Невозможно убить Дивизион...

Не могу убить семью,
Я обнаружил дивизион в себе...


Круг разрушения - кувалда уничтожает всё.
Источник энергии
Подогревает ярость, господствуя над суматохой.
Мы создаем Дивизион.

Прорвавшись через границы,
Безумие нашло меня.
Невозможно остановить Дивизион,
Источающий агрессию.
Впав в одержимость,
Невозможно убить Дивизион...

Не могу убить семью,
Я обнаружил дивизион в себе...


31. Motorbreath Текст Текст

Living and dying laughing and crying
Once you have seen it you will never be the same
Life in the fast lane is just how it seems
Hard and it is heavy dirty and mean

Its how I live my life
I can't take it any other way
The sign of living fast
It is going to take
Your breath away

Don't stop for nothing its full speed or nothing
I am taking down you know whatever is in my way
Getting your kicks as you are shooting the line
Sending the shivers up and down my spine

Its how I live my life
I can't take it any other way
The sign of living fast
It is going to take
Your breath away

Those people who tell you not to take chances
They are all missing on what life is about
You only live once so take hold of the chance
Don't end up like others the same song and dance

Its how I live my life
I can't take it any other way
The sign of living fast
It is going to take
Your breath away

32. Hate Train Текст Текст

Hate is a train
That thunders aimless through my head
And hate is the fame
Chained to the wheel until I’m dead

Rage is a flame
Creates a touch to boil the seas
And rage is to blame
Forever sorry I shall be

And from a darkness I descend
Clenching a torch of sweet revenge

You took away tomorrow, still I stand
I ride into the sorrow, still I stand
You took away tomorrow, still I stand
Straight down into the sorrow, but still I stand

Wrath is the name
Branding suffer onto you
And wrath takes the shame
And holds me down until its through

And from a darkness I descend
Clenching a torch of sweet revenge

You took away tomorrow, still I stand
I ride into the sorrow, still I stand
You took away tomorrow, still I stand
I sink into the sorrow, but still I stand

And hate is a train
A beast awakened by your call
And hate is a train
A beast that never slows at all

And from a darkness I descend
Clenching a torch of sweet revenge
Burst into flame, the bitter end
And shake the gates of hell again

I’m left to drown in sorrow…

You took away tomorrow, still I stand
I ride into the sorrow, still I stand
You took away tomorrow, still I stand
You left me here with sorrow, still I stand

33. The Unforgiven II (есть перевод) Текст Текст

Ляг рядом со мной, расскажи, что они сотворили.

Расскажи мне то, что я хочу слышать, изгони моих бесов.
Дверь заперта, но твоя искренность откроет ее.
Если ты сможешь меня понять, я пойму тебя.

Ляг рядом со мной, под этими злыми небесами.

Ни темным днем, ни непроглядной ночью, никто из нас не в состоянии двинуться.
Дверь распахивается с треском, но из-за нее не пробивается солнечный свет.
Черное сердце еще больше темнеет от рубцов, но солнца все нет.
Нет, солнца все нет.
Нет, солнца все нет.

Что я пережил, что я узнал,
Пролистав все книги, обшарив все углы
Всё это - за этой дверью. Открыть ее для тебя?

Что я пережил, что я узнал,
Уставший до смерти я стою в одиночестве.
Ты будешь рядом? Ведь я жду только тебя.
Или ты тоже непрощенная?

Иди, ляг рядом со мной. Больно не будет, обещаю.
Любит - не любит, но полюбить другого она уже не сможет.
Сейчас она лежит рядом со мной, но за порогом смерти я встречу ее вновь.
Черное сердце еще больше темнеет от рубцов, но я встречу ее вновь, когда умру.
Да, я встречу ее вновь, когда умру.
Абсолютно точно, я встречу ее вновь.


Ляг рядом со мной, расскажи, что я натворил.
Дверь закрыта, как и твои глаза,
Но теперь я вижу солнце.
Да, я его вижу.


О, что я пережил, что я узнал,
Пролистав все книги, обшарив все углы
Всё это - за этой дверью. Открыть ее для тебя?
Нарекаю тебя непрощенной.

О, что я пережил,
О, что я узнал

Я беру этот ключ
И скрываю его в тебе,
Ибо ты тоже непрощенная

Навсегда в неволе,
Навсегда ничей,
Ибо ты тоже непрощенная.

34. Harvester of Sorrow Текст Текст

My Life Suffocates
Planting Seeds of Hate
I've Loved, Turned to Hate
Trapped Far Beyond My Fate

I Give
You Take
This Life That I Forsake
Been Cheated of My Youth
You Turned this Lie to Truth

You'll Suffer unto Me

Harvester of Sorrow
Language of the Mad
Harvester of Sorrow

Pure Black Looking Clear
My Work Is Done Soon Here
Try Getting Back to Me
Get Back Which Used to Be

Drink up
Shoot in
Let the Beatings Begin
Distributor of Pain
Your Loss Becomes My Gain

You'll Suffer unto Me

Harvester of Sorrow
Language of the Mad
Harvester of Sorrow

All Have Said Their Prayers
Invade Their Nightmares
To see into My Eyes
You'll Find Where Murder Lies


Harvester of Sorrow
Language of the Mad
Harvester of Sorrow
Language of the Mad
Harvester of Sorrow
Harvester of Sorrow
Harvester of Sorrow
Harvester of Sorrow

35. Hero of the Day Текст Текст

The window burns to light the way back home
A light that warms no matter where they've gone
They're off to find the hero of the day
But what if they should fall by someone's wicked way

Still the window burns
Time so slowly turns
And someone there is sighing
Keepers of the flames
Can you feel your names?
Can't you hear your baby's crying?
Mama they try and break me
Still they try and break me

S'cuse me while I tend to how I feel
These things return to me that still seem real

Now deservingly this easy chair
But the rocking stopped by wheels of despair

Don't want your aid
But the fist I've made
For years, can't hold or feel
No I'm not all me
So please excuse me
While I tend to how I feel

But now the dreams and waking screams
That everlast the night
So build a wall
Behind it crawl
And hide until it's light
Can't you hear your baby's crying now?

Still the window burns
Time so slowly turns
And someone there is sighing
Keepers of the flames
Can't you feel your names?
Can't you hear your baby's crying?

But now the dreams and waking screams
That everlast the night
So build a wall
Behind it crawl
And hide until it's light
Can't you hear your baby's crying now?

Oh they try and break me
Oh they try and break me
Oh they try and break me
Oh they try
Oh they try
Oh they try and break me
Oh they try and break me
Oh they try and break me
Oh they try
Oh they try

36. The Four Horsemen Текст Текст

By the last breath of the fourth winds blow
Better raise your ears
The sound of hooves knocks at your door
Lock up your wife and children now
It's time to wield the blade
For now you have got some company

The Horsemen are drawing nearer
On the leather steeds they ride
They have come to take your life
On through the dead of night
With the four Horsemen ride
or choose your fate and die

You have been dying since the day
You were born
You know it has all been planned
The quartet of deliverance rides
A sinner once a sinner twice
No need for confession now
Cause now you have got the fight of your life


has taken its toll on you
The lines that crack your face
Your body it has torn through
Withered in every place
For what you have had to endure
And what you have put others through
Deliverance for you for sure
There is nothing you can do

So gather round young warriors now
and saddle up your steeds
Killing scores with demon swords
Now is the death of doers of wrong
Swing the judgment hammer down
Safely inside armor blood guts and sweat


37. No Leaf Clover Текст Текст

Can he feel it's bright this time?
On his crash course we're the main time
He's admired to the distant thunder
Duty fills his head with wonder

Says it feels bright this time
Turned around and found the bright light
Good day to be alive, sir
Good day to be alive he says, yeah

And it comes to be
That the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Is just a freight train coming your way

And it comes to be
That the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Is just a freight train coming your way

Don't it feel alright like this?
All the things respond to his wish
Suffer for that great reward, for
Suffer for that great reward he said, yeah

And it comes to be
That the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Was just a freight train coming your way

And it comes to be
That the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Is just a freight train coming your way
It's coming your way
It's coming your way, yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, here comes.


And it comes to be
That the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Is just a freight train coming your way

And it comes to be, Yeah
And it comes to be, Yeah
And it comes to be, Yeah
And it comes to be, Yeah

And it comes to be, Yeah
And it comes to be, Yeah
And it comes to be, Yeah
And it comes to be, Yeah

38. To Live Is to Die Текст Текст

When a man lies, he murders some part of the world
These are the pale deaths which men miscall their lives
All this I cannot bear to witness any longer
Cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home

Жить значит умереть

Когда человек лжет,он убивает некую часть мира.Эти бледные подобия смерти,которые люди называют своими жизнями.Я не могу быть свидетелем всему этому

39. Some Kind of Monster Текст Текст

These are the eyes that can't see me
These are the hands that drop your trust
These are the boots that kick you 'round
This is the tongue that speaks on the inside
These are the ears that ring with hate
This is the face that'll never change
This is the fist that grinds you down
This is the voice of silence no more

These are the legs in circles run
This is the beating you'll never know
These are the lips that taste no freedom
This is the feel that's not so safe
This is the face you'll never change
This is the god that ain't so pure
This is the god that is that pure
This is the voice of silence no more

We the people!
Are we the people?
We the people!
Are we the people?

Some kind of monster
Some kind of monster
Some kind of monster
This monster lives

This is the face that stones you cold
This is the moment that needs to breathe
These are the claws that scratch these wounds
This is the pain that never leaves
This is the tongue that whips you down
This is the burden of every man
These are the screams that pierce your skin
This is the voice of silence no more

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

This is the test of flesh and soul
This is the trap that smells so good
This is the flood that drains these eyes
These are the looks that chill to the bone
These are the fears that swing overhead
These are the weights that hold you down
This is the end that will never end
This is the voice of silence no more

We the people!
Are we the people?
We the people!
Are we the people?

Some kind of monster
Some kind of monster
Some kind of monster
This monster lives

This is the cloud that swallows trust
This is the black that uncolors us
This is the face that you hide from
This is the mask that comes undone

Ominous, I am in us
Ominous, I am in us
Ominous, I am in us
Ominous, I am in us

This is the cloud that swallows trust
This is the black that uncolors us
This is the face that you hide from
This is the mask that comes undone

Ominous, I am in us
Ominous, I am in us
Ominous, I am in us
Ominous, I am in us

Are we the people?
Some kind of monster
Some kind of monster
Some kind of monster
This monster lives

40. King Nothing Текст Текст

Wish I may
Wish I might
Have this I wish tonight
Are you satisfied?
Dig for gold
Dig for fame
You dig to make your name
Are you pacified?

All the wants you waste
All the things you've chased

Then it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger
But there's no one around

Just want one thing
Just to play the king
But the castle's crumbling
And you're left with just name

Where's your crown, King Nothing?
Where's your crown?

Hot and cold
Bought and Sold
A heart as hard as gold
Yeah! Are you satisfied?

Wish I might
Wish I may
You wish your life away
Are you pacified?

All the wants you've waste
All the things you've chased

Then it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger
But there's no one around

Just want one thing
Just to play the king
But the castle's crumbled
And you're left with just a thing

Where's your crown, King Nothing?
Oh, where's your crown?


I wish I may
I wish I might
Have this wish I wish tonight
I want that star
I want it now
I want it all and I don't care how

Careful what you wish
Careful what you say
Careful what you wish
You may regret it
Careful what you wish
You just might get it

Then it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger
But there's no one around

Just want one thing
Just to play the king
But the castle's crumbled
And you're left with just a name

Where's your crown, King Nothing?

No you're just nothing
Where's your crown, King Nothing?
No you're just nothing
absolutely nothing

Off to never never land

41. The God That Failed Текст Текст

Pride you took
pride you feel
pride that you felt when you'd kneel
not the word
not the love
not what you thought from above

it feeds
it grows
it clouds all that you will know
decide just what you believe
I see faith in your eyes
never your hear the discouraging lies
I hear faith in your cries
broken is the promise, betrayal
the healing hand held back by the deepened nail
follow the god that failed
find your peace
find your say
find the smooth road in your way
trust you gave
a child to save
left you cold and him in grave

it feeds
it grows
it clouds all that you will know
decide just what you believe
I see faith in your eyes
never you hear the discouraging lies
I hear faith in your cries
broken is the promise, betrayal
the healing hand held back by the deepened nail
follow the god that failed
I see faith in your eyes
broken is the promise, betrayal
the healing hand held back by the deepened nail
follow the god that failed

pride you took
pride you feel
pride that you felt when you'd kneel
trust you gave
a child to save
left you cold and him in grave

I see faith in your eyes
never you hear the discouraging lies
I hear faith in your cries
broken is the promise, betrayal
the healing hand held back by deepened nail
follow the god that failed

42. The Unforgiven 2 Текст Текст

Lay beside me, tell me what they've done

Speak the words I wanna hear, to make my
demons run
The door is locked now, but it's opened if
you're true
If you can understand the me, then I can
understand the you

Lay beside me, under wicked skies

Through black of day, dark of night, we
share this paralyze
The door cracks open, but there's no
sun shining through
Black heart scarring darker still, but
there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining

What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it
for you?

What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there, 'cause I'm the one who
waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?

Come lay beside me, this won't hurt,
I swear
She loves me not, she loves me still, but
she'll never love again
She lay beside me, but she'll be there
when I'm gone
Black hearts scarring darker still, yes,
she'll be there when I'm gone
Yes, she'll be there when I'm gone
Dead sure she'll be there


Lay beside me, tell me what I've done

The door is closed, so are your eyes
But now I see the sun, now I see the sun
Yes, now I see it


Oh, what I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it
for you
So I dub thee unforgiven

Oh, what I've felt
Oh, what I've known

I take this key
And I bury it in you
Because you're unforgiven too

Never free
Never me
'Cause you're unforgiven too

43. Die, Die My Darling (OST Supernatural) Текст Текст

Originally performed by The Misfits
Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Just shut your pretty eyes
I'll be seeing you again
Yeah, I'll be seeing you, in hell

So don't cry to me oh baby
Your future's in an oblong box
Don't cry to me oh baby
[ Find more Lyrics on ]
You should have seen it a-coming on
Don't cry to me oh baby
Had to know it was in your card
Don't cry to me oh baby
Dead-end soul for a dead-end girl
Don't cry to me oh baby
And now your life drains on the floor
Don't cry to me oh baby

Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Just shut your pretty mouth
I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you, in hell

44. The Unnamed Feeling Текст Текст

Been here before (x4)
Been here before (x2)

Been here before, couldn't say I liked it
Then do I start writing all this down
Just let me plug you into my world
Can't you help me be un-crazy

Name this for me, heat the cold air
Take the chill off of my life
And if I could I'd turn my eyes
To look inside to see what's coming

It comes alive (x3)
And I die a little more
It comes alive (x3)
Each moment here I die a little more
Ooh, i die i die i die a little more

Then the unnamed feeling
It comes alive
Then the unnamed feeling
Takes me away

Been here before (4x)
Been here before (2x)

I'm frantic in your soothing arms
I cannot sleep in this down filled world
Found safety in this loneliness
But I cannot stand it anymore

Cross my heart hope not to die
Swallow evil, ride the sky
Lose myself in a crowded room
You fool, you fool, it'll be here soon

It comes alive (3x)
And I die a little more
It comes alive (3x)
Each moment here I die a little more
Ooh, i die i die i die a little more

Then the unnamed feeling
It comes alive
Then the unnamed feeling
Treats me this way
And I wait for this train
Toes over the line
Then the unnamed feeling
It takes me away, it takes me...

Then the unnamed feeling
It comes alive
Then the unnamed feeling
Takes me away
Yeah, it takes me away

Get the fuck out of here
I just wanna get the fuck away from me
I rage, I glaze, I hurt, I hate
I hate it all, why why why me?

I cannot sleep with a head like this
I wanna cry, I wanna scream
I rage, I glaze, I hurt, I hate
I wanna hate it all away

Then the unnamed feeling
It comes alive
Then the unnamed feeling
Treats me this way
Then I wait for this train
My toes are over the line
Then the unnamed feeling
Takes me away, yeah, takes me away

Then the unnamed feeling
It comes alive
Then the unnamed feeling
Takes me away

45. All Nightmare Long Текст Текст

Luck runs out

Crawl from the wreckage one more time
Horrific memory twists the mind
Dark, rutted, cold and hard to turn
Path of destruction, feel it burn

Still-life incarnation
Still-life infamy
Hallucination, heresy
Still you run, what's to come?
What's to be?

Cause we hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Feel us breathe upon your face
Feel us shift, every move we trace

Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long, yeah
Luck runs out
You crawl out again, but your luck runs out


Luck runs out

The light that is not light is here
To push you out with your own fear
You hide, you hide, but will be found
Release your screams without a sound

Still-life immolation
Still-life infamy

Hallucination, heresy
Still you run
What's to come?
What's to be?

Cause we hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Feel us breathe upon your face
Feel us shift, every move we trace

Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long, yeah
Luck runs out
You crawl out again, but your luck runs out


Then you crawl back in
Into your obsession
Never to return
This is your confession

Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Feel us breathe upon your face
Feel us shift, every move we trace

Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down, all nightmare long, yeah
Luck runs out
You crawl out again, but your luck runs out


46. My Friend of Misery Текст Текст


Ты всего лишь стоишь здесь и ноешь
И боишься, что никто тебя не слушает
Они говорят, что твои речи пусты
И потом так громки
Но звук собственного голоса
Вселяет в тебя уверенность
Ты слышишь только то, что хочешь слышать
И знаешь только то, что услышал
Ты полон трагизма, но ты
Не среди тех, кто хочет сохранить мир

Ты настаиваешь на том, чтобы нести
Мир на своих плечах
Жизнь гораздо разнообразнее,
Чем ты думаешь
Мой друг страданий

Ты всё ещё стоишь там и ноешь
Но твои слова никому не интересны
Мой друг, перед тем, как ты заткнёшься
Хочу напомнить: то, что является
Счастьем для одного
Может обернуться адом для другого
Пришли времена испытаний
Но что-то есть странное в том
Что ты видишь
Ты возьмёшь всё на себя
Помни: Страдание любит компанию
Ты всего лишь стоишь здесь и ноешь
Мой друг страданий

47. Enter Sandman (Полная Версия) Текст Текст

Say your prayers little one
Don't forget, my son
To include everyone
I tuck you in, warm within
Keep you free from sin
Till the Sandman he comes

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to Never Never Land

Something's wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren't of snow white
Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon's fire
And of things that will bite

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to Never Never Land


Now I lay me down to sleep
(Now I lay me down to sleep)
Pray the lord my soul to keep
(Pray the lord my soul to keep)
If I die before I wake
(If I die before I wake)
Pray the lord my soul to take
(Pray the lord my soul to take)

Hush little baby, don't say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
It's just the beasts under your bed,
In your closet, in your head

Exit light
Enter night
Grain of sand
Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to Never Never Land

Yeah, oooh!

Yeah, yeah!

Yo oh!

We're off to Never Never Land
(Take my hand)

We're off to Never Never Land
(Take my hand)

We're off to Never Never Land

We're off to Never Never Land

We're off to Never Never Land

48. Cyanide Текст Текст

Sleep and dream of this
Death angel's kiss
Brings final bliss

Empty they say
Death, won't you let me stay?
Empty they say
Death, hear me call your name,
Call your name!
Suicide, I've already died
You're just the funeral
I've been waiting for,
Cyanide, living dead inside,
Break this empty shell forevermore

Wait, wait patiently
Your death-black wings,
Unfolding sleep
Spreading over me

Say, is that rain or are they tears
That has stained your concrete
Face for years,
The crying, weeping, shedding strife
Year after year, life after life

An air of freshly broken ground
A concrete angel laid right down,
Upon the grave which swallows fast
It's peace at last, oh, peace at last

It's the funeral
I've been waiting for!

49. Ain't My Bitch Текст Текст

Outta my way
Outta my day
Out of your mind and into mine
Into no one
Into not one
Into your step but out of time

What's wrong?
I've already heard this song before
you've arrived
But now it's time
To kiss your ass good-bye

Dragging me down
Why you around?
So useless

It ain't my fall
It ain't my call
It ain't my bitch

It ain't my bitch

Down on the sun
Down and no fun
Down and out where the hell ya been?
Damn it all down
Damn it unbound
Damn it all down to hell again

Stand tall
Can't fall
Never even bend at all before
you've arrived
But now it's time
To kiss your ass good-bye

Dragging me down
Why you around?
So useless

It ain't my fall
It ain't my call
It ain't my bitch

Outta my way

Outta my way
Outta my day
Out of your mind and into mine
Into no one
Into not one
Into your step but out of time

What's wrong?
I've already heard this song before
You've arrived
But now it's time
To kiss your ass good-bye
And now it's time to kiss your ass good-bye

Dragging me down
Why you around?
So useless

It ain't my fall
It ain't my call
It ain't my bitch

No way but down
Why you're around?
No foolin'

It ain't my smile
It ain't my style
It ain't my bitch

Oh, it ain't mine
Ain't mine
Your kind
Your stepin' out of time
Ain't mine
Your kind
Your stepin' out of time

Dragging me down
Why you around?
No foolin'

It ain't my fall
It ain't my call
It ain't my bitch
You ain't mine

50. Of Wolf and Man Текст Текст

Off through the new day's mist I run
Off from the new day's mist I have come
I hunt
Therefore I am
Harvest the land
Taking of the fallen lamb

Off thruogh the new day's mist I run
Off from the new day'smist I have come
We shift
Pulsing with the earth
Company we keep
Roaming the land while you sleep

Shape shift nose to the wind
Shape shift feeling I've been
Move swiftall senses clean
Earth's giftback to the meaning of life

Bright is the moon high in starlight
Chill is the air cold as steel tonight
We shift
Call of the wild
Fear in your eyes
It's later than you realized

Shape shift nose to the wind
Shape shift feeling I've been
Move swiftall senses clean
Earth's giftback to the meaning of life

I feel I change
Back to a better day
Hair stands on the back of my neck
In wildness is the preservation of the world

So seek the wolf in thyself

Shape shift nose to the wind
Shape shift feeling I've been
Move swiftall senses clean
Earth's gift
Back to the meaning of wolf and man

51. The Unforgiven I Текст Текст

Новая кровь проливается на эту землю
И он быстро покоряется,
Через постоянную боль унижения
Юноша познает их правила.

Со временем ребёнок втягивается,
Этого паренька порют за проступок,
Лишенный всех своих мыслей,
Юноша продолжает сопротивляться, он постиг
Свой обет,
Он в том, что отныне,
Его воля принадлежит другим.

Всё, что я чувствовал,
Всё, что я знал,
Я никогда не показывал,
Ни за что,
Не увидеть того, что могло бы случиться.
Всё, что я чувствовал,
Всё, что я знал,
Я никогда не показывал,
Сам не свой,
Я нарекаю тебя непрощённым.

Они посвятили свои жизни тому,
Чтобы подавлять его,
Он пытается угодить им всем,
Он так жалок,
Вся его жизнь -
Постоянная битва,
Которую ему не выиграть,
Усталому человеку, которого они видят,
уже всё безразлично
Старик готовится
Умереть в раскаянии,
И этот старик - я.


Ты повесил ярлык на меня,
Я повешу на тебя,
Я нарекаю тебя непрощенным.

52. And Justice For All Текст Текст

Halls of justice painted Green
Money talking
Power wolves beset your door
Hear them stalking
Soon you'll please their appetite
They devour
Hammer of justice crushes you

The ultimate invanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe
I can't believe the price you pay
Nothing can save you
Justice is lost
Justice is raped
Justice is gone
Pulling your strings
Justice is done
Seeking no truth
Winning is all
Find it so grim
So true
So real

Apathy their stepping stone
So unfeeling
Hidden deep animosity
So deceiving
Through your eyes their light burns
Hoping to find
Inquisition sinking you with prying minds

The ultimate invanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe
I can't believe the price you pay
Nothing can save you
Justice is lost
Justice is raped
Justice is gone
Pulling your strings
Justice is done
Seeking no truth
Winning is all
Find it so grim
So true
So real

Lady justice has been raped
Truth assasin
Rolls of red tape seal you lips
Now you done in
Their money tips her scales again
Make your real
Just what is truth? I cannot tell
Cannot feel

The ultimate invanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe
I can't believe the price you pay
Nothing can save you
Justice is lost
Justice is raped
Justice is gone
Pulling your strings
Justice is done
Seeking no truth
Winning is all
Find it so grim
So true
So real
Seeking no truth
Winning is all
Find it so grim
So true
So real

53. Smoke on the water [Deep Purple cover] Текст Текст

We all came out to Montreux
On the Lake Geneva shoreline
To make records with a mobile
We didn't have much time
Frank Zappa and the Mothers
Were at the best place around
But some stupid with a flare gun
Burned the place to the ground
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky

They burned down the gambling house
It died with an awful sound
Funky Claude was running in and out
Pulling kids out the ground
When it all was over
We had to find another place
But Swiss time was running out
It seemed that we would lose the race
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky

We ended up at the Grand Hotel
It was empty cold and bare
But with the Rolling truck Stones thing just outside
Making our music there
With a few red lights and a few old beds
We make a place to sweat
No matter what we get out of this
I know we'll never forget
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky

54. Fight Fire With Fire Текст Текст

Do unto others as they have done unto you
But what in the hell is this world coming to?
Blow the universe into nothingness
Nuclear warfare shall lay us to rest

Fight fire with fire
Ending is near
Fight fire with fire
Bursting with fear
We all shall die

Time is like a fuse, short and burning fast
Armageddon is here, like said in the past

Fight fire with fire
Ending is near
Fight fire with fire
Bursting with fear

Soon to fill our lungs the hot winds of death
The gods are laughing, so take your last breath

Fight fire with fire
Ending is near
Fight fire with fire
Bursting with fear

Fight fire with fire
Fight fire with fire
Fight fire with fire
Fight fire with fire
Fight fire with fire
Fight fire with fire
Fight fire with fire
Fight fire with fire

Бей противника его же оружием

Поступай с другими так, как поступили с тобой.
Но, черт возьми, куда катится это мир?
Вселенную несет в никуда.
Ядерная война уложит нас всех в могилу...

Бей противника его же оружием,
Конец уже близок...
Бей противника его же оружием,
Разрываясь от страха, что
Мы все умрем...

Время – это запал, короткий и быстро сгорающий,
Армагеддон уже здесь, как было предсказано в прошлом...

Бей противника его же оружием,
Конец уже близок...
Бей противника его же оружием,
Разрываясь от страха

Вскоре наши легкие заполнятся горячим дыханием смерти.
Боги смеются, так что сделай свой последний вдох...

Бей противника его же оружием,
Конец уже близок...
Бей противника его же оружием,
Разрываясь от страха

Бей противника его же оружием
Бей противника его же оружием
Бей противника его же оружием
Бей противника его же оружием
Бей противника его же оружием
Бей противника его же оружием
Бей противника его же оружием
Бей противника его же оружием

55. The Judas Kiss Текст Текст

When the world has turned its back
When the days have turned pitch black
When the fear abducts your tongue
When the fire's dead and gone

So what now?
Where go I?

When you think it's all said and done
When you are the ostracized
Selfish ridden dead goodbyes
Twisting of the tourniquet
When the pieces never fit

So what now?
Where go I?

When you think it's all said and done

Bow down
Sell your soul to me
I will set you free
Pacify your demons

Bow down
Surrender unto me
Submit infectiously
Sanctify your demons

Into abyss
You don't exist
Cannot resist
The Judas kiss

When the storm has blacked your sky
Intuition crucify
When the ego strips your reign
Assassinate the living flame

So what now?
Where go I?

When you think it's all said and done
Venom of a life insane
Bites into your fragile veins
Internalize and decimate
Patronize and complicate

So what now?
Where go I?

When you think it's all said and done

Bow down
Sell your soul to me
I will set you free
Pacify your demons

Bow down
Surrender unto me
Submit infectiously
Sanctify your demons

Into abyss
You don't exist
Cannot resist
The Judas kiss

Judas lives recite this vow
I've become your new god now

Follow you from dawn of time
Whisper thoughts into your mind
Watched your towers hit the ground
Lured the children never found
Helped your kings abuse their crown

In the heart of evil man
Plant the seeds of my own plan
Strong and powerful will fall
Find a piece of me in all
Inside you all

So bow down
Sell your soul to me
I will set you free
Pacify your demons

Bow down
Surrender unto me
Submit infectiously
Sanctify your demons

Into abyss
You don't exist
Cannot resist
The Judas kiss

56. Die, Die, Die My Darling Текст Текст

Die die die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die die die my darling
Just shut your pretty eyes
I'll be seeing you again
Yeah I'll be seeing you in hell
So don't cry to me oh baby
Your future's in an oblong box
Don't cry to me oh baby
You should have seen it a comin' on
Don't cry to me oh baby
Had to know it was in your power
Don't cry to me oh baby
Dead end goal for a dead end girl
Don't cry to me oh baby
And now your life drains on that floor
Don't cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Just shut your pretty mouth
I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in hell
Don't cry to me oh baby
Your future's in an oblong box
Don't cry to me oh baby
You should have seen it a-comin' on
Don't cry to me oh baby
Had to know it was in your power
Don't cry to me oh baby
Dead-end goal for a dead-end girl
Don't cry to me oh baby
Now your life drains on that floor
Don't cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Shut your pretty mouth
I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in hell
Die, die, die
Die, die, die
Die, die, die

Умри, умри, умри, моя дорогая,
Не произноси ни единого слова,
Умри, умри, умри, моя дорогая,
Просто закрой свои хорошенькие глаза.

Я увижу тебя снова,
Я увижу тебя в аду.

Не плачь по мне, детка,
Твое будущее в гробу, да,
Не плачь по мне, детка,
Ты должна была предвидеть что это произойдет,
Не плачь по мне, детка,
Я не знал, что это было в твоей власти,
Не плачь по мне, детка,
Конченая девушка для конченого парня,
Не плачь по мне, детка,
Сейчас твоя жизнь растекается по полу,
Не плачь по мне, детка.

Умри, умри, умри, моя дорогая,
Не произноси ни единого слова,
Умри, умри, умри, моя дорогая,
Просто закрой свой хорошенький рот.

Я увижу тебя снова,
Я увижу тебя в аду.

Не плачь по мне, детка,
Твое будущее в гробу, да,
Не плачь по мне, детка,
Ты должна была предвидеть что это произойдет,
Не плачь по мне, детка,
Я не знал, что это было в твоей власти,
Не плачь по мне, детка,
Конченая девушка для конченого парня,
Не плачь по мне, детка,
Сейчас твоя жизнь растекается по полу,
Не плачь по мне, детка.

Умри, умри, умри, моя дорогая,
Не произноси ни единого слова,
Умри, умри, умри, моя дорогая,
Просто закрой свой хорошенький рот.

Я увижу тебя снова,
Я увижу тебя в аду.

Не плачь по мне, детка,
Умри, умри, умри, моя дорогая,
Не плачь по мне детка,
Умри, умри, умри, моя дорогая,
Умри, умри, умри, моя дорогая,
Умри, умри, умри, моя дорогая.

Умри, умри, умри, умри, умри, умри...

57. Low Man's Lyric Текст Текст

"Стихи опустившегося человека"

Мои глаза ищут реальность,
Мои пальцы нащупывают вены.
Псу на ступеньке твоего заднего двора
Так нужно укрыться от дождя.

Я опустился, потому что махнул на всё рукой.
Мои глаза ищут реальность,
Мои пальцы нащупывают вены.

Костер из мусора неплохо греет,
Но нигде нет спасения от ветра.
И мне не нужно усилий, что бы понять,
Почему я позволил себе стать
Таким озлобленным и опустившимся.

И вот я пишу тебе
О том, что сделано и что еще предстоит.
Может быть, ты поймешь
И не будешь оплакивать этого человека,
Потому что опустившийся человек – это то, что мне причитается.

Пожалуйста, прости меня...

Мои глаза ищут реальность,
Мои пальцы ищут доверия.
Касаясь чистого грязной рукой
Я коснулся чистоты и все замарал.

Пожалуйста, прости меня...
Пожалуйста, прости меня...

Небо так низко – это всё что я вижу.
Все, чего я хочу от тебя – это твоё прощение.
И ты приносишь бедного пса, укрывая от дождя,
Хотя он хочет иметь право вернутся обратно.

И я кричу в переулок,
Исповедуюсь во всем дождю,
Но я лгу, лгу прямо перед зеркалом,
Однажды мной разбитым, за то, что соответствовало моему лицу.

Пожалуйста, прости меня...

My eyes seek reality
My fingers seek my veins
There's a dog at your back step
He must come in from the rain

I fall 'cause I've let go
The net below has rot away
So my eyes seek reality
And my fingers seek my veins

The trash fire is warm
But nowhere safe from the storm
And I can't bear to see
What I've let me be
So wicked and worn

So as I write to you
Of what is done and to do
Maybe you'll understand
And you won't cry for this man
'Cause low man is due

Please forgive me

My eyes seek reality
My fingers feel for faith
Touch clean with a dirty hand
I touch the clean to the waste

The trash fire is warm
But nowhere safe from the storm
And I can't bear to see
What I've let me be
So wicked and worn

So as I write to you
Of what is done and to do
Maybe you'll understand
And won't cry for this man
'Cause low man is due
Please forgive me

So low, the sky is all I see
All I want from you is forgive me
So you bring this poor dog in from the rain
Though he just wants right back out again

And I cry to the alleyway
Confess all to the rain
But I lie, lie straight to the mirror
The one I've broken to match my face

The trash fire is warm
But nowhere safe from the storm
And I can't bear to see
What I've let me be
So wicked and worn

So as I write to you
Of what is done and to do
Maybe you'll understand
And won't cry for this man
'Cause low man is due

Please forgive me

So low, the sky is all I see
All I want from you is forgive me
So you bring this poor dog in from the rain
Though he just wants right back out again

My eyes seek reality
My fingers seek my veins

58. Attitude Текст Текст


Suppose I say "I'm never satisfied"
Suppose I say "You cut some root to make the tree survive"

Just let me kill you for a while
Just let me kill you for a smile
Just let me kill you once
I'm oh so bored to death

I hunger
I hunger
I eat

Born into attitude
Asleep at the wheel
Throw all your bullets in the fire
And run like hell
Why cure the fever?
Whatever happened to sweat?

Suppose I say "The vultures smile at me"
Suppose I say "I've sent them down and they plan to pick you clean"

And satisfaction this way comes
And satisfaction this way comes
And satisfaction's here and gone, gone
Gone again

I hunger
I hunger
I eat

Born into attitude
Asleep at the wheel
Throw all your bullets in the fire
And stand there

Born into attitude
Twist mother tongue
Throw all your bullets in the fire
And run like hell
Why cure the fever?
Whatever happened to sweat?

Just let me kill you for a while
Just let me kill you for a smile
Just let me kill you once for me
I'm bored to death

And satisfaction this way comes
And satisfaction this way comes
And satisfaction's here and
gone, gone
Gone again

I hunger
I hunger
I eat

Born into attitude
Asleep at the wheel
Throw all your bullets in the fire
And stand there

Born into attitude
Twist mother tongue
Throwing all your bullets in the fire
And run like hell
Why cure the fever?
Whatever happened to sweat?

Words and Music by James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich

59. The End of the Line Текст Текст

The End Of The Line

Need more and more
Tainted misery
Bleed, battle scars
Chemical affinity
Reign, legacy
Innocence corrode
Stain, rot away
Catatonic overload

Choke, asphyxia
Snuff reality
Scorch, kill the light
Incinerate celebrity
Reaper, butchery
Karma amputee
Bloodline redefined
Death, contagious deity

Hooked into this deceiver
Need more and more
Into the endless fever
Need more and more
New consequence machine
Burned through all your gasoline
Asylum overtime, never mind
You've reached the end of the line

Time, choke the clock
Steal another day
Die faithfully
Narcissistic fade away
Twisted, jump the rail
Shatter the crowd below
Breakout, chase the ghost
The latest high to all-time low

Hooked into this deceiver
Need more and more
Into the endless fever
Need more and more
New consequence machine
Burned through all your gasoline
Asylum overtime, never mind
You've reached the end of the line

Drop the hourglass of time
Spilling sand we will not find
As we gather here today
We bid farewell
The slave becomes the master
The slave becomes the master
The slave becomes the master, yeah

The slave becomes the master
Need more and more
Right now or never after
Need more and more

New consequence machine
Burned through all your gasoline
Asylum overtime, never mind
Dead hourglass of time
Sand we will not ever find
We gather here today to say goodbye
'Cause you've reached the end of the line
The end of the line
The end of the line
The end of the line
You've reached the end of the line .

60. Seek & Destroy Текст Текст

We are scanning the scene in the city tonight
We are looking for you to start up a fight
There is an evil feeling in our brains
But it is nothing new you know it drives us insane

On our way
You will pay
One thousand deaths

On our way
You will pay
One thousand deaths

Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy

There is no escape and that is for sure
This is the end we won't take any more
Say goodbye to the world you live in
You have always been taking but now you're giving


Our brains are on fire with the feeling to kill
And it won't go away until our dreams are fulfilled
There is only one thing on our minds
Don't try running away cause you're the one we will find


61. Blackened Текст Текст

Blackened is the end
Winter it will send
Throwing all you see
Into obscurity

Death of mother Earth
Never a rebirth
Evolution’s end
Never will it mend


To begin whipping dance of the dead
Blackened is the end
To begin whipping dance of the dead
Color our world blackened

Blistering of Earth
Terminate its worth
Deadly nicotine
Kills what might have been
Callous frigid chill
Nothing left to kill
Never seen before
Breathing nevermore


To begin whipping dance of the dead
Blackened is the end
To begin whipping dance of the dead
Color our world blackened


Agitation…Violation…Mutilation…Planet dies

Darkest color
Blistered Earth
True death of life

Termination…Expiration…Cancellation…Human race
Expectation…Liberation…Population…Lay to waste

See our mother
Put to death
See our mother die

Smouldering decay
Take her breath away
Millions of our years
In minutes disappears
Darkening in vain
Decadence remains
All is said and done
Never is the Sun


To begin whipping dance of the dead
Blackened is the end

To begin whipping dance of the dead
Color our world blackened


Is the outcome of hypocrisy
Darkest potency
In the exit of humanity
Color our world blackened


Тьма - это финал,
Зиму он послал,
Всё вокруг себя
Отправишь в никуда.

Смерть Матери-Земли,
Ее не возродить,
Развития тупик
И выход не найти.


Подстегнет танец мертвеца,
Тьма - конец конца.
Подстегнет танец мертвеца,
Наш цвет - черный!

В нарывах вся Земля
И грош - ее цена.
Смертельный никотин
Убьет, что могло жить.

Бездушный холод льда,
И нечего убивать.
Такого не видать,
Нельзя больше дышать.


Подстегнет танец мертвеца,
Тьма - конец конца.
Подстегнет танец мертвеца,
Наш цвет - черный!

Оппозиций… разногласий…
И предчувствий… Компромисс…
Агитации… насилия…
Расчленения … Смерть Земли.

Черный цвет
Ран земли -
Это жизни смерть.

Истребление… истечение… обнулился
Белый свет…
ожиданье… освобождение…
Населения больше нет.

Наша Мать
При смерти она.

Распада тление
Скует дыхание
Миллионы лет
В минуту пролетят.

Меркнущий в тщете
Упадок будет здесь.
Нечего сказать
И Солнца не видать.


Подстегнет танец мертвеца,
Тьма - конец конца.
Подстегнет танец мертвеца,
Огонь -
Это лишь лицемерия след.
Лучше способа нет,
Чтоб закончить весь этот бред.
Наш цвет - черный!

62. Stone Cold Crazy Текст Текст

Sleeping very soundly on a Saturday morning,
I was dreaming I was Al Capone.
Rumours going round, gotta clear out of town,
Smell like a dry fishbone.
Here come the law, gonna break down the door,
Carry me away once more.
Never, never, never want it anymore,
Gotta get away from this stone cold floor.
Crazy, stone cold crazy, you know.

Rainy afternoon, ought to kill a typhoon,
And she’s playing on my slide trombone.
Anymore, anymore, cannot take it anymore,
Gotta get away from this stone cold floor.
Crazy, stone cold crazy, you know.

Walking down the street, shooting people that I meet,
Fully loaded Tommy gun.
Here come the deputy, try fucking getting me,
Gotta fucking get up and run.
They got the sirens loose, I ran right out of juice.
They’re gonna put me in a cell,
If I can’t go to heaven, let me go to hell.
Crazy, stone cold crazy, you know, yeah.

Каменный, Холодный, Безумный

В глубоком утреннем субботнем сне
Мне пригрезилось,
Что я Аль Капоне.
Ходят слухи,
Что необходимо сматываться из города,
Я как бельмо у всех на глазу,
И вот приходят полицейские,
Они собираются взломать дверь
И вновь арестовать меня.
Никогда, никогда, никогда это не повторится,
Нужно бежать
С этого каменного холодного пола,
Понимаешь, каменный, холодный, безумный.

В дождливый полдень я обязан дуть,
Подобно тайфуну,
И я играю на тромбоне.
Нужно бежать
с этого каменного холодного пола,
Понимаешь, каменный, холодный, безумный.

Прогуливаясь по улице,
Я стреляю в прохожих
Из резинового водяного автомата
Тут появляется представитель власти,
Он собирается схватить меня,
Я вынужден бежать,
Они включили сирены,
Я полностью выбился из сил,
Они теперь посадят меня в тюрьму,
сли я не смогу попасть на небеса,
Позволят ли они мне попасть в ад,
Понимаешь, каменный, холодный, безумный.

63. Devil's Dance Текст Текст

Yeah, I feel you too
Feel, those things you do
In your eyes I see a fire that burns
To free the you
That's wanting through
Deep inside you know,
The seeds I plant will grow

One day you will see
And dare to come down to me
Yeah c'mon, c'mon now take the chance
That's right
Lets dance

Snake, I am the snake
Tempting, that bite you take
Let me make your mind
leave yourself behind
Be not afraid
I've got what you need
hunger I will feed

One day you will see
And dare to come down to me
Yeah c'mon, c'mon now take the chance
That's right
Lets dance

Yeah Come dancin'


One day you will see
And dare to come down to me
Yeah c'mon, c'mon now take the chance
That's right
Lets dance

Yeah, I feel you too
Feel, those things you do
In your eyes I see a fire that burns
To free the you
That's running through
Deep inside you know
seeds I plant will grow

One day you will see
And dare to come down to me
Yeah c'mon, c'mon now take the chance
That's right
Let's dance!

It's nice to see you here

Я ощущаю тебя,
Всё, что ты делаешь.
В твоих глазах я вижу пламя, горящее,
Чтоб освободить тебя.
Оно пронизывает тебя.
Ты знаешь, что глубоко внутри
Скоро взойдёт росток, что я посеял.
Когда-нибудь ты поймёшь
И осмелишься придти ко мне.
Ну, давай же, попробуй.
Всё верно:
Давай потанцуем.
Я – змей,
Тот укус, что ты примешь.
Позволь завладеть твоим сознанием.
Оставь себя позади.
Не бойся.
У меня есть то, что тебе нужно.
Я – то, что утолит твой голод.
Когда-нибудь ты поймёшь
И осмелишься придти ко мне.
Ну, давай же, попробуй.
Иди танцевать!
Да, иди танцевать!
Когда-нибудь ты поймёшь
И осмелишься придти ко мне.
Ну, давай же, попробуй.
Я ощущаю тебя,
Всё, что ты делаешь.
В твоих глазах я вижу пламя, горящее,
Чтоб освободить тебя.
Оно пронизывает тебя.
Ты знаешь, что глубоко внутри
Скоро взойдёт росток, что я посеял.
Когда-нибудь ты поймёшь
И осмелишься придти ко мне.
Ну, давай же, попробуй.
Всё верно:
Давай потанцуем.
М-м, приятно видеть тебя здесь…

64. Metal Militia Текст Текст

Thunder and lightning the gods take revenge
Senseless destruction
Victims of fury are cowardly now
Running for safety
Stabbing the harlot to pay for her sins
Leaving the virgin
Suicide running as if it were free
Ripping and tearing

On through the mist and the madness
We are trying to get the message to you
Metal Militia
Metal Militia
Metal Militia

Chained and shadowed to be left behind
nine and one thousand
Metal militia for your sacrifice
iron clad soldiers
Join or be conquered the law of the land
What will befall you
The metallization of your inner soul
twisting and turning

On through the mist and the madness
We are trying to get the message to you
Metal Militia
Metal Militia
Metal Militia

We are as one as we all are the same
fighting for one cause
Leather and metal are our uniforms
protecting what we are
Joining together to take on the world
with our heavy metal
Spreading the message to everyone here
Come let yourself go

On through the mist and the madness
We are trying to get the message to you
Metal Militia
Metal Militia
Metal Militia

65. Whiplash Текст Текст


Late at night all systems go
You have come to see the show
We do our best
You're the rest
You make it real you know
There is a feeling deep inside
That drives you fuckin' mad
A feeling of a hammerhead
You need it oh so bad

Adrenaline starts to flow
You're thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac

Bang your head against the stage
Like you never did before
Make it ring Make it bleed
Make it really sore
In a frenzied madness
with your leather and your spikes
Heads are bobbing all around
It is hot as hell tonight

Adrenaline starts to flow
You're thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac

Here on the stage the Marshal noise
is piercing through your ears
It kicks your ass kick your face
Exploding feeling nears
Now is the time to let it rip
To let it fuckin' loose
We are gathered here to be with you
Cause this is what we choose

Adrenaline starts to flow
You're thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac

The show is through the metal is gone
It is time to hit the road
Another town Another gig
Again we will explode
Hotel rooms and motorways
Life out here is raw
But we will never stop
We will never quit
cause we are Metallica

Adrenaline starts to flow
You're thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac

66. Around The World (LaLa-LaLa-La) Текст Текст

Around the World (оригинал ATC)

The kisses of the sun
Were sweet. I didn't blink,
I let it in my eyes -
Like an exotic dream.
The radio playing songs,
That I have never heard.
I don't know what to say,
Oh, not another word!

Just: la la la la la!
It goes around the world
Just: la la la la la!
It's all around the world
Just: la la la la la!
And everybody singing:
La la la la la!
And now the bells are ringing:
La la la la la.. la la la!

Inside an empty room
My inspiration flows.
Now wait to hear the tune,
Around my head it goes.
The magic melody
You want to sing with me.
Just: la la la la la!
The music is the key.

And now the night is gone,
Still it goes on and on
So deep inside of me
I long to set it free
I don't know what to do
Just can't explain to you
I don't know what to say
Oh, not another word.

Just: la la la la la!
It goes around the world
Just: la la la la la!
It's all around the world
Just: la la la la la!
And everybody singing:
La la la la la!
And now the bells are ringing:
La la la la la.. la la la!

The kisses of the sun.. sun.. sun..
Around.. around.. around.. around..

Just: la la la la la!
It goes around the world
Just: la la la la la!
It's all around the world
Just: la la la la la!
And everybody singing:
La la la la la!
And now the bells are ringing:
La la la la la.. la la la!

Around.. around.. around.. around..

По свету
Поцелуи солнца
Были сладки. Я не моргала,
А пускала их в глаза,
Как экзотическую мечту...
По радио звучат песни,
Которые я никогда не слышала.
Я не знаю, что сказать,
У меня нет слов!

Просто: Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
Несётся по свету...
Просто: Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
По всему белому свету...
Просто: Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
И все поют:
Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
И колокольчики звенят:
Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!

В этой пустой комнате
Рождается моё вдохновение....
Скоро и вы услышите мотив,
Звучащий в моей голове...
Вы хотите петь
Эту магическую мелодию вместе со мной..
Просто: Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
Музыка - это ключ ко всему...

Ночь подошла к концу,
А мелодия всё звучит
Где-то глубоко внутри меня,
И я жажду её освободить...
Я не знаю, что делать,
Просто не могу обьяснить тебе.
Я не знаю, что сказать,
У меня нет слов....

Просто: Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
Несётся по свету...
Просто: Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
По всему белому свету...
Просто: Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
И все поют:
Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
И колокольчики звенят:
Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!

Поцелуи солнца... солнца... солнца...
По свету.... По свету... По свету...

Просто: Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
Несётся по свету...
Просто: Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
По всему белому свету...
Просто: Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
И все поют:
Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
И колокольчики звенят:
Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!

По свету.... По свету... По свету...

67. Some Kind Of Monster ( OST Supernatural ) Текст Текст

These are the eyes that can't see me
These are the hands that drop your trust
These are the boots that kick you 'round
This is the tongue that speaks on the inside
These are the ears that ring with hate
This is the face that'll never change
This is the fist that grinds you down
This is the voice of silence no more

These are the legs in circles run
This is the beating you'll never know
These are the lips that taste no freedom
This is the feel thats not so safe
This is the face you'll never change
This is the god that ain't so pure
This is the god that is that pure
This is the voice of silence no more

We the people!
Are we the people?
We the people!
Are we the people?

Some kind of monster
Some kind of monster
Some kind of monster
This monster lives

This is the face that stones you cold
This is the moment that needs to breathe
These are the claws that scratch these wounds
This is the pain that never leaves
This is the tongue that whips you down
This is the burden of every man
These are the screams that pierce your skin
This is the voice of silence no more

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

This is the test of flesh and soul
This is the trap that smells so good
This is the flood that drains these eyes
These are the looks that chill to the bone
These are the fears that swing overhead
These are the weights that hold you down
This is the end that will never end
This is the voice of silence no more

We the people!
Are we the people?
We the people!
Are we the people?

Some kind of monster
Some kind of monster
Some kind of monster
This monster lives

This is the cloud that swallows trust
This is the black that uncolors us
This is the face that you hide from
This is the mask that comes undone

Ominous, I am in us
Ominous, I am in us
Ominous, I am in us
Ominous, I am in us

This is the cloud that swallows trust
This is the black that uncolors us
This is the face that you hide from
This is the mask that comes undone

Ominous, I am in us
Ominous, I am in us
Ominous, I am in us
Ominous, I am in us

Are we the people?
Some kind of monster
Some kind of monster
Some kind of monster
This monster lives

68. That Was Just Your Life Текст Текст

Like a siren in my head that always threatens to repeat,
Like a blind man that is strapped into the speeding driver's seat,
Like a face that learned to speak, when all it knew was how to fight,
Like a misery that keeps me though I've gone astray
Like an endless nightmare I must awaken from each day

A premonition,
Not worthy of, so I deny
I deny.

I blind my eyes and try to force it all into place,
I stitch them up, see not my fall from grace.
I blind my eyes, I hide and feel it passing me by
I open just in time to say goodbye.

Almost like your life,
Almost like your endless fight,
Cursed, the day is long,
Realize you don't belong,
Disconnect somehow,
Never stop the bleeding now
Almost like your fight,
And there it went,
Almost like your life.


Like a wound that keeps on bleeding to remind me not to think,
Like a raging river, drowning when I only need a drink,
Like a poison that I swallow, but I want the world to die.

Like a release from a prison that I didn't know I was in,
Like a fight to live the past I prayed to leave from way back when
Like a general without a mission until the wars start again,
Start again.

I blind my eyes and try and force it all into place,
I stitch them up, see not my fall from grace.
I blind my eyes, I hide and feel it passing me by
I open just in time to say goodbye.

Almost like your life,
Almost like your endless fight,
Cursed, the day is long,
Realize you don't belong,
Disconnect somehow,
Never stop the bleeding now
Almost like your fight,
And there it went,
Almost like your life.

Like a touch from hell,
I feel how hot that it can get if you get caught,
Like a strike from heaven that turns that key,
That brings you straight down to your knees,
Like a touch from hell,
I feel how hot that it can get if I get caught,
Like a strike from heaven to reprieve,
That brings you straight down to your knees.

Almost like your life,
Almost like your endless fight,
Cursed, the day is long,
Realize you don't belong,
Disconnect somehow,
Never stop the bleeding now
Almost like your fight,
And there it went,
Almost like your life.
That was just your life.

Это была только твоя жизнь (перевод lavagirl)
Как сирена в моей голове, которая постоянно возвращается,
Как слепой мужчина, прикованный к инвалидному креслу,
Как лицо, которое учится говорить, когда оно знало лишь борьбу.
Как страдания, преследующие меня, хотя я сошел с пути.
Как бесконечный кошмар, от которого я просыпаюсь каждый день...

Недостойный, так что я отрекаюсь,
Я отрекаюсь.

Я ослепляю себя и пытаюсь всё расставить по местам.
Я зашиваю глаза и не отличаю собственное падение от милости Божьей.
Я ослепляю себя, я прячусь и знаю, что всё проходит мимо меня,
Я открываюсь как раз вовремя, чтобы сказать прощай…

Почти как твоя жизнь,
Почти как твоя вечная борьба,
Проклятая, день длится долго,
Пойми, ты не на своем месте,
Попробуй отойти,
Никогда не перестанешь кровоточить.
Почти как твоя борьба,
И все прошло,
Почти как твоя жизнь…


Как кровоточащая рана, напоминающая мне о том, чтобы не думать,
Как бурная река, в которой я тону, хотя я только глотнул воды,
Как яд, который я принял, но я хочу, чтобы погиб мир.

Как будто вышел из тюрьмы, хотя думал, что не был там вовсе,
Как в борьбе за жизнь я молил, чтобы прошлое давно покинуло меня...
Как генерал без приказа, пока война не началась,
Не началась снова...

Я ослепляю себя и пытаюсь всё расставить по местам.
Я зашиваю глаза и не отличаю собственное падение от милости Божьей.
Я ослепляю себя, я прячусь и знаю, что всё проходит мимо меня,
Я открываюсь как раз вовремя, чтобы сказать прощай…

Почти как твоя жизнь,
Почти как твоя вечная борьба,
Проклятый, день

69. Broken, Beat & Scarred Текст Текст

Broken, Beat & Scarred

You rise, you fall, your down, then you rise again
What don't kill you make you more strong
You rise, you fall, your down, then you rise again
What don't kill you make you more strong

Rise, fall, down, rise again
What don't kill you make you more strong
Rise, fall, down, rise again
What don't kill you make you more strong

Through black days
Through black nights
Through pitch black insights

Breaking your teeth on the hard life coming
Show your scars
Cutting your feet on the hard earth running
Show your scars
Breaking your life
Broken, beat and scarred
But we die hard

The dawn, the death, the fight to the final breath
What don't kill you make you more strong
The dawn, the death, the fight to the final breath
What don't kill you make you more strong

Dawn, death, fight, final breath
What don't kill you make you more strong
Dawn, death, fight, final breath
What don't kill you make you more strong

They scratched me
They scraped me
They cut and rape me

Breaking your teeth on the hard life coming
Show your scars
Cutting your feet on the hard earth running
Show your scars
Breaking your life
Broken, beat and scarred
But we die hard

Breaking your teeth on the hard life coming
Show your scars
Cutting your feet on the hard earth running
Show your scars
Bleeding your soul in a hard luck story
Show your scars
Spilling your blood in a hot suns glory
Show your scars
Breaking your life
Broken, beat and scarred
We die hard

We die hard
We die hard

70. Don't Tread on Me Текст Текст

Don't tread on me
Say don't tread on me

Liberty or death, what we so proudly hail
Once you provoke her, rattling of her tail
Never begins it, never, but once engaged...
Never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage

Say don't tread on me

So be it
Threaten no more
To secure peace is to prepare for war
So be it
Settle the score
Touch me again for the words that you'll hear evermore...

Don't tread on me

Love it or leave it, she with the deadly bite
Quick is the blue tongue, forked as the lightning strike
Shining with brightness, always on surveillance
The eyes, they never close, emblem of vigilance

No, no, no, no
Say don't tread on me

So be it, threaten no more
To secure peace is to prepare for war
So be it, settle the score
Touch me again for the words that you'll hear evermore...

Don't tread on me

So be it
Threaten no more
To secure peace is to prepare for war

Liberty or death, what we so proudly hail
Once you provoke her, rattling of her tail

So be it
Threaten no more
To secure peace is to prepare for war
So be it
Settle the score
Touch me again for the words that you'll hear evermore...

Don't tread on me

71. Am I Evil Текст Текст

My mother was a witch, she was burned alive.
Thankless little bitch, for the tears I cried.
Take her down now, don't want to see her face
All blistered and burnt, can't hide my disgrace.

Twenty-seven, everyone was nice.
Gotta see 'em make 'em pay the price.
See their bodies out on the ice.
Take my time.

Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man, yes I am.

As I watched my mother die, I lost my head.
Revenge now I sought, to break with my bread.
Taking no chances, you come with me.
I'll split you to the bone, help set you free.

Twenty-seven, everyone was nice.
Gotta see 'em make 'em pay the price.
See their bodies out on the ice.
Take my time.

Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man, yes I am.

On with the action now, I'll strip your pride.
I'll spread your blood around, I'll see you ride.
Your face is scarred with steel, wounds deep and neat.
Like a double dozen before ya, smells so sweet.

Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man.

I'll make my residence, I'll watch your fire.
You can come with me, sweet desire.
My face is long forgot, my face not my own.
Sweet and timely whore, take me home.

Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man.

My soul is longing for, await my heir.
Sent to avenge my mother, sweep myself.
My face is long forgot, my face not my own.
Sweet and timely whore, take me home.
Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man.

Am I evil? Yes I fucking am.
Am I evil? I am man, yeah.

72. Frantic Текст Текст

If I could have my wasted days back
Would I use them to get back on track?
Stop to warm and karma’s burning
Or look ahead , but keep on turning?

Do I have the strength
To know how I’ll go?
Can I find it inside
To deal with what I shouldn’t know?

Could I have my wasted days back
Would I use them to get back on track?

You live it or lie it!

My lifestyle determines my deathstyle

Keep searching, keep on searching
This search goes on, this search goes on

Frantic Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tock
Frantic Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tock

I’ve worn out always being afraid
An endless stream of fear that I’ve made
Treading water full of worry
This frantic tick tick talk of hurry

Do I have the strength
To know how I’ll go?
Can I find it inside
To deal with what I shouldn’t know?

Worn out on always being afraid
An endless stream of fear that I’ve made

You live it or lie it!

My lifestyle determines my deathstyle

Keep searching, keep on searching
This search goes on, this search goes on

Frantic Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tock
Frantic Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tock

My lifestyle (Birth is pain)
Determines my deathstyle (Life is pain)
A rising tide (Death is pain)
That pushes to the other side (It’s all the same)

73. Just a Bullet Away Текст Текст

All roads they lead to shame
All drowning in the blame
All reflections look the same
In the shine of the midnight revolver

All hide beneath a skin
A hope so paper thin
I’m at the door again
And the shine of the midnight revolver

Even the promise of danger has gone dull
Staring down the barrel of a 45

Suck on the barrel
Suck on the barrel
Suck it ’til it’s gone dry

For all reflections look the same
In the shine of the midnight revolver

Redemption purify
Will nothing satisfy
The scars just multiply
In the shine of the midnight revolver

Twisting in apocalypse
Death upon the fingertips
Frigid metal touches lips
And the shine of the midnight revolver

‘Cause you lied

Just a bullet away
Just a bullet away from leavin’ you
Just a bullet away
Stop the voices in my head

Caressing death again
Becomes the heroin
Forbidden medicine
Puts a shine on the midnight revolver

Eternal borderline
All the faces intertwine
Oh God… now I see mine
In the shine of the midnight revolver

Even the promise of danger has gone dull
Staring down the barrel of a 45

Suck on the barrel
Suck on the barrel
Suck… suck till it’s dry

For all reflections look the same
In the shine of the midnight revolver

Down In Misery
Down In Misery

Just a bullet away
Just a bullet away from leavin’ you
Just a bullet away
Stop the voices in my head

All roads they lead to shame
All drowning in the blame
Reflections look the same
In the shine of the midnight revolver

All hide beneath a skin
A hope so paper thin
I’m at the door again
And the shine of the midnight revolver

Even the promise of danger has gone dull
Staring down the barrel of a 45

Suck on the barrel
Suck on the barrel
Suck… suck till it’s dry

Do all reflections look the same
In the shine of the midnight revolver

‘Cause you lied
Yes you lied

Just a bullet away
Just a bullet away from leavin’ you
Just a bullet away
Stop the voices in my head

74. No Remorse Текст Текст

No mercy for what we are doing
No thought to even what we have done
We don't need to feel the sorrow
No remorse for the helpless one

War without end
No remorse No repent
We don't care what it meant
Another day Another death
Another sorrow Another breath
No remorse No repent
We don't care what it meant
Another day Another death
Another sorrow Another breath

Blood feeds the war machine
As it eats its way across the land
We don't need the feel the sorrow
No remorse is the one command

War without end
No remorse No repent
We don't care what it meant
Another day Another death
Another sorrow Another breath
No remorse No repent
We don't care what it meant
Another day Another death
Another sorrow Another breath

Only the strong survive
No one to save the weaker race
We are ready to kill all comers
Like a loaded gun right at your face

War without end
No remorse No repent
We don't care what it meant
Another day Another death
Another sorrow Another breath
No remorse No repent
We don't care what it meant
Another day Another death
Another sorrow Another breath

Bullets are flying
People are dying
With madness surrounding all hell's breaking loose
Soldiers are hounding
Bodies are mounting
Cannons are shouting to take their abuse
With war machines going
Blood starts to flowing
No mercy given to anyone hear
The furious fighting
Swords are like lighting
It all becomes frightening to you
Know death is near
No remorse

75. Ronnie Текст Текст

Story starts
Quiet town
Small town boy
Big time frown
Never talks
Never plays
Different path
Lost his way

The streets are red
Red I'm afraid
There's no confetti
No parade
Nothing happens in this boring place
But oh my god how it all did change
Now they all pray
Blood stain wash away

He said
Lost my way
This bloody day
Lost my way

I heard him
He said
Lost my way
This bloody day
Lost my way
All things wash away
But blood stained the sun red today

I always said
Something wrong
With little strange
Ronnie Long
Never laughed
Never smiled
Talked alone for miles and miles and miles

Gallow calls
Son I say
Keep your smile and laugh all day
Think once again in this boring place
For little boys how they soon change

Now they all pray
Blood stain wash away

He said
Lost my way
This bloody day
Lost my way

I heard him
He said
Lost my way
This bloody day
Lost my way
All things wash away
But blood stained the sun red today

Yeah, well all the green things died
When Ronnie moved to this place
He said
Don't you dare ask
Why I'm cursed to wear this face

Now we all know why
The children called him Ronnie Frown
When he pulled that gun from his pocket
They all fall down, down, down

He said
Lost my way
This bloody day
Lost my way

I heard him
He screamed
Lost my way
This bloody day
Lost my way
All things wash away
But blood stained the sun red today

That's right
All things wash away
They all fall down
But blood stained the sun today

All things wash away
And they all fall down
But blood stained the sun today

76. Hit the Lights Текст Текст

Hit the Lights

No life till leather
We are gonna kick some ass tonight
We got the metal madness
When our fans start screaming
It's right well alright
When we start to rock
We never want to stop again

Hit the lights
Hit the lights
Hit the lights

You know our fans are insane
We are gonna blow this place away
with volume higher
Than anything today the only way
When we start to rock
We never want to stop again

Hit the lights
Hit the lights
Hit the lights

With all our screaming
We are gonna rip right through your brain
We got the lethal power
It is causing you sweet pain Oh sweet pain
When we start to rock
We never want to stop again

Hit the lights
Hit the lights
Hit the lights

77. My Apocalypse Текст Текст

Crawl out of this skin
Hard explosive
Reaching for that pin

Feel thy name extermination
Desacrating, Hail of Fire

So we cross that line
Into the crypt
Total eclipse
Suffer unto my apocalypse!

Deadly vision
Prophecy revealed
Death magnetic
Pulling closer still

Feel thy name annihilation
Desolating, Hail of Fire

So we cross that line
Into the crypt
Total eclipse
Suffer unto my apocalypse!

My apocalypse... Go!

Crushing metal, Ripping Skin
Tossing body mannequin
Spilling Blood, Bleeding Gas

Mangle flesh, Snapping spine
Dripping bloody valentine
Shattered face, spitting glass

Split apart
Split apart
Split apart
Spit it out!

What makes me drift a litter bit closer
Dead man takes the steering wheel
What makes me know it's time to cross over
Words you repeat until I feel

See through the skin the bones they all rattle
Future and past they disagree
Flesh falls away the bones they all shatter
I start to see the end in me

See the end in me...

Climb out of this skin
Hard explosive
Waiting for that pin

Violate, annihilate
A loser to my eyes
Obliterate, exterminate
At last accept, deny

Feel thy name as hell awakens
Destiny, Inhale the Fire

But we cross that line
Into the crypt
Total eclipse
Suffer unto my apocalypse!

Tyrants awaken my apocalypse!
Demon awaken my apocalypse!
Heaven awaken my apocalypse!
Suffer forever my apocalypse!

78. Disposable Heroes Текст Текст

Bodies fill the fields I see, hungry heroes end
No one to play soldier now, no one to pretend
Running blind through killing fields, bred to kill them all
Victim of what said should be
A servant `til I fall

Soldier boy, made of clay
Now an empty shell
Twenty one, only son
But he served us well
Bred to kill, not to care
Just do as we say
Finished here, Greeting Death
He's yours to take away

Back to the front
You will do what I say, when I say
Back to the front
You will die when I say, you must die
Back to the front
You coward
You servant
You blindman

Barking of machinegun fire, does nothing to me now
Sounding of the clock that ticks, get used to it somehow
More a man, more stripes you wear, glory seeker trends
Bodies fill the fields I see
The slaughter never ends

Soldier boy, made of clay
Now an empty shell
Twenty one, only son
But he served us well
Bred to kill, not to care
Just do as we say
Finished here, Greeting Death
He's yours to take away

Back to the front
You will do what I say, when I say
Back to the front
You will die when I say, you must die
Back to the front
You coward
You servant
You blindman

Why, Am I dying?
Kill, have no fear
Lie, live off lying
Hell, Hell is here

I was born for dying

Life planned out before my birth, nothing could I say
Had no chance to see myself, molded day by day
Looking back I realize, nothing have I done
Left to die with only friend
Alone I clench my gun

Soldier boy, made of clay
Now an empty shell
Twenty one, only son
But he served us well
Bred to kill, not to care
Just do as we say
Finished here, Greeting Death
He's yours to take away

Back to the front
You will do what I say, when I say
Back to the front
You will die when I say, you must die
Back to the front
You coward
You servant
You blindman

Back to the front.

79. Damage, Inc. Текст Текст

Dealing out the agony within

Charging hard and no one’s gonna give in

Living on your knees, conformity

Or dying on your feet for honesty

Inbred our bodies work as one

Bloody, but never cry submission

Following our instinct not a trend

Go against the grain until the end

Blood will follow blood

Dying time is here

Damage incorporated

Slamming through, don’t fuck with razorback

Stepping out ? You’ll feel our hell on your backBlood follows blood and we make sure

Life ain’t for you and we’re the cure

Honest is my only excuse

Try to rob us it, but it’s no use

Steamroller action crushing allVictim is your name and you shall fall

Blood will follow blood

Dying time is here

Damage incorporated

We chew and spit you out

We laugh, you scream and shout

All flee, with fear you run

You’ll know where we come from

Damage incorporated

Damage jackals ripping right through you

Sight and smell of this, it gets me goin’

Know just how to get just what we want

Tear it from your soul in nightly hunt

Fuck it all and fucking no regretsNever happy ending on these dark sets

All’s fair for Damage Inc. You see

Step a little closer if you please

Blood will follow blood

Dying time is here

Damage incorporated

80. Dyers Eve Текст Текст

Dear Mother
Dear Father
What is this hell you have put me through
Day in day out live my life through you
Pushed onto me what's wrong or right
Hidden from this thing that they call life

Dear Mother
Dear Father
Every thought I'd think you'd disapprove
Always censoring my every move
Children are seen but are not heard
Tear out everything inspired

Torn from me without your shelter
Barred reality
I'm living blindly

Dear Mother
Dear Father
Time has frozen still what's left to be
Hear nothing
Say nothing
Cannot face the fact I think for me
No guarantee, it's life as is
But damn you for not giving me my chance

Dear Mother
Dear Father
You've clipped my wings before I learned to flyUnspoiled
I've outgrown that fucking lullaby
Same thing I've always heard from you
Do as I say not as I do

Torn from me without your shelter
Barred reality
I'm living blindly

I'm in hell without you
Cannot cope without you two
Shocked at the world that I see
Innocent victim please rescue me

Dear Mother
Dear Father
Hidden in your world you've made for me
I'm seething
I'm bleeding
Ripping wounds in me that never heal
Undying spite I feel for you
Living out this hell you always knew

81. Nothing Else Matters (acoustic) Текст Текст

Em D C
So close no matter how far
Couldn’t be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
G Н7 Em
And nothing else matters

Em D C
Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don’t just say
G Н7 Em
And nothing else matters

Em D С
Trust I seek and find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
G Н7 Em
And nothing else matters

{Начало припева}
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
A D Em
But I know
{конец припева}

{Повторить первый куплет}
{Повторить первый и второй куплеты}

Never cared for what they say
Never cared for what they play

Never cared for what they do

Never cared for what they know

A D Em
But I know

{Повторить первый куплет}


Ничто Больше Не Имеет Значения

Так близко не значит как далеко
Не могло бы быть намного больше от сердца
Вечно доверяя тем, кто мы есть
И ничто больше не имеет значения
Я никогда не открывал себя с этой стороны
Жизнь - наша, и мы проживаем ее по своему
Все эти слова я не просто так говорю
И ничто больше не имеет значения
Доверие, что я ищу, я нахожу в тебе
Каждый день для нас - это что-то новое
Открой свой разум для разный точек зрения
И ничто больше не имеет значения

Важно не то, что они делают
Важно не то, что они знают
А то, что знаю я

Так близко не значит как далеко
Не могло бы быть намного больше от сердца
Вечно доверяя тем, кто мы есть
И ничто больше не имеет значения

Важно не то, что они делают
Важно не то, что они знают
А то, что знаю я

Я никогда не открывал себя с этой стороны
Жизнь - наша, и мы проживаем ее по своему
Все эти слова я говорю не просто так
И ничто больше не имеет значения
Доверие, что я ищу, я нахожу в тебе
Каждый день для нас - это что-то новое
Открой свой разум для разный точек зрения
И ничто больше не имеет значения

Важно не то,, что они говорят
Важно не то, в какие игры они играют
Важно не то, что они делают

Важно не то, что они знают
И я знаю

Так близко не значит как далеко
Не могло бы быть намного больше от сердца
Вечно доверяя тем, кто мы есть
И ничто больше не имеет значения

Metallica - Nothing else matters

6/8 time
P (9/8 time) Н P S S P
E|-7———–7^0——– |———7—8—7^8^7\5-7—5\2^0-|
D|————————- |———————————–|
A|————————- |———————————–|




82. The Unfogiven III Текст Текст

How could he know this new dawn's light
Would change his life forever?
Set sail to sea but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure

Was he the one causing pain
With his careless dreaming?
Been afraid
Always afraid
Of the things he's feeling
He could just be gone

He would just sail on
He would just sail on

How can I be lost?
If I've got nowhere to go?
Searched the seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost
In remembrance I relive
How can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

These days drift on inside a fog
It's thick and suffocating
This seeking life outside its hell
Inside intoxicating
He's run aground
Like his life
Water's much too shallow
Slipping fast
Down with the ship
Fading in the shadows now
A castaway

All gone

They've gone away

How can I be lost
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost
In remembrance I relive
And how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me, why can't I forgive me?

Set sail to sea but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure
How could he know this new dawn's light
Would change his life forever

How can I be lost
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost
In remembrance I relive
So how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

Знал ли он, что с рассветом
Его жизнь изменится навсегда?
Он отправился в море, но сбился с курса
Влекомый блеском золотых гор...

Неужели он был тем, кто причиняет боль
С его несбыточными мечтами
Он всегда
Всегда боялся того,
Что чувствовал -
Что он может просто уйти...

И он просто плыл дальше...
И он просто плыл дальше...

Как я могу заблудиться,
Если мне некуда идти?
Как все стало таким холодным,
Пока я был в поисках золотых морей?
Как я могу заблудиться
Если вновь переживу все это?
И как я могу винить тебя,
Если сам себя не могу простить?

Эти дни прошли в дымке бездействия,
Густой и удушающей...
Со стороны эта жизнь в поиске кажется сущим адом,
Отравляющим нас изнутри.
Он сел на мель,
Как и его жизнь.
И хотя в этом месте настоящее мелководье,
Он быстро тонет
Вместе с кораблем,
Растворяясь среди теней,
Никому не нужный.

Все порицания
На нет

Порицания сходят на нет

Как я могу заблудиться,
Если мне некуда идти?
Как все стало таким холодным,
Пока я был в поисках золотых морей?
Как я могу заблудиться
Если вновь переживу все это?
И как я могу винить тебя,
Если сам себя не могу простить?

Простить себя
Или нет
Простить себя
Или нет
Простить себя
Или нет
Простить себя
Почему же я не могу простить себя?

Он отправился в море, но сбился с курса,
Влекомый блеском золотых гор...
Знал ли он, что с рассветом
Его жизнь изменится навсегда?

Как я могу заблудиться,
Если мне некуда идти?
Как все стало таким холодным,
Пока я был в поисках золотых морей?
Как я могу заблудиться
Если вновь переживу все это?
И как я могу винить тебя,
Если сам себя не могу простить?

83. Holier Than Thou Текст Текст


No more
The crap rolls out your mouth again
Haven't changed, your brain is still gelatin
Little whispers circle around your head
Why don't you worry about yourself instead?

Who are you? Where ya been? Where ya from?
Gossip burning on the tip of your tongue
You lie so much you believe yourself
Judge not lest ye be judged yourself

Holier than thou
You are
Holier than thou
You are

You know not

Before you judge me, take a look at you
Can't you find something better to do?
Point the finger, slow to understand
Arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand

It's not who you are, it's who you know
Others' lives are the basis of your own
Burn your bridges and build them back with wealth
Judge not lest ye be judged yourself

Holier than thou
You are
Holier than thou
You are

You know not

Who the hell are you?

Words and Music by James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich

84. The Thing That Should Not Be Текст Текст

Messenger of fear in sight
Dark deception kills the light

Hybrid children watch the sea
Pray for father, roaming free

Fearless wretch
He watches
Lurking beneath the sea
Great old one
Forbidden site
He searches
Hunter of the shadows is rising

In madness you dwell

Crawling chaos, underground
Cult has summoned, twisted sound
Out from ruins once possessed
Fallen city, living death

Fearless wretch
He watches
Lurking beneath the sea
Timeless sleep
Has been upset
He awakens
Hunter of the shadows is rising

In madness you dwell

Not dead which eternal lie
Stranger eons death may die
Drain you of your sanity
Face the thing that should not be

Fearless wretch
He watches
Lurking beneath the sea
Great old one
Forbidden site
He searches
Hunter of the shadows is rising

85. When a Blind Man Cries (Deep Purple Cover) Текст Текст

// Re-Machined. A Tribute To Deep Purple's Machine Head, 2012

If you're leaving close the door.
I'm not expecting people anymore.
Hear me grieving, I'm lying on the floor.
Whether I'm drunk or dead I really ain't too sure.

I'm a blind man, I'm a blind man
And my world is pale.
When a blind man cries,
Lord, you know there aint no sadder tale.

Had a friend once in a room,
Had a good time but it ended much too soon.
In a cold month in that room
We found a reason for the things we had to do.

I'm a blind man, I'm a blind man,
Now my room is cold.
When a blind man cries,
Lord, you know he feels it from his soul.

86. Fuel for Fire Текст Текст

Gimme fuel, gimmefire, gimme that which I desire!
Turn on the dynamo, into the wild I go, No other place I know, I know.
Turn on I see red, Warhorse, Warhead, Throttle up for speed ahead, yeah ahead.

CHORUS: Ooooh, on I burn, Fuel these pumping engines, Burning hard, loose and clean, And on I burn, turning my direction, Quench my thirst with gasoline. Gimme fuel, gimme fire, gimme that which I desire, Can't fight the need for speed, I'm loose, I'm clean, I'm burning lean and mean, and mean. Ignite the open trail, Excite, exhale, comin' on, hot from hell, yeah hot from hell. CHORUS Gimme fuel, gimme fire, gimme that which I desire, Oooh, yeah-heh. SOLO1 On I burn! SOLO2 On, and on, and on.. Give me fuel, On, and on, and on.. Give me fire, On, and on, and on.. My desire, On, and on, and on.. CHORUS Gimme fuel, gimme fire, gimme that which I desire! FUEL!

87. The Outlaw Torn Текст Текст

And now I wait my whole lifetime for you
And now I wait my whole lifetime for you

I ride the dirt, I ride the tide for you
I search the outside, search inside for you

To take back what you left me
I know I'll always burn to be
The one who seeks so I may find
And now I wait my whole lifetime

Outlaw of torn
Outlaw of torn
And I'm torn

So on I wait my whole lifetime for you
So on I wait my whole lifetime for you

The more I search, the more my need for you
The more I bless, the more I bleed for you

You make me smash the clock and feel
I'd rather die behind the wheel
Time was never on my side
So on I wait my whole lifetime
Outlaw of torn
Outlaw of torn
Outlaw of torn
And I'm torn

Hear me
And if I close my mind in fear
Please pry it open
See me
And if my face becomes sincere
Hold me
And when I start to come undone
Stitch me together
Save me
And when you see me strut
Remind me of what left this outlaw torn

88. Leper Messiah Текст Текст

Spineless from the start, sucked into the part
circus comes to town, you play the lead clown
(это о тех, кто знает, что матч договорной, но всё равно идет на стадион)

Please, please
spreading his disease, living by his story
(бромантан и прочий допинг)

Knees, knees
falling to your knees, suffer for his glory
You will
(развешивание плакатов с изображением футболистов у себя дома над кроватью, футбольное идолопоклонничество)

Time for lust, time for lie
time to kiss your life goodbye
(работа с судьями)

Send me money, send me green
Heaven you will meet
Make a contribution
and you'll get a better seat
(продажа абонементов на новые стадионы ЦСКА, Зенита и Спартака)

Bow to Leper Messiah

Marvel at his tricks, need your Sunday fix
blind devotion came, rotting your brain
(о фанатах Криштиану Роналду)

Chain, chain
Join the endless chain
Fame, Fame
Infection is the game, stinking drunk with power
We see

Bow to Leper Messiah

Witchery, weakening
Sees the sheep are gathering
set the trap, hypnotize
now you follow


(это, случайно, не о том, во что сегодня превращаются футбол и некоторые клубы, а в некоторых проявлениях и в отдельных клубах уже превратился?)

89. Eye of the Beholder Текст Текст

Do you see what I see?
Truth is an offence
Your silence for your confidence

Do you hear what I hear?
Doors are slamming shut
Limit your imagination, keep you where they must

Do you feel what I feel?
Bittering distress
Who decides what you express?

Do you take what I take?
Endurance is the word
Moving back instead of forward seems to me absurd

Doesn't matter what you see
Or into it what you read
You can do it your own way
If it's done just how I say

Independence limited
Freedom of choice
Choice is made for you, my friend
Freedom of speech
Speech is words that they will bend
Freedom with their exception

Do you fear what I fear?
Living properly
Truths to you are lies to me

Do you choose what I choose?
More alternatives
Energy derives from both the plus and negative

Do you need what I need?
Boundaries overthrown
Look inside, to each his own

Do you trust what I trust?
Me, myself, and I
Penetrate the smoke screen, I see through the selfish lie

Doesn't matter what you see
Or into it what you read
You can do it your own way
If it's done just how I say

Independence limited
Freedom of choice
Choice is made for you, my friend
Freedom of speech
Speech is words that they will bend
Freedom with their exception

Do you know what I know?
Your money and your wealth
Your silence just to hear yourself

Do you want what I want?
Desire not a thing
I hunger after independence, lengthen freedom's ring

Doesn't matter what you see
Or into it what you read
You can do it your own way
If it's done just how I say

Independence limited
Freedom of choice
Choice is made for you, my friend
Freedom of speech
Speech is words that they will bend
Freedom no longer for you

Doesn't matter what you see
Or into it what you read
You can do it your own way
If it's done just how I say

Words and Music by James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich and Kirk Hammett

90. Bad Seed Текст Текст


Come clean, fess up
Tell all, spill gut
Off the veil, stand revealed
Show the cards, bring it on, break the seal

Ladies and gentlemen,
step right up
And see the man who told
the truth

Swing the noose again
Pierce the apple skin
You bit more than you need
Now you're choking on
the bad seed
On the bad seed

Let on, load off
Confess, cast off
At the mercy, the cat is out
Drop the disguise, spit it up,
spit it out

And now, what you've all
been waiting for
I give you He Who Suffers
the Truth

Swing the noose again
Pierce the apple skin
You bit more than you need
Now you're choking on the
bad seed
Choking on the bad seed

Off the veil, stand revealed
Bring it on, break the seal
At the mercy, cat is out
Spit it up, spit it out
Spit it up, spit it out
Spit it out now

At the mercy

Swing the noose again
Pierce the apple skin
You bit more than you need
Choking on the seed

Swing the noose again
Pierce the apple skin
You bit more than you need
You're choking on the bad seed

Off the veil, stand revealed
Bring it on, break the seal
At the mercy, cat is out
Spit it up, spit it out
Spit it up, spit it out
Spit it out now

Choking on the bad seed

Words and Music by James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich and Kirk Hammett

91. Bleeding Me Текст Текст

I'm digging my way
I'm digging my way to something
I'm digging my way to something better

I'm pushing to stay
I'm pushing to stay with something
I'm pushing to stay with something better

I'm sowing the seeds
I'm sowing the seeds I've taken
I'm sowing the seeds I take for granted

This thorn in my side
This thorn in my side is from the tree
This thorn in my side is from the tree I've planted

It tears me and I bleed
And I bleed

Caught under wheels' roll
I take the leech, I'm bleeding me
Can't stop to save my soul
I take the leash that's leading me
I'm bleeding me
I can't take it
Caught under wheels' roll
The bleeding of me
Of me
The bleeding of me

I am the beast that feeds the feast
I am the blood, I am release

Come make me pure
Bleed me a cure
I'm caught, I'm caught, I'm caught under

Caught under wheels' roll
I take that leech, I'm bleeding me
Can't stop to save my soul
I take the leash that's leading me
I'm bleeding me
I can't take it
I can't take it
I can't take it
The bleeding of me

I'm digging my way
I'm digging my way to something
I'm digging my way to something better

I'm pushing to stay
I'm pushing to stay with something
I'm pushing to stay with something better
With something better


Я строю свой путь.
Копаю свой путь куда-то.
Я рою туннель к чему-то лучше.

Пытаюсь столкнуть
Реальности глыбу с места,
Пытаюсь столкнуть туда, где лучше.

Я сею зерно,
Зерно, что я взял когда-то.
Зерно, что досталось мне без платы.

В боку моем шип.
Шип с дерева в тело впился мне,
Он с древа того, что я взростил когда-то.

Я кровью истекаю.
Кровь моя……

Под колесом Судьбы...
Я плеть беру, себя хлещу.
Все о душе мольбы,
Чтоб смыть грехи, я кровь пущу.
Оу-у… И нет прощенья….
Под колесом Судьбы
О-о… Льет кровь моя…..
О-о … Кровь…
О-о… Льет кровь моя…..

Я зверь, что жадно плоть грызёт.
Я сам есть кровь, Я есть - исход.

Очисть меня,
Спаси меня!

Я под.. Я под.. Я раздавлен!!!

Под колесом Судьбы...
Я плеть беру, себя хлещу.
Все о душе мольбы,
Чтоб смыть грехи, я кровь пущу.
Оу-у… Нет прощенья….
Нет прощенья.
Нет спасенья…
О-о….. Льет кровь моя…..

Я строю свой путь.
Копаю свой путь куда-то.
Я рою туннель к чему-то лучше.

Пытаюсь столкнуть
Реальности глыбу с места,
Пытаюсь столкнуть туда, где лучше.
Где будет лучше…

92. Jump in the Fire Текст Текст

Down in the depths of my fiery home
The summons bell will chime,
Tempting you and all the earth
To join our sinful kind.
There's a job to be done and I'm the one.
You, people, make me do it.
Now it's time for your fate and I won't hesitate
To pull you down into this pit.

So come on,
Jump in the fire.
So come on,
Jump in the fire.

With hell in my eyes and with death in my veins
The end is closing in,
Feeding on the minds of man
And from their souls within,
My disciples all shout to search you out
And they always shall obey,
Follow me now, my child, not the meek or the mild
But do just as I say.

So come on,
Jump in the fire.
So come on,
Jump in the fire.

Jump by your will or be taken by force.
I'll get you either way,
Trying to keep the hellfire lit,
I'm stalking you as prey,
Living your life as me, I am you, you see,
There is part of me in everyone.
So reach down, grab my hand, walk with me through the land,
Come home where you belong.

So come on,
Jump in the fire.
So come on,
Jump in the fire.

Внизу, в глубинах моего огненного дома,
Будет звонить призывный колокол,
Искушая тебя и всю землю
Присоединиться к нашему грешному роду.
Нужно сделать одну работу, и я – тот, кто за неё возьмётся.
Вы, люди, заставляете меня это делать.
Настало время твоей судьбы, и я не буду колебаться,
Чтобы спустить тебя в эту яму....

Так давай,
Прыгай в огонь!
Так давай,
Прыгай в огонь!

С адским огнём в глазах и со смертью в моих жилах,
Я приближаю конец,
Продолжая питаться мыслями людей
И от их душ внутри...
Все мои ученики кричат, чтобы отыскать тебя,
И они всегда будут подчиняться.
Следуй теперь за мной, дитя моё, не кроткое, и не нежное,
И делай точь-в-точь так, как я скажу...

Так давай,
Прыгай в огонь!
Так давай,
Прыгай в огонь!

Прыгай по своему желанию, или тебя возьмут силой,
Я получу тебя любым путём.
Стараясь поддерживать адское пламя зажжённым,
Я выслеживаю тебя как добычу,
И ты проживаешь свою жизнь, как я. Ты – это я, понимаешь?
Часть меня есть в каждом.
Так протяни руку, ухватись за меня и иди со мной по земле,
Приди домой, туда, где ты и должен быть...

Так давай,
Прыгай в огонь!
Так давай,
Прыгай в огонь!

93. The Unforgiven (piano cover) Текст Текст

New blood joins this earth
And quickly he's subdued
Through constant pained disgrace
The young boy learns their rules

With time the child draws in
This whipping boy done wrong
Deprived of all his thoughts
The young man struggles on and on he's known
A vow unto his own
That never from this day
His will they'll take away

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee unforgiven

They dedicate their lives
To running all of his
He tries to please them all
This bitter man he is
Throughout his life the same
He's battled constantly
This fight he cannot win
A tired man they see no longer cares
The old man then prepares
To die regretfully
That old man here is me

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee unforgiven

You labeled me
I'll label you
So I dub the unforgiven

94. 2x4 Текст Текст

I'm gonna make you, shake you, take you
I'm gonna be the one who breaks you
Put the screws to you, yeah, my way
Yeah, come on and come on, come and make my day
Make my day

Got some hell to pay, I steal your thunder
The joy of violent movement, pulls you under
Bite the bullet, well hard
Yeah, but I die harder, so go too far
Too far

Friction, fusion, retribution
I can't hear you, talk to me
I can't hear you, so talk to me
I can't hear you, are you talking to me?
I can't hear you, are you talking to me?
I can't hear you, time to meet my lord
I can't hear you, talk to two by four

I'm gonna make you, shake you, take you
I'm gonna be that one who breaks you
Put the screws to you, my way
Hey, come on and come on, come and make my day
Make my day

Friction, fusion, retribution
I can't hear you, talk to me
I can't hear you, come talk to me
I can't hear you, are you talking to me?
I can't hear you, are you talking to me?
I can't hear you, time to meet my lord
I can't hear you, talk to two by four

Talk to two by four
It don't take no more

Friction, fusion, retribution
I'm gonna make you talk to me
I'm gonna trick you, so talk to me
I can't hear you, are you talking to me?
I can't hear you, you talking to me?
I can't hear you, time to meet my lord
I can't hear you, talk to two by four
She don't take no more

95. Shoot Me Again Текст Текст

I won't go away
Right here I'll stay

Stand silent in flames
Stand tall 'till it fades

Shoot me again
I ain't dead yet

Shoot me again

All these shots I take
I spit back at you
All the shit you fake
Comes back to haunt you

All the shots

All the shots I take
What difference did I make?
All the shots I take
I spit back at you

I won't go away, with a bullet in my back
Right here I'll stay, with a bullet in my back

Shoot me take a shot

I'll stand on my own, with a bullet in my back
I'm stranded and sold, with a bullet in my back

I bite my tongue
Trying not to shoot back
No compromise
My heart won't pump the other way

Wake the sleeping giant
Wake the beast
Wake the sleeping dog
No, Let him sleep

96. The Shortest Straw Текст Текст

Suspicion Is Your Name
Your Honesty to Blame
Put Dignity to Shame
Witchhunt Modern Day
Determining Decay
The Blatant Disarray
The Public Eyes' Disgrace
Defying Common Place
Unending Paper Chase

This Vertigo it Doth Bring

Shortest Straw
Challenge Liberty
Downed by Law
Live in Infamy
Rub You Raw
Witchhunt Riding Through
Shortest Straw
This Shortest Straw Has Been Pulled for You

Pulled for You
Shortest Straw
Pulled for You
Shortest Straw
Pulled for You
Shortest Straw
Shortest Straw Has Been Pulled for You

The Accusations Fly
Discrimination, Why?
Your Inner Self to Die
Doubt Sunk Itself in You
It's Teeth and Talons Through
Your Living Catch 2-2

A Mass Hysteria
A Megalomania
Reveal Dementia

In Vertigo You Will Be

Shortest Straw
Challenge Liberty
Downed by Law
Live in Infamy
Rub You Raw
Witchhunt Riding Through
Shortest Straw
This Shortest Straw Has Been Pulled for You

Pulled for You
Shortest Straw
Pulled for You
Shortest Straw
Pulled for You
Shortest Straw
Shortest Straw Has Been Pulled for You

Shortest Straw
Pulled for You
Shortest Straw
Pulled for You
Shortest Straw
Pulled for You
Shortest Straw
Shortest Straw Has Been Pulled for You

Behind You, Hands Are Tied
Your Being, Ostracized
Your Hell Is Multiplied
The Fallout Has Begun
Oppressive Damage Done
Your Many Turned to None
To Nothing
You're Reaching Your Nadir
Your Will Has Disappeared
The Lie Is Crystal Clear

Channels Red
One Word Said
Black Listed
With Vertigo Make You Dead

Shortest Straw
Challenge Liberty
Downed by Law
Live in Infamy
Rub You Raw
Witchhunt Riding Through
Shortest Straw
This Shortest Straw Has Been Pulled for You
Pulled for You

97. I Dissapear Текст Текст

Hey, hey, hey
Here I go now, here I go into new days x2

I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer

Yeah, hey, hey, heeee-heeeey
Here I go into new days

Hey, hey, hey
Ain't no mercy, ain't no mercy there for me x2

I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer

Yeah, hey, hey, heeee-heeeey
Ain't no mercy, ain't no mercy there for me

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong, then it's time I disappear

Hey, hey, hey
And i went, then I went on down that road
Hey, hey, hey
And i went, then I went on down that road

I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer

Hey, hey, heeeeee-heeeeey
And i went, then I went on down that road

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong, then it's time I disappear x2

I'm gone! I'm gone! I'm gone baby!

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong, then it's time I disappear x2

Oh, disappear

98. Wasting My Hate Текст Текст

Good day. How do?
And I send a smile to you
Don't waste, waste your breath
And I won't waste my hate on you

Ain't gonna waste my hate
Ain't gonna waste my hate on you
I think I'll keep it for myself
Ain't gonna kill no more
Ain't got the time to help you score
I think it's time you pleased yourself

Good day. How do?
And I send a smile to you
Don't waste, waste your breath
And I won't waste my hate on you
Waste my hate on you


You think you're worthy now?
You think enough to even raise the brow
And to laugh and tip that two-pronged crown?

Well I see my hands, I see my feet
I feel that blood that pumps and beats
But where the hell's my mind going now?
Dead gone now!

Good day. How do?
And I send a smile to you
Don't waste, waste your breath
And I won't waste my hate on you
Waste my hate on you

Think I'll keep it for myself


Ain't gonna waste my hate
But I'm so greedy when they say
Better to give than to receive

Ain't gonna waste my hate, no no
Ain't got time to waste my hate on you
I think I'll keep it all for myself
For myself

Good day. How do?
And I send a smile to you
Don't waste, waste your breath
And I won't waste my hate on you
Waste my hate on you

Think I'll keep it for myself



99. Carpe Diem Baby Текст Текст

Hit dirt, shake tree
Split sky, part sea
Strip smile, lose cool
Bleed the day and break the rule
Live to win, dare to fail
Eat the dirt and bite the nail

Then make me miss you

So wash your face away with dirt
It don't feel good until it hurts
So take this world and shake it
Come squeeze and suck the day
Come carpe diem baby

Draw lead, piss wine
Sink teeth, all mine
Stoke fire, break neck
Suffer through this, cheat on death
Hug the curve, lose the time
Tear the map and shoot the sign

Then make me miss you

So wash your face away with dirt
It don't feel good until it hurts
So take this world and shake it
Come squeeze and suck the day
Come carpe diem baby

100. Welcome Home Текст Текст

Welcome to where time stands still
no one leaves and no one will
Moon is full, never seems to change
just labeled mentally deranged

Dream the same thing every night
I see our freedom in my sight
No locked doors, No windows barred
No things to make my brain seem scarred

Sleep my friend and you will see
that dream is my reality
They keep me locked up in this cage
can't they see it's why my brain says Rage

Sanitarium, leave me be
Sanitarium, just leave me alone

Build my fear of what's out there
and cannot breathe the open air
Whisper things into my brain
assuring me that I'm insane

They think our heads are in their hands
but violent use brings violent plans
Keep him tied, it makes him well
he's getting better, can't you tell?

No more can they keep us in
Listen, damn it, we will win
They see it right, they see it well
but they think this saves us from our Hell

Sanitarium, leave me be
Sanitarium, just leave me alone
Sanitarium, just leave me alone

Fear of living on
natives getting restless now
Mutiny in the air
got some death to do
Mirror stares back hard
Kill, it's such a friendly word
seems the only way
for reaching out again.

101. Lord Of Summer Текст Текст

Hell riders into the night
Galloping out in the faster
Through your dream they wake!
Walk through the fire and hate
Frosting your soul into zero
Excitation. Are you remembering the sound?
Recall the shaking of the ground..
Calling! Calling! All as one
Lords of summer bring the sun.
Coming! coming! Winter’s turn
Lords of summer shall return
Internal falling has begun
You trade your darkness for the sun
Melting the chill of winters turn
But soon the lords of summer shall return
Lords of summer shall return!
Light blasting through penetrate
It’s been a long lonely winter
Illumination bright
Beating the volume and light
Reanimating the fire
Transformation. become an access of the sound?
Recall the shaking of the ground.
Calling! Calling! All as one
Lords of summer bring the sun.
Coming! coming! Winter’s turn
Lords of summer have returned
Internal falling has begun
You trade your darkness for the sun
Melting the chill of winters turn
Now that the Lords of summer have returned
Lords of summer have returned!
Coming Coming All as one
Lords of summer bring the sun
Coming Coming Wintershed
Lords of summer shall return
Internal falling has begun
You trade your darkness for the sun
Melting the chill of winters turn
Now that the Lords of summer have returned
Lords of summer have returned!

102. Prince Charming Текст Текст

There's a black cloud overhead?
That's me
And the poison ivy chokes the tree
Again it's me
I'm the filthy one on Bourbon Street you walk on by
I'm the little boy that pushes hard and makes him cry

There's a dirty needle in your child
Stick me
Empty bottles still in hand, still dead
Still me
I'm the suit and tie that bleeds the street and still wants more
I'm the forty-five that's in your mouth, I'm a dirty, dirty whore

Look, it's me
The one who can't be free
Much too young to focus
But too old to see

Hey, look, it's me
What no one wants to see
See what you brought this world
Just what you want to see
Hey, Ma
Hey, Mom! Look, it's me

And he wants to be called “Father” now
Me again, me
The marks inside your arms spell me
Spell only me
I'm the nothing face that plants the bomb and strolls away
I'm the one who doesn't look quite right as children play

Look, it's me
The one who can't be free
Much too young to focus
But too old to see

Hey, look, it's me
What no one wants to see
See what you brought this world
Just what you want you want to see
Hey, Ma
Hey, Ma! Look, it's me

Look up to me,
What to be and what to fear
Look up to me
Look, it's me. Like what you hear?
See right through me
See the one who can't be free
See right through me
Look, it's me, what no one wants to see

Now see the black cloud up ahead
That's me
And this poison ivy chokes the tree
Again it's me
And I'm the filthy one on Bourbon Street you walk on by
I'm the little boy that pushes, pushes, makes it cry

Look, it's me
The one who can't be free
Much too young to focus
But too old to see

Hey, look, it's me
What no one wants to see
See what you brought this world
Just what you want to see
Hey, Ma
Hey, Ma! Look, it's me

Hey, Ma
Hey, Ma! Look, it's me

103. Sweet Amber Текст Текст

Wash your back so you won't stab mine
Get in bed with your own kind
Live your life so you don't see mine
Drape your back so you won't shine
Wash your back so you won't stab mine
Get in bed with your own kind
Live your life so you don't see mine
Drape your back so you won't shine

Ooh then she holds my hand
And i lie to get a smile
Ooh then she holds my hand
And i lie to get a smile

Using what i want
To get what you want
Using what i want
To get what you want
Using what i want
To get what you want
Using what i want
To get what you want

Ooh sweet amber
How sweet are you?
How sweet does it get?
How sweet are you?
How sweet does it get?

Chase the rabbit, fetch the stick
She rolls me over 'till im sick
She deals in habits, deals in pain
I run away, but i'm back again
Chase the rabbit, fetch the stick
She rolls me over 'till im sick
She deals in habits, deals in pain
I run away, but i'm back again

Ooh then she holds my hand
And i lie to get a smile
And she squeezes tighter
I still lie to get a smile

Using what i want
To get what you want
Using what i want
To get what you want
Using what i want
To get what you want
Using what i want
To get what you want

Ooh sweet amber
How sweet are you?
How sweet does it get?
How sweet are you?
How sweet does it get?

She holds the pen that spells the end
She traces me and draws me in...
She holds the pen that spells the end
She traces me and draws me in...

Ooh sweet amber
Ooh sweet amber
How sweet are you?
How sweet does it get?
How sweet are you?
How sweet does it get?

It's never as sweet as it seems

Милый Янтарь

Потри свою спину, тогда не ударишь мою,
Иди в постель со своей женщиной,
Живи своей жизнью, и не смотри на мою,
Задрапируй свою спину и не будешь сиять.

О-о, тогда она взяла меня за руку
И я солгал, чтоб получить улыбку,

Использовал то, что я хотел,
Чтоб получить то, что хочешь ты.

О-о, Милый Янтарь,
Насколько ты мил?
Как мило это получилось?
Насколько ты мил?
Как мило это получилось?
Беги за кроликом, ударь тростью,
Она переворачивает меня, пока не затошнит,
Она разбирается в привычках, разбирается в боли,
Я бегу прочь, но возвращаюсь обратно.

О-о, тогда она взяла меня за руку
И я солгал, чтоб получить улыбку, о да.
И она сжимает все сильнее,
А я продолжаю лгать чтоб выдавить улыбку.
Используя то, что я хочу,
Чтоб получить то, что хочешь ты.

Она взяла ручку чтоб произнести слово “конец”,
Она обрисовала меня и начертила на бумаге.
О-о, Милый Янтарь.


104. The Struggle Within Текст Текст

Reaching out for something you've got to feel
while clutching to what you had thought was real

Kicking at a dead horse pleases you
No way of showing your gratitude
So many things you don't want to do
What is it? What you have got to lose

What is hell
What is it you thing you're gonna find?
Boredom sets into the boring mind

Struggle within it suits you fine
Struggle within your ruin
Struggle within you seal your own coffin
Struggle within the struggling within

Home is not a home it becomes a hell
Turning it into your prison sell
Advantages are taken, not hanged out
While you struggle inside your hell

Reaching out
Grabbing for something you've got to feel
Closing in
The pressure upon you is still unreal

Struggle within it suits you fine
Struggle within your ruin
Struggle within you seal your own coffin
Struggle within the struggling within

Reaching out for something you've got to feel
While clutching to what you had thought was real
What the hell

What is it you think you're gonna find
Boredom sets into the boring mind

Struggle within it suit your fine
Struggle within your ruin
Struggle within you seal your own coffin
Struggle within the struggling within


Возвращаюсь за тем, что ты чувствовал
Ты хватаешься за то, что по твоему реально
Тебе нравится подстёгивать мёртвую лошадь
Ты не можешь выразить свою благодарность
Существует очень много вещей, которыми ты
Не хочешь заняться, что с тобой случилось ?
Что ты потерял
Чёрт возьми !
Что ты собираешься найти
Внутренняя борьба
Это тебе подходит
Внутренняя борьба
Ты бежишь
Внутренняя борьба
Ты запечатываешь свой гроб
Внутренняя борьба
Ты сражаешься сам с собой

Твой дом стал Адом
Он превратился в одиночную камеру
Ты безвозвратно потерял все выгоды
Твоего существования, сражаясь
В собственном Аду
Хватаясь за остатки чувств
Давление на тебя весьма реально

105. The House Jack Built Текст Текст

Open doors, so I walk inside
Close my eyes, find my place to hide
And I shake as I take it in
Let the show begin

Open my eyes
Just to have them close again
Well on my way
Well on my way to where I graze

It swallows me
As it takes me in his home
Hmm, I twist away
As I kill this world, no, no

Open doors, so I walk inside
Close my eyes, find my place to hide
And I shake as I take it in
Let the show begin

Open my eyes
Just to have them close once again
Don't want control
Aye, as it takes me down and down
And down again, well

Is that the moon
Or just a light that lights this dead end street?
Aah, is that you there
Or just another demon that I meet?

The higher you walk, the farther you fall
The longer the walk, the farther you crawl
My body, my temple, this temple it tells
"Step into the house that Jack built"

The higher you walk, the farther you fall
The longer the walk, the farther you crawl
My body, my temple, this temple it tells
"Yes, this is the house that Jack built", yeah

Open door as I walk inside
Swallow me, so the pain subsides
And I shake as I take this in

Let the show begin
Let the show begin
Let the show begin

The higher you walk, the farther you fall
The longer the walk, the farther you crawl
My body, my temple, this temple it tells
"Yes, this is the house that Jack built"

The higher you walk, the farther you fall
Longer the walk, the farther you crawl
My body, my temple, this temple it tells
"Yes, I am, I am, I am"

Open my eyes
It swallows me
Is that you there?
Hmm, I twist away
Away, away, away

106. Hell and Back Текст Текст

There's no where could i run to
She wretched but she comforts me
after everyone goes home
she's always there for me

when the sun goes hell bound
and the moon goes resurrect the night
I will hide within her
Not much good has come out the light

After everyone goes home
and I am left here on my own
I will run straight to hell and back

Straight to hell and back

When they turn outl their lights
and I am left to rule at night
Always return to hell and back

Straight to hell and back

Straight down yeah!

A lonely light in a window
Just longing for some company
Tragic harvest and hateful
But there's nothing as willing as she

When the night has fallen
It falls hard and let it all begins
When she starts her crawling
I feel my darkness growing from within

After everyone goes home
and I am left here on my own
I will run straight to hell and back

Straight to hell and back

When they turn out all their lights
and I am left to rule at night
Always return to hell and back

Straight to hell and back

I will run straight to hell and back

I become two, we become one
a battle unequal, unholy, undone

The path is cut deep
The path is won well
I follow my footsteps
to leave from your hell

After everyone goes home
and I am left here on my own
I will run straight to hell and back

Straight to hell and back

When they turn out all their lights
and I am left to rule at night
Always return to hell and back

Straight to hell and back

I will run straight to hell and back

107. Where The Wild Things Are Текст Текст


So wake up, sleepy one
It's time to save your world

Steal dreams and give to you
Shoplift a thought or two
All children touch the sun
Burn fingers one by one, by one

Will this earth be good to you?
Keep you clean or stain through?

So wake up, sleepy one
It's time to save your world
You're where the wild things are
Toy soldiers off to war

Big eyes to open soon
Believing all under sun and moon
But does heaven know you're here?
And did they give you smiles or tears?
No, no tears

Will this earth be good to you?
Keep you clean or stain through?

So wake up, sleepy one
It's time to save your world
You're where the wild things are
Toy soldiers off to war

You swing your rattle down
Call to arms, the trumpets sound
Toy horses start the charge
Robot chessmen standing guard

Hand puppets storm the beach
Fire trucks trapped out of reach
Hand puppets storm the beach
Fire trucks trapped out of reach
All clowns reinforce the rear
Slingshots fire into the air
All clowns reinforce the rear
Slingshots fire into the air
Stuffed bears hold the hill till death
Crossfire from the marionettes
Stuffed bears hold the hill till death
Crossfire from the marionettes
We shall never surrender

All you children touch the sun
Burn your fingers one by one
Will this earth be good to you?
Keep you clean or stain through?

So wake up, sleepy one
It's time to save your world
You're where the wild things are
Toy soldiers off to war
Off to war
Off to war

So close your little eyes

Words and Music by James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich and Jason Newsted

108. Blitzkrieg Текст Текст

Let us have peace, let us have life,
Let us escape the cruel knife
Let us have time, let the sun shine,
Let us beware the deadly sign

The day is coming
Armageddon`s near
Inferno`s coming
Can we survive the blitzkrieg?
the blitzkrieg?
the blitzkrieg?

Save us from fate, save us from hate,
Save ourselves before it`s too late
Come to our need, hear our plea,
Save ourselves before the earth bleeds

The day is dawning
The time is near
Alien`s calling
Can we survive the blitzkrieg?

109. Mercyful Fate Текст Текст

They're walking by the night

The moon has frozen blue

Long black coats a shelter for the rain

Their load must get through

Now bats are leaving their trees

They're joining the call

Seven satanic Hell preachers

Heading for the hall

Bringing the blood of a newborn child

Got to succeed, if not it's Satan's fall

Curse Of The Pharaohs

Away out in Egypt in the valley of kings

Where the mummified pharaohs

Pretend dead in their sleep

Don't touch, never ever steal

Unless you're in for the kill

Or you'll be hit by the curse of the pharaohs

Yes you'll be hit and the curse is on you

The curse of the pharaohs can be so deadly

Just destroying your future

Makin' it all shady

Don't touch, never ever steal

Unless you're in for the kill

Or you'll be hit by the curse of the pharaohs

Yes you'll be hit and the curse is on you

A Corpse Without Soul

Listen, I'm a corpse, I'm a corpse

I'm a corpse without soul

Satan, he's taken, he's taken

He's taken his toll

And he took it on me

I, I'm trapped, I'm trapped

I'm trapped in his spell

Tonight, I'm going, I'm going

I'm going to Hell, inside his spell

Into The Coven

Howl like a wolf

And a witch will open the door

Follow me and meet our high priestess

Come, come into my coven

And become Lucifer's child

Undress until you're naked

And put on this white coat

Take this white cross and go to the center of the ring

Come, come into my coven

And become Lucifer's child


I was born on the cemetery

Under the sign of the moon

Raised from my grave by the dead

And I was made a mercenary

In the legions of Hell

Now I'm king of pain, I'm insane

You know my only pleasure

Is to hear you cry

I'd love to hear you cry

I'd love to see you die

And I'll be the first

To watch your funeral

And I'll be the last to leave

I'd love to hear you cry

And when you're down beyond the ground

I'll dig up your body again

And make love to shame

Oh lady cry, and say goodbye

Oh lady cry, and say goodbye

You've gotta say goodbye

'Cause I will eat your mind

110. Fixxxer Текст Текст


Dolls of voodoo all stuck with pins
One for each of us and our sins

So you lay us in a line
Push your pins, they make us humble
Only you can tell in time
If we fall or merely stumble

But tell me - can you heal what father's done?
Or fix this hole in a mother's son?
Can you heal the broken worlds within?
Can you strip away so we may start again?

Tell me - can you heal what father's done?
Or cut this rope and let us run?
Just when all seems fine and I'm pain free
You jab another pin, jab another pin in me

Mirror, mirror upon thy wall
Break the spell or become the doll

See you sharpening the pins
So the holes will remind us
We're just the toys in the hands of another
And in time the needles turn from shine to rust

But tell me - can you heal what father's done?
Or fix this hole in a mother's son?
Can you heal the broken worlds within?
Can you strip away so we may start again?

Tell me - can you heal what father's done?
Or cut this rope and let us run?
Just when all seems fine and I'm pain free
You jab another pin, jab another pin in me
Jab it!

Blood for face, sweat for dirt
Three X's for the stone
To break this curse a ritual's due
I believe I'm not alone

Shell of shotgun, pint of gin
Numb us up to shield the pins
Renew our faith, which way we can
To fall in love with life again

To fall in love with life again
To fall in love with life again
To fall in love, to fall in love
To fall in love with life again

So tell me - can you heal what father's done?
Or fix this hole in a mother's son?
Can you heal the broken worlds within?
Can you strip away so we may start again?

Tell me - can you heal what father's done?
Or cut this rope and let us run?
Just when all seems fine and I'm pain free
You jab another pin, jab another pin in me

No more pins in me
No more, no more pins in me
No more, no more, no more
No, no, no

111. Crash Course in Brain Surgery Текст Текст

Look inside and you will see
The words are cutting deep inside my brain
Thunder burnin' quickly burning
Knife of words is driving me insane, insane yeah

Raven black is on my track
He shows me how to neutralize the knife
Show to me in surgery
The art of fighting words to conquer life, conquer life yeah

Now the wicked lance of fear
Is driven from my heady moutain brain
Crash course in brain surgery
Has stopped the bloody knife of words again yeah, yeah, yeah

112. Enter Sandman (Instrumental) Текст Текст

Say your prayers little one
Don't forget my son
To include everyone

I tuck you in, warm within
Keep you free from sin
'Til the sandman he comes

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to never-never land

Something's wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren't of Snow White

Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon's fire
And of things that will bite, yeah

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to never-never land

Now I lay me down to sleep
Now I lay me down to sleep
Pray the lord my soul to keep
Pray the lord my soul to keep

If I die before I wake
If I die before I wake
Pray the lord my soul to take
Pray the lord my soul to take

Hush little baby don't say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
It's just the beasts under your bed
In your closet in your head

Exit light
Enter night
Grain of sand

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to never-never land

Boo! Yeah yeah!

We're off to never-never land
Take my hand
We're off to never-never land
Take my hand

We're off to never-never land
We're off to never-never land
We're off to never-never land

113. 1991 - The Unforgiven Текст Текст

New blood joins this earth
And quickly he's subdued
Through constant pain disgrace
The young boy learns their rules

With time the child draws in
This whipping boy done wrong
Deprived of all his thoughts
The young man struggles on and on he's known
A vow unto his own
That never from this day
His will they'll take away

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been
What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee unforgiven

They dedicate their lives
To running all of his
He tries to please them all
This bitter man he is
Throughout his life the same
He's battled constantly
This fight he cannot win
A tired man they see
no longer cares
The old man then prepares
To die regretfully
That old man here is me

You labeled me
I'll label you
So I dub thee unforgiven

114. Turn The Page (Bob Seger Cover) Текст Текст

On a long and lonesome highway, east of Omaha
You can listen to the engines
moanin' Out its one note song
You can think about the woman or the girl
You knew the night before

But your thoughts will soon be wandering
The way they always do
When you're ridin' sixteen hours
And there's nothin' much to do
And you don't feel much like riding
You just wish the trip was through

Here I am, On the road again
There I am, Up on the stage
There I go, Playin' star again
There I go, Turn the page

So you walk into this restaurant
Strung out from the road
And you feel the eyes upon you
As you're shaking off the cold
You pretend it doesn't bother you
But you just want to explode

most times you can't hear 'em talk
But other times you can
All the same old clichés:
"Is it woman? Is it man?"
And you always seem outnumbered
You don't dare make a stand
Make your stand

Here I am, On the road again
There I am, Up on the stage
Here I go, Playn' star again
There I go, Turn the page

Out there in the spotlight, you're a million miles away
Every ounce of energy, you try and give away
As the sweat pours out your body, like the music that you play

Later in the evenin' as you lie awake in bed
With the echoes of the amplifiers ringin' in your head
You smoke the day's last cigarette
Rememberin' what she said
What she said

(Yeah, what she said.)

Here I am, on the road again
There I am, up on the stage
Here I go, playn' star again
There I go, turn the page
And there I go, turn that page
There I go, yeah
Here I go, yeah(3x)
There I go, there I go
(And I'm gone)

115. Dirty Window Текст Текст

I see my reflection in the window
It looks different, so different than what you see
Projecting Judgement on the world
This house is clean baby
This house is clean

Am I who I think I am?
Am I who I think I am?
Am I who I think I am?
Look out my window and see it's gone wrong
Court is in session and I slam my gavel down

I'm judge and I'm jury and I'm executioner too

Projector, Protector, Rejector, Infector, Projector
Infrector, Injector, Defector, Rejector

I see my reflection in the window
This window clean inside, dirty on the out
I'm looking different than me
This house is clean baby
This house is clean

Am I who I think I am?
Am I who I think I am?
Am I who I think I am?
Look out my window and see it's gone wrong
Court is in session and I slam my gavel down

I'm judge and I'm jury and I'm executioner too

Projector, Protector, Rejector, Infector, Projector
Infrector, Injector, Defector, Rejector

I drink from the cup of denial
I'm judging the world from my throne
I drink from the cup of denial
I'm judging the world from my throne.

116. Better Than You Текст Текст


I look at you, then you, me
Hungry and thirsty are we
Holding the lion's share, holding the key
Holding me back 'cause I'm striving to be

Better than you
Better than you

Lock horns, I push and I strive
Somehow I feel more alive
Bury the need for it, bury the seed
Bury me deep when there's no will to be

Better than you
Better than you

Can't stop this train from rolling
Nothing brings me down
No, can't stop this train from rolling on and on, on
Forever on and on

Can't stop this train from rolling
You can't take it down
No, never stop this locomotion, on and on and on
No, you can't bring me down 'cause I'm

Better than you
Better than you

Words and Music by James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich

117. For Whom The Bells Tolls Текст Текст

Make his fight on the hills in the early day
Constant chill deep inside
Shouting gun on they run through the endless gray
On they fight for their right, yes, but who's to say?

For a hill, men would kill, why? They do not know
[Incomprehensible] wounds test their pride
Men of five, still alive through the raging glow
Gone insane from the pain and they surely know

For whom the bell tolls
Time marches on
For whom the bell tolls

Take a look to the sky just before you die
It is the last time he will
Blackened roar, massive roar fills the crumbling sky
Shattered goal fills his soul with a ruthless cry

Stranger now are his eyes to this mystery
He hears the silence so loud
Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be
Now they see what will be blinded eyes to see

118. Cure Текст Текст


The man takes another bullet
He keeps them all within
He must seek no matter how it hurts
So don't fool again

He thinks the answer's cold
and in his hand
He takes his medicine
The man takes another bullet
He's been fooled again

Uncross your arms
Take and throw them to the cure, say,
"I do believe"

Uncross your arms now
Take them to it, say
"I do believe"
"I do believe"

The lies tempt her and she follows
Again she lets him in
She must believe to fill the hollow
She's been fooled again

Uncross your arms
Take and throw them to
the cure, say,
"I do believe"

Uncross your arms now
Take them to it, say,
"I do believe"
"Yeah, I do believe"

Betting on the cure
It must get better than this
Betting on the cure
Everyone's got to have the sickness
'Cause everyone seems to need the cure
Precious cure

Betting on the cure
'Cause it must get better than this
Betting on the cure
Everyone's got to have the sickness
'Cause everyone seems to need the cure
Precious cure

"I do believe"

Betting on the cure
It must get better than this
Need to feel secure
It's got to get better than this
It must get better than this
Betting on the cure
Everyone's got to have the sickness
'Cause everyone seems to need the cure

"I do believe"

Words and Music by James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich

119. Only Happy When It Rains (Garbage Cover) Текст Текст

I'm only happy when it rains
I'm only happy when it's complicated
And though I know you can't appreciate it
I'm only happy when it rains
You know I love it when the news is bad
Why it feels so good to feel so sad
I'm only happy when it rains

Pour your misery down on me
Pour your misery down on me
(just) Pour your misery down on me
Pour your misery down on me

I'm only happy when it rains
I feel good when things are going wrong
I only listen to the sad, sad songs
I'm only happy when it rains

I only smile in the dark
My only comfort is the night gone black
I didn't accidentally tell you that
I'm only happy when it rains
You'll get the message by the time I'm through
When I complain about me and you
I'm only happy when it rains

Pour your misery down...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down on me...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down on me...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down on me...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down...pour
You can keep me company
As long as you don't care

I'm only happy when it rains
You want to hear about my new obsession
I'm riding high upon a deep depression
I'm only happy when it rains...pour some misery down on me
I'm only happy when it rains....pour some misery down on me
I'm only happy when it rains...pour some misery down on me
I'm only happy when it rains...pour some misery down on me
I'm only happy when it rains...pour some misery down on me...pour some misery down on me...pour some misery down on me...pour some misery down on me

120. Escape Текст Текст

Feel no pain, but my life ain't easy
I know I'm my best friend
No one cares, but I'm so much stronger
I'll fight until the end
To escape from the true false world
Undamaged destiny
Can't get caught in the endless circle
Ring of stupidity

Out of my own, out to be free
One with my mind, they just can't see
No need to hear things that they say
Life is for my own to live my own way

Rape my mind and destroy my feelings
Don't tell my what to do
I don't care now, 'cause I'm on my side
And I can see through you
Feed my brain with your so called standards
Who says that I ain't right
Break away from your common fashion
See through your blurry sight

Out of my own, out to be free
One with my mind, they just can't see
No need to hear things that they say
Life is for my own to live my own way

See they try to bring the hammer down
No damn chains can hold me to the ground
Life is for my own to live my own way

121. Invisible Kid Текст Текст

Invisible kid
Never see what he did
got stuck where he hid
Fallen through the grid
Invisible kid
Got a place of his own
Where he'll never be known
Inward he's grown
Invisible kid
Never see what he did
got stuck where he hid
Fallen through the grid
Invisible kid
Got a place of his own
Where he'll never be known
Inward he's grown

Invisible kid
Locked away in his brain
From the shame and the pain
World down the drain
Invisible kid
Suspious of your touch
Don't want no crutch
But it's all too much
Invisible kid
Locked away in his brain
From the shame and the pain
World down the drain
Invisible kid
Suspious of your touch
Don't want no crutch
But it's all too much, yeah

I hide inside
I hurt inside
I hide inside, but i'll show you...

I'm ok, just go away
Into distance let me fade
I'm ok, just go away
I'm ok, but please don't stray too far

Open your heart
I'm beating right here
Open your mind
I'm being right here, right now
Open your heart
I'm beating right here
Open your mind
I'm being right here, right now

Invisible kid
Never see what he did
got stuck where he hid
Fallen through the grid
Invisible kid
Got a place of his own
Where he'll never be known
Inward he's grown
Invisible kid
Never see what he did
got stuck where he hid
Fallen through the grid
Invisible kid
Got a place of his own
Where he'll never be known
Inward he's grown

I hide inside
I hurt inside
I hide inside, but i'll show you...

I'm ok, just go away
Into distance let me fade
I'm ok, just go away
I'm ok, but please don't stray too far

Open your heart
I'm beating right here
Open your mind
I'm being right here, right now
Open your heart
I'm beating right here
Open your mind
I'm being right here, right now

Ooh, what a good boy you are
Out of the way and you're kept to yourself
Ooh, Can't you see that he's not here
He doesn't want the attention you give
Ooh, unplugging from it all
Invisible Kid floats alone in his room
Ooh what a quiet boy you are
He looks so calm floating 'round and around in himself...

Invisible kid
Locked away is his brain
From the shame and the pain
World down the drain
Invisible kid
Suspicious of your touch
Don't want no crutch
But it's all to much
Invisible kid
Locked away is his brain
From the shame and the pain
World down the drain
Invisible kid
Suspicious of your touch
Don't want no crutch
But it's all to much, yeah

I hide inside
I hurt inside
I hide inside, but i'll show you...

I'm ok, just go away
Into distance let me fade
I'm ok, just go away
I'm ok, but please don't stray too far

Open your heart
I'm beating right here
Open your mind
I'm being right here, right now
Open your heart
I'm beating right here
Open your mind
I'm being right here, right now

122. Purify Текст Текст

Tear it down
Strip the layers off
My turpentine
Old paint, old looks
Cover up the past
White heat, white light
Super white bones
Bones of you and I

Purify... Can't you help me?
Pure if i... Won't you help me?
Purify you and i
Purify you and i
Purify... Can't you help me?
Purify... Won't you help me?
You and i purify
You and i purify

Truth and dare
Peeling back the skin
Acid wash
Ghost white
Ultra clean
Wanna be skeleton
Clear eyes
Diamond eyes
Strip the past of mine
My sweet turpentine

Purify... Can't you help me?
Purify... Won't you help me?
Purify you and i
Purify you and i
Purify... Can't you help me?
Purify... Won't you help me?
You and i purify
You and i purify

I can find the dirt on anything
I can find the dirt on anything

I ain't dancing with your skeletons
I, I ain't dancing with what might have been, no

Purify... Can't you help me?
Purify... Won't you help me?
Purify you and i
Purify you and i
Purify... Can't you help me?
Purify... Why won't you help me?
You and i purify
You and i purify
come on!, Purify

123. Trapped Under Ice Текст Текст

I don’t know how to live through this hell.
Woken up, I’m still locked in this shell.
Frozen soul, frozen down to the core.
Break the ice I can’t take anymore.

Freezing, can’t move at all.
Screaming, can’t hear my call.
I’m dying to live.
Cry out:
I’m trapped under ice!

Crystallized as I lay here and rest.
Eyes of glass stare directly at death.
From deep sleep I have broken away.
No one knows, no one hears what I say.

Freezing, can’t move at all.
Screaming, can’t hear my call.
I’m dying to live.
Cry out:
I’m trapped under ice!
Scream from soul.
Fate mystified.
Hell forever more.

No release from my cryonic state.
What is this? I’ve been stricken by fate.
Wrapped up tight, can not move, can’t break free.
Hand of doom has a tight grip on me…

Freezing, can’t move at all.
Screaming, can’t hear my call.
I’m dying to live.
Cry out:
I’m trapped under ice!

Trapped under Ice

I don’t know how to live through this hell.
Woken up, I’m still locked in this shell.
Frozen soul, frozen down to the core.
Break the ice I can’t take anymore.

Freezing, can’t move at all.
Screaming, can’t hear my call.
I’m dying to live.
Cry out:
I’m trapped under ice!

Crystallized as I lay here and rest.
Eyes of glass stare directly at death.
From deep sleep I have broken away.
No one knows, no one hears what I say.

Freezing, can’t move at all.
Screaming, can’t hear my call.
I’m dying to live.
Cry out:
I’m trapped under ice!

Scream from soul.
Fate mystified.
Hell forever more.

No release from my cryonic state.
What is this? I’ve been stricken by fate.
Wrapped up tight, can not move, can’t break free.
Hand of doom has a tight grip on me…

Freezing, can’t move at all.
Screaming, can’t hear my call.
I’m dying to live.
Cry out:
I’m trapped under ice!

124. The Frayed Ends of Sanity Текст Текст

Never hunger
Never prosper
I have fallen prey to failure
Struggle within
Triggered again
Now the candle burns at both ends

Twisting under schizophrenia
Falling deep into dementia

Old habits reappear
Fighting the fear of fear
Growing conspiracy
Everyone's after me
Frayed ends of sanity
Hear them calling
Hear them calling me

Birth of terror
Death of much more
I'm the slave of fear, my captor
Never warnings
Spreading its wings
As I wait for the horror she brings

Loss of interest, question, wonder
Waves of fear they pull me under

Old habits reappear
Fighting the fear of fear
Growing conspiracy
Everyone's after me
Frayed ends of sanity
Hear them calling
Hear them calling me

Into ruin
I am sinking
Hostage of this nameless feeling
Hell is set free
Flooded I'll be
Feel the undertow inside me

Height, hell, time, haste, terror, tension
Life, death, want, waste, mass depression

Old habits reappear
Fighting the fear of fear
Growing conspiracy
Myself is after me
Frayed ends of sanity
Hear them calling
Frayed ends of sanity
Hear them calling
Hear them calling me

Вступление - это марш солдат злой ведьмы из "Волшебника страны ОЗ". По иронии судьбы позднее он также был использован Принцем (Prince).

Речь идет о паранойе и неспособности отличить фантазию от реальности.

Metallica о песне "The Frayed Ends Of Sanity":
Ларс Ульрих: "Эта песня немного более музыкальная и замысловатая, чем другие на альбоме. У нее довольно продолжительная средняя часть, где музыка много раз меняется, и там есть несколько просто классных мелодий. В общем, это довольно умеренная по темпу вещь, но она на самом деле замысловатая, и нужно прослушать ее пару раз, чтобы начать ее понимать" (Источник: Мик Уолл и Малькольм Доум "Путеводитель по музыке Metallica")

125. Last Caress - Green Hell Текст Текст

I got something to say
I killed your baby today and it
Doesn't matter much to me
As long as it's dead

I got something to say
I raped your mother today
Doesn't matter much to me
As long as she spread

Sweet lovely death, just waiting for your breath
Cold sweet death, one last caress

Sweet lovely death, just waiting for your breath
Cold sweet death, one last caress

I got something to say
I killed your baby today and it
Doesn't matter much to me
As long as it's dead

Sweet lovely death, just waiting for your breath
Cold sweet death, one last caress

Last Caress Today! Yo-whoaaoo. Yooo!

Here in this place lies the key to your death
Touch it, see it
Here in this place is the means to your end
Touch it, feel it
Green hell

You did your best as someone could
I bet you never knew you would
And did you run away from it?
I bet you thought you really could
We're gonna burn in hell
Green Hell
Like every hell but kind of green
Green Hell Green Hell
Try let me get back up there
Green Hell Green Hell
Feel it burning in your cereal
Green Hell Green Hell
Throw our fuckin' friends inside
Green Hell Green Hell
Gotta fuckin' pay and you must stay
Green Hell Green Hell
Cannot refill the torch of death
Green Hell Green Hell
Hell is reigning in your blood
Green Hell Green Hell
Gotta burn it all
Green hell

You did your best as someone could
I bet you never knew you would
And did you run away from me
I bet you thought you really could

Here in this place lies the key to your death
Touch it, see it
Here in this place sister won't let it in
Touch it, feel it
Green hell

You did your best as someone could
I bet you never knew you would
Did you run away from me?
I bet you thought you really could
You've come to this as someone told
I bet you never knew you would
Gonna bring
Green hell

126. Am I Evil (Diamond Head Cover) Текст Текст

[Original: Diamond Head]

My mother was a witch, she was burned alive.
Thankless little bitch, for the tears I cried.
Take her down now, don't want to see her face
All blistered and burnt, can't hide my disgrace.

Twenty-seven, everyone was nice.
Gotta see 'em make 'em pay the price.
See their bodies out on the ice.
Take my time.

Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man, yes I am.

As I watched my mother die, I lost my head.
Revenge now I sought, to break with my bread.
Taking no chances, you come with me.
I'll split you to the bone, help set you free.

Twenty-seven, everyone was nice.
Gotta see 'em make 'em pay the price.
See their bodies out on the ice.
Take my time.

Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man, yes I am.

On with the action now, I'll strip your pride.
I'll spread your blood around, I'll see you ride.
Your face is scarred with steel, wounds deep and neat.
Like a double dozen before ya, smells so sweet.

Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man.

I'll make my residence, I'll watch your fire.
You can come with me, sweet desire.
My face is long forgot, my face not my own.
Sweet and timely whore, take me home.

Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man.

My soul is longing for, await my heir.
Sent to avenge my mother, sweep myself.
My face is long forgot, my face not my own.
Sweet and timely whore, take me home.
Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man.

Am I evil? Yes I fucking am.
Am I evil? I am man, yeah.

127. My World Текст Текст

The motherfuckers got in my head
Trying to make me someone else instead

It's my world now
it's my world now
it's my world...
it's my world...

Mama, why's it rainin' in my room
Cheer up boy clouds will move on soon
Heavy fog got me lost inside
I'm gonna sit right back and enjoy this ride

It's my world
You can't have it!
It's my world, It's my world
It's my world
You can't have it!
It's my world, It's my world
It's my world
You can't have it!
It's my world, It's my world
It's my world...Sucker!

I'm out my head, out my head
Get'em out my head, out my head
Get'em out

Who's in charge of my head today
Dancin' devils in angels way

It's my time now
it's my time now
it's my time...
it's my time...

Look out motherfuckers here i come
I'm gonna make my head my home
The sons of bitches tried to take my head
Tried to make me someone else instead

It's my world
You can't have it!
It's my world, It's my world
It's my world
You can't have it!
It's my world, It's my world
It's my world
You can't have it!
It's my world, It's my world
It's my world...Sucker!

I'm out my head, out my head
Get'em out my head, out my head
Get'em out

Not only do i not know the answer
I don't even know what the question is
Not only do i not know the answer
I don't even know what the question is

God it feels like it only rains on me
God it feels like it only rains on me
God it feels like it only rains on me
God it feels like it only rains on me

Not only do i not know the answer
I don't even know what the question is
Not only do i not know the answer
I don't even know what the question is

I'm out my head, out my head
Out my head, Get'em out

Enough's enough!
Enough's enough!
Enough's enough!
Enough's enough!
Enough's enough!
Enough's enough!
Enough's enough!
Enough's enough!

128. Thorn Within Текст Текст


Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned
Find me guilty of the life I feel within

When I'm branded, this mark of shame
Should I look down, disgraced, or straight ahead and know that you must blame?

I am the secret
I am the sin
I am the guilty
And I am, I am the thorn within

Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned
Find me guilty when true guilt is from within

So point your fingers, point right at me
For I am shadows and will follow you, one and the same are we

I am the secret
I am the sin
I am the guilty
And I am, I am the thorn within

I do your time, I take your fall
I'm branded guilty for us all

So point your fingers, point right at me
For I am shadows and will follow you, one and the same are we

I am your secrets
I am your sin
I am your guilty
And I am, I am the thorn within

I am the thorn within
I am the thorn within

Words and Music by James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich and Kirk Hammett

129. Lords of Summer Текст Текст

Trailriders into the night
Galloping out in the distance
Through your dream and Wake!
Walk through the fire and late.
Crushing your soul into zero
Excitation. Are you remembering the sound?
Recall the shaking of the ground..
Calling! Calling! All as one
The Lords of summer will bring the sun.
Coming! coming! Wintershed
Lords of summer have returned
Internal falling has begun
You trade your darkness for the sun
Melting the chill of winters turn
So that the Lords of summer shall return
Lords of summer shall return!
Light blasting through then a dream
Its been a long lonely winter
the new ……. strikes
filling the void by the light
reanimated by fire
Transformation. Are you remembering the sound?
Recall the shaking of the ground..
Calling! Calling! All as one
The Lords of summer will bring the sun.
Coming! coming! Wintershed
Lords of summer have returned
Internal falling has begun
You trade your darkness for the sun
Melting the chill of winters turn
So that the Lords of summer shall return
Lords of summer shall return!
Coming Coming All as one
Lords of summer bring the sun
Coming Coming Wintershed
Lords of summer shall return
Internal falling has begun
You trade your darkness for the sun
Melting the chill of winters turn
Now that the Lords of summer have returned
Lords of summer have returned!

130. the lords of summer Текст Текст

Trailriders into the night
Galloping out in the distance
Through your dream and Wake!
Walk through the fire and late.
Crushing your soul into zero
Excitation. Are you remembering the sound?
Recall the shaking of the ground..
Calling! Calling! All as one
The Lords of summer will bring the sun.
Coming! coming! Wintershed
Lords of summer have returned

Internal falling has begun
You trade your darkness for the sun
Melting the chill of winters turn
So that the Lords of summer shall return
Lords of summer shall return!

Light blasting through then a dream
Its been a long lonely winter
the new ....... strikes
filling the void by the light
reanimated by fire
Transformation. Are you remembering the sound?
Recall the shaking of the ground..
Calling! Calling! All as one
The Lords of summer will bring the sun.
Coming! coming! Wintershed
Lords of summer have returned

Internal falling has begun
You trade your darkness for the sun
Melting the chill of winters turn
So that the Lords of summer shall return
Lords of summer shall return!

Coming Coming All as one
Lords of summer bring the sun
Coming Coming Wintershed
Lords of summer shall return

Internal falling has begun
You trade your darkness for the sun
Melting the chill of winters turn
Now that the Lords of summer have returned
Lords of summer have returned!

131. Memory Remains Текст Текст

Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane
But the memory remains

Heavy rings on fingers wave
Another star denies their grave
See the nowhere crowd
Cry the nowhere tears of honor

Like twisted vines that grow
That hide and swallow mansions whole
And dim the light of an already
Faded prima donna

Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane...
Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane...
But the memory remains

Heavy rings hold cigarettes
Up to lips that time forgets
While the Hollywood sun sets
Behind your back

And can't the band play on?
Just listen, they play my song
Ash to ash
Dust to dust
Fade to black

Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane...
Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane...
Dance little tin goddess

Nananananana nananada nananananana nanananadana
Nananananana nananada nananananana nanananadana

Drift away
Fade away
Little tin goddess

Ash to ash
Dust to dust
Fade to black

Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane...
Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane...
But the memory remains

Ash to ash
Dust to dust
Fade to black...
The memory remains
Faded prima donna

Dance little tin goddess dance

Nananananana nananada nanananana nanananadana
Nananananana nananada nanananana nanananadana
Nanana...say yes...nananana least say hello...nananana
Nanana...say yes...nananana least say hello...nananana
Nana nana

132. The Wait Текст Текст

Motives changing
Day to day
The fire increases
Masks decay
I look at the river
White foam floats down
The body's poisoned
Got to sit tight

The wait
The wait
The wait
The wait

After awakening
The silence grows
The screams subside
Distortion shows
Mutant thoughts
Of bad mouthed news
It's just another birth
Of distorted views

The wait
The wait
The wait
The wait

The wait
The wait
The wait
The wait

133. THE UNFORGIVEN 3 Текст Текст

How could he know this new dawn's light
Would change his life forever?
Set sail to sea but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure

Was he the one causing pain
With his careless dreaming?
Been afraid
Always afraid
Of the things he's feeling
He could just be gone

He would just sail on
He would just sail on

How can I be lost?
If I've got nowhere to go?
Searched the seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost
In remembrance I relive
How can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

These days drift on inside a fog
It's thick and suffocating
This seeking life outside its hell
Inside intoxicating
He's run aground
Like his life
Water's much too shallow
Slipping fast
Down with the ship
Fading in the shadows now
A castaway

All gone

Blame gone away

How can I be lost
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost
In remembrance I relive
And how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me, why can't I forgive me?

Set sail to sea but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure
How could he know this new dawn's light
Would change his life forever

How can I be lost
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost
In remembrance I relive
So how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

Знал ли он, что с рассветом
Его жизнь изменится навсегда?
Он отправился в море, но сбился с курса
Влекомый блеском золотых гор...

Неужели он был тем, кто причиняет боль
С его несбыточными мечтами
Он всегда
Всегда боялся того,
Что чувствовал -
Что он может просто уйти...

И он просто плыл дальше...
И он просто плыл дальше...

Как я могу заблудиться,
Если мне некуда идти?
Как все стало таким холодным,
Пока я был в поисках золотых морей?
Как я могу заблудиться
Если вновь переживу все это?
И как я могу винить тебя,
Если сам себя не могу простить?

Эти дни прошли в дымке бездействия,
Густой и удушающей...
Со стороны эта жизнь в поиске кажется сущим адом,
Отравляющим нас изнутри.
Он сел на мель,
Как и его жизнь.
И хотя в этом месте настоящее мелководье,
Он быстро тонет
Вместе с кораблем,
Растворяясь среди теней,
Никому не нужный.

Все порицания
На нет

Порицания сходят на нет

Как я могу заблудиться,
Если мне некуда идти?
Как все стало таким холодным,
Пока я был в поисках золотых морей?
Как я могу заблудиться
Если вновь переживу все это?
И как я могу винить тебя,
Если сам себя не могу простить?

Простить себя
Или нет
Простить себя
Или нет
Простить себя
Или нет
Простить себя
Почему же я не могу простить себя?

Он отправился в море, но сбился с курса,
Влекомый блеском золотых гор...
Знал ли он, что с рассветом
Его жизнь изменится навсегда?

Как я могу заблудиться,
Если мне некуда идти?
Как все стало таким холодным,
Пока я был в поисках золотых морей?
Как я могу заблудиться
Если вновь переживу все это?
И как я могу винить тебя,
Если сам себя не могу простить?

134. Phantom Lord Текст Текст

Sound is ripping through your ears
The deafening sound of metal nears
Your body's waiting for his whips
The taste of leather on your lips

Hear the cry of war
Louder than before
With his sword in hand
To control the land
Crushing metal strikes
On this frightening night
Fall onto your knees
For the Phantom Lord

Victims falling under chains
You hear them crying dying pains
Fist of terror's breaking through
Now there's nothing you can do

Hear the cry of war
Louder than before
With his sword in hand
To control the land
Crushing metal strikes
On this frightening night
Fall onto your knees
For the Phantom Lord

The leather armies have prevailed
The Phantom Lord has never failed
Smoke is lifting from the ground
The rising volume metal sound

Hear the cry of war
Louder than before
With his sword in hand
To control the land
Crushing metal strikes
On this frightening night
Fall onto your knees
For the Phantom Lord

Fall to your knees
And bow to the Phantom Lord

135. 10 лучших треков. Текст Текст

1. Bleeding me (Load) (1996)
2. Enter sandman (Metallica) (1991)
3. My friend of misery (Metallica) (1991)
4. One (…And Justice for All) (1988)
5. Sad but true (Metallica) (1991)
6. The day that never comes (Death Magnetic) (2008)
7. The unforgiven ii (Reload) (1997)
8. The unforgiven iii (Death Magnetic) (2008)
9. The unforgiven (Metallica) (1991)
10. Welcome home (Master of Puppets) (1986)

136. Enter The Sandman Текст Текст

Читай молитвы, малыш,
и не вздумай, сын мой,
Пропустить ни одной.

Завернись - тепло внутри,
От греха тебя хранит,
Пока песочный человек не придет.

Спи вполглаза,
Крепче к подушке прижмись.

Гаснет свет,
Входит ночь,
Уведи меня прочь
В страну-которой-нет.

Свет погас и что-то не так,
Тяжки думы в ночи
И совсем не светлы.

Сны о лжецах, сны о войне,
Сны о драконьем огне
И о том, что может укусить во сне!

Спи вполглаза,
Крепче к подушке прижмись.

Гаснет свет,
Входит ночь,
Уведи меня прочь
В страну-которой-нет.

Я ложусь спать и молю господа
Хранить мою душу.
Если я умру во сне,
Молю господа забрать мою душу к себе.

Тихо, детка, замолчи.
Все равно, что там шуршит,
Просто под кроватью зверь,
В гардеробе, в голове!

Гаснет свет,
Входит ночь,
Засыпает песком...

Гаснет свет,
Входит ночь
Уведи меня прочь
В страну-которой-нет.

137. Nothing Else Matter Текст Текст

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
but I know

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
but I know

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

never cared for what they say
never cared for games they play
never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
and I know

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
No nothing else matters

138. Around the world Текст Текст

Around the World (оригинал ATC)

The kisses of the sun
Were sweet. I didn't blink,
I let it in my eyes -
Like an exotic dream.
The radio playing songs,
That I have never heard.
I don't know what to say,
Oh, not another word!

Just: la la la la la!
It goes around the world
Just: la la la la la!
It's all around the world
Just: la la la la la!
And everybody singing:
La la la la la!
And now the bells are ringing:
La la la la la.. la la la!

Inside an empty room
My inspiration flows.
Now wait to hear the tune,
Around my head it goes.
The magic melody
You want to sing with me.
Just: la la la la la!
The music is the key.

And now the night is gone,
Still it goes on and on
So deep inside of me
I long to set it free
I don't know what to do
Just can't explain to you
I don't know what to say
Oh, not another word.

Just: la la la la la!
It goes around the world
Just: la la la la la!
It's all around the world
Just: la la la la la!
And everybody singing:
La la la la la!
And now the bells are ringing:
La la la la la.. la la la!

The kisses of the sun.. sun.. sun..
Around.. around.. around.. around..

Just: la la la la la!
It goes around the world
Just: la la la la la!
It's all around the world
Just: la la la la la!
And everybody singing:
La la la la la!
And now the bells are ringing:
La la la la la.. la la la!

Around.. around.. around.. around..

По свету
Поцелуи солнца
Были сладки. Я не моргала,
А пускала их в глаза,
Как экзотическую мечту...
По радио звучат песни,
Которые я никогда не слышала.
Я не знаю, что сказать,
У меня нет слов!

Просто: Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
Несётся по свету...
Просто: Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
По всему белому свету...
Просто: Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
И все поют:
Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
И колокольчики звенят:
Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!

В этой пустой комнате
Рождается моё вдохновение....
Скоро и вы услышите мотив,
Звучащий в моей голове...
Вы хотите петь
Эту магическую мелодию вместе со мной..
Просто: Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
Музыка - это ключ ко всему...

Ночь подошла к концу,
А мелодия всё звучит
Где-то глубоко внутри меня,
И я жажду её освободить...
Я не знаю, что делать,
Просто не могу обьяснить тебе.
Я не знаю, что сказать,
У меня нет слов....

Просто: Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
Несётся по свету...
Просто: Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
По всему белому свету...
Просто: Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
И все поют:
Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
И колокольчики звенят:
Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!

Поцелуи солнца... солнца... солнца...
По свету.... По свету... По свету...

Просто: Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
Несётся по свету...
Просто: Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
По всему белому свету...
Просто: Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
И все поют:
Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!
И колокольчики звенят:
Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла Ла!

По свету.... По свету... По свету...

139. the day that never come Текст Текст

Born to push you around
You better just stay down
You put away
He hits the flesh
You hit the ground
Maps so fulls of lies
Tend to black your eyes
Just keep them close
Keep praying
Just keep waiting

Waiting for the one
The day that never comes
When you stand up and feel the warmth
but the sunshine never comes
No the sunshine never comes

Push you cross that line
Just stay down this time
Hiding yourself
Crawling yourself
You'll have your time
God I'll make them pay
Take it back one day
I'll end this day
I'll spread the color on this grave

Waiting for the one
The day that never comes
When you stand up and feel the warmth
but the sunshine never comes
No the sunshine never comes

Love is a four letter word
And never spoken here
Love is a four letter word
Here in the prison
I suffer this no longer
I put it into
This I swear!
This I swear!
The sun will shine
This I swear!
This I swear!
This I swear!

140. Whenever I May Roam Текст Текст

Я — вечный странник

…и дорога стала мне невестой. Я лишился всего, кроме чувства собственного достоинства. Но ей, дороге, я доверился. И мне этого достаточно: она даёт мне всё необходимое. И, глотая пыль, я жажду узнать лишь одно: спасусь ли я от этих ваших рабских игр? Бродяга, скиталец, кочевник, бездельник, зовите меня как угодно. Но я буду проводить время где захочу. Я свободен говорить что думаю когда захочу. И я сам себе хозяин, как бы там ни было. Я — вечный странник, где положу голову — там и мой дом.

…и Земля стала моим троном. Я привыкаю неизведанному. Я вырос под блуждающими звёздами. Я сам по себе, но не одинок. Мне никого не надо. Все узы разорваны. Чем меньше я имею, тем большее обретаю. Я — повелитель неисхоженных троп. Бродяга, скиталец, кочевник, бездельник, зовите меня как угодно. Но я буду проводить время где захочу. Я свободен говорить что думаю. И меня ничего не трясёт, где бы я ни был. На моём надгробном камне выбито: моё тело покоится здесь, а я по-прежнему странствую.

141. Na na na Текст Текст

The kisses of the sun - Were sweet I didn't blink
I let it in my eyes - Like an exotic drink
The radio playing songs - That I have never heard
I don't know what to say - Oh not another word

Just - la la la la la - It goes around the world
Just - la la la la la - It's all around the world
Just - la la la la la - And everybody's singing
La la la la la - And now the bells are ringing

La la la la la - la la la la la la la - la la la la la - la la la la la la la
La la la la la - la la la la la la la - la la la la la - la la la la la la la

Inside an empty room - My inspiration flows
Now wait to hear the tune - Around my head it goes
The magic melody - You want to sing with me
Just la la la la la - the music is the key
And now the night is gone - Still it goes on and on
So deep inside of me - I long to set it free
I don't know what to do - Just can't explain to you
I don't know what to say - Oh not another word

Just - la la la la la - It goes around the world
Just - la la la la la - It's all around the world
Just - la la la la la - And everybody's singing
La la la la la - And now the bells are ringing

La la la la la - la la la la la la la - la la la la la - la la la la la la la
La la la la la - la la la la la la la - la la la la la - la la la la la la la

The kisses of the sun

La la la la la - It goes around the world
Just - la la la la la - It's all around the world
Just - la la la la la - And everybody's singing
La la la la la - And now the bells are ringing

La la la la la - la la la la la la la - la la la la la - la la la la la la la
La la la la la - la la la la la la la - la la la la la - la la la la la la la

142. Poor Twisted Me Текст Текст


Oh, poor twisted me
Oh, poor twisted me
I feast on sympathy
I chew on suffer
I chew on agony

Swallow whole the pain
Oh, it's too good to be
That all this misery
Is just for, oh, poor twisted me
Poor twisted me

Poor mistreated me
Poor mistreated me
I drown without a sea
Lungs fill with sorrow
Lungs fill with misery

Inhaling the deep, dark blue
Oh, woe is me
Such a burden to be
The poor mistreated me

To finally reach the shore, survive the storm
Now you're bare and cold, the sea was warm
So warm, you bathe your soul again

Baby, again and again and again

You finally reached the shore, survived the storm
Now you're bare and cold, the sea was warm
So warm, you bathe your soul again

Good to feel my friend
Oh, woe is me
Such a burden to be
Oh, poor twisted me
Yo, poor twisted me

Words and Music by James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich

143. All Within My Hands Текст Текст

All within my hands
Squeeze it in, crush it down
All with my hands
Hold it dear, hold it suffocate

All within my hands
Love to death, smack you 'round and round and
All within my hands

Love is control
I'll die if I let go

Hate me now
Kill all within my hands
Hate me now
Crush all within my hands
Squeeze all within my hands
Choke all within my hands
Hate me now
Trap all within my hands
Hurry up and hate me now
Kill all within my hands

All within my hands
Take your fear, pump me up
All within my hands
Let you run, then I pull your leash

All within my hands
Under thumb, under to myself
All within my hands

Love is control
I'll die if I let go

Hate me now
Kill all within my hands
Hate me now
Crush all within my hands
Squeeze all within my hands
Choke all within my hands
Hate me now
Trap all within my hands
Hurry up and hate me now
Kill all within my hands again

I'll die if I let go
Control is love, love is control
I'll fall if I let go
Control is love, love is control

I will only let you breathe
My air that you receive
Then we'll see if I let you love me

Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill

144. Die, Die My Darling (The Misfits cover) Текст Текст

Умри, умри, умри, дорогая,
Не произноси ни единого слова!
Умри, умри, умри, дорогая,
Просто заткни свой прелестный ротик!

Мы увидимся опять,
Мы увидимся в Аду....

Не притворяйся ребёнком,
Твоё будущее в продолговатом ящике.
Не притворяйся ребёнком,
Нужно было предвидеть своё будущее...
Не притворяйся ребёнком,
Я не знал, что это было в твоей власти.....
Не притворяйся ребёнком,
Никчёмная девочка для никчёмного парня.
Не притворяйся ребёнком,
Сейчас твоя жизнь вытекает на пол,
Не притворяйся ребёнком....

Умри, умри, умри, дорогая,
Не произноси ни единого слова!
Умри, умри, умри, дорогая,
Просто заткни свой прелестный ротик!

Мы увидимся опять,
Мы увидимся в Аду....

Не притворяйся ребёнком,
Твоё будущее в продолговатом ящике.
Не притворяйся ребёнком,
Нужно было предвидеть своё будущее...
Не притворяйся ребёнком,
Я не знал, что это было в твоей власти.....
Не притворяйся ребёнком,
Никчёмная девочка для никчёмного парня.
Не притворяйся ребёнком,
Сейчас твоя жизнь вытекает на пол,
Не притворяйся ребёнком....

Умри, умри, умри, дорогая,
Не произноси ни единого слова!
Умри, умри, умри, дорогая,
Просто заткни свой прелестный ротик!

Мы увидимся опять,
Мы увидимся в Аду....

Не притворяйся ребёнком,
Умри, умри, умри, дорогая...
Не притворяйся ребёнком,
Умри, умри, умри, дорогая,
Умри, умри, умри, дорогая,
Умри, умри, умри, дорогая...

Умри, умри, умри, умри, умри, умри...

145. Enter Sandman (S&M 1999) Текст Текст

Say your prayers little one
Don't forget, my son
To include everyone
I tuck you in, warm within
Keep you free from sin
Till the Sandman he comes

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to Never Never Land

Something's wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren't of snow white
Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon's fire
And of things that will bite

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to Never Never Land


Now I lay me down to sleep
(Now I lay me down to sleep)
Pray the lord my soul to keep
(Pray the lord my soul to keep)
If I die before I wake
(If I die before I wake)
Pray the lord my soul to take
(Pray the lord my soul to take)

Hush little baby, don't say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
It's just the beasts under your bed,
In your closet, in your head

Exit light
Enter night
Grain of sand
Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to Never Never Land

Yeah, oooh!

Yeah, yeah!

Yo oh!

We're off to Never Never Land
(Take my hand)

We're off to Never Never Land
(Take my hand)

We're off to Never Never Land

We're off to Never Never Land

We're off to Never Never Land

146. The Unforgiven (Acoustic) Текст Текст

New blood joins this earth
and quikly he's subdued
through constant pain disgrace
the young boy learns their rules
with time the child draws in
this whipping boy done wrong
deprived of all his thoughts
the young man struggles on and on he's known
a vow unto his own
that never from this day
his will they'll take away

what I've felt
what I've known
never shined through in what I've shown
never be
never see
won't see what might have been
what I've felt
what I've known
never shined through in what I've shown
never free
never me
so I dub thee unforgiven

they dedicate their lives
to running all of his
he tries to please them all
this bitter man he is
throughout his life the same
he's battled constantly
this fight he cannot win
a tired man they see no longer cares
the old man then prepares
to die regretfully
that old man here is me

what I've felt
what I've known
never shined through in what I've shown
never be
never see
won't see what might have been
what I've felt
what I've known
never shined through in what I've shown
never free
never me
so I dub the unforgiven

you labeled me
I'll label you
so I dub the unforgiven

147. The Prince Текст Текст

Now i see his face, i see his smile
Such a lonely place, no golden mile
Eyes tell of morbid tales, of his black heart
His deeds through ages past, tell of his part

See his face, see his smile
Time to die
Yo-ooh, wo-ooh, noo

Angel from below, change my dreams
I want for glory's hour, for wealth's esteem
I wish to sell my soul, to be reborn
I wish for earthly riches, don't want no crown of thorns

See his face, see his smile
Time to die
Wo-ooh, oo-ooh, noo

I was born a fool, don't want to stay that way
Devil take my soul, with diamonds you repay
I don't care for heaven, so don't you look for me to cry
And i will burn in hell, from the day i die

See his face, see his smile
Time to die
Wo-ooh, no-ooh, no

148. Human (S&M) Текст Текст

Don't you leave me, Father Time
Take me with you
Tell me, does your sun still shine?
Come squeeze the world and drip it down my throat again
Down my throat again
You got to breathe, man, breathe
Coming up for air
Breathe, man, breathe
Coming up for air
Touch me so I think I'm here
Skin my senses
Barely breathing, minus human
Just squeeze the world and drip it down my throat again
Down my throat again
You got to breathe, man, breathe
Coming up for air
Breathe, man, breathe
Coming up for air

149. Slither Текст Текст

Don't go lookin for snakes
You might find them
Don't send your eyes to the sun
You might blind them
Haven't I seen you here before?

Watch the puppets dancin'
See the clowns fall down
Tie your tap shoes tightly
And wear them into town

See you crawlin'
See you crawlin' in

Don't go lookin' for snakes
You might find them
Don't send your eyes to the sun
You might blind them
Haven't I seen you here before?
There ain't no heroes here

Play the game so nicely
Check, it's your move now
Standing in the jungle
With serpents I have found

See you crawlin'
See you crawlin' in

Don't go lookin' for snakes
You might find them
Don't send your eyes to the sun
You might blind them
Haven't I seen you here before?
Have your heroes disappeared?

See you crawlin'
See you crawlin' in

Don't go lookin for snakes
You might find them
Don't send your eyes to the sun
You might blind them
Haven't I seen you here before?
There ain't no heroes here

Haven't I seen you here before?
There ain't no heroes here

Don't go lookin for snakes
You might find them

Haven't I seen you here before?
Have your heroes disappeared?

Don't send your eyes to the sun
You might blind them

150. Last Caress/Green Hell (The Misfits cover) Текст Текст

I got something to say
I killed your baby today and it
Doesn't matter much to me
As long as it's dead

I got something to say
I raped your mother today
Doesn't matter much to me
As long as she spread

Sweet lovely death, just waiting for your breath
Cold sweet death, one last caress

Sweet lovely death, just waiting for your breath
Cold sweet death, one last caress

I got something to say
I killed your baby today and it
Doesn't matter much to me
As long as it's dead

Sweet lovely death, just waiting for your breath
Cold sweet death, one last caress

Last Caress Today! Yo-whoaaoo. Yooo!

Here in this place lies the key to your death
Touch it, see it
Here in this place is the means to your end
Touch it, feel it
Green hell

You did your best as someone could
I bet you never knew you would
And did you run away from it?
I bet you thought you really could
We're gonna burn in hell
Green Hell
Like every hell but kind of green
Green Hell Green Hell
Try let me get back up there
Green Hell Green Hell
Feel it burning in your cereal
Green Hell Green Hell
Throw our fuckin' friends inside
Green Hell Green Hell
Gotta fuckin' pay and you must stay
Green Hell Green Hell
Cannot refill the torch of death
Green Hell Green Hell
Hell is reigning in your blood
Green Hell Green Hell
Gotta burn it all
Green hell

You did your best as someone could
I bet you never knew you would
And did you run away from me
I bet you thought you really could

Here in this place lies the key to your death
Touch it, see it
Here in this place sister won't let it in
Touch it, feel it
Green hell

You did your best as someone could
I bet you never knew you would
Did you run away from me?
I bet you thought you really could
You've come to this as someone told
I bet you never knew you would
Gonna bring
Green hell

151. Ride The Lighting Текст Текст

Guilty as charged,
But damn it, it ain’t right.
There’s someone else controlling me.
Death in the air.
Strapped in the electric chair…
This can’t be happening to me.
Who made you God to say
“I’ll take your life from you”?

Flash before my eyes.
Now it’s time to die.
Burning in my brain.
I can feel the flame.

Wait for the sign
To flick the switch of death
It’s the beginning of the end.
Sweat, chilling cold
As I watch deaths unfold.
Consciousness my only friend.
My fingers grip with fear.
What am I doing here?..

Flash before my eyes.
Now it’s time to die.
Burning in my brain.
I can feel the flame.

Someone, help me.
Oh, please, God, help me.
They are trying to take it all away.
I don’t want to die.

Someone, help me.
Oh, please, God, help me.
They are trying to take it all away.
I don’t want to die.

Time moving show,
The minutes seem like hours.
The final curtain call, I see.
How true is this?
Just get it over with.
If this is true, just let it be.
Woken by horrid scream,
Freed from this frightening dream…

Flash before my eyes.
Now it’s time to die.
Burning in my brain.
I can feel the flame.

152. The unfogiven Текст Текст

New blood joins this earth
And quickly he's subdued
Through constant pained disgrace
The young boy learns their rules

With time the child draws in
This whipping boy done wrong
Deprived of all his thoughts
The young man struggles on and on he's known
A vow unto his own
That never from this day
His will they'll take away

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee unforgiven

They dedicate their lives
To running all of his
He tries to please them all
This bitter man he is
Throughout his life the same
He's battled constantly
This fight he cannot win
A tired man they see no longer cares
The old man then prepares
To die regretfully
That old man here is me

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee unforgiven

You labeled me
I'll label you
So I dub the unforgiven

153. One (S&M) Текст Текст

Вспомнить я ничего не могу,
Не пойму, что во сне, а что наяву...
Глубоко внутри я хочу закричать,
Лишь ужас и страх могут меня удержать.

Теперь я лежу, сражённый войной,
Я просыпаюсь, я словно слепой,
Рядом лежит какая-то вещь,
Ничто так не реально, как боль...

Я задержал дыхание и позвал смерть,
Господи, разбуди!

Неподвижное тело бездушно лежит,
Жалкая жизнь по трубкам бежит,
Я не могу осмотреться вокруг,
Скажите, сколько мне ещё терпеть...

Ненавижу насосы, что вонзили в меня,
Новое сердце подарила война,
Устал от машин, заставляющих жить,
Ты должен помочь, ты должен убить...

Задержал дыхание, будто желаю смерти,
Господи, разбуди меня!

Теперь весь мир пропал, я остался один,
Господи, помоги!
Задержал дыхание, будто желаю смерти,
Пожалуйста, Господи, помоги мне!

Тьма окружила меня,
Всё, что вижу,
Сплошной кошмар,
Не живу,
Не могу умереть,
Заключён в себе,
Тело - моя тюрьма

Мина забрала мой взгляд,
Забрала мою речь,
Забрала мой слух,
Забрала мои руки,
Забрала мои ноги,
Отняла душу,
Бросила меня жить в аду

154. Astronomy [Blue Oyster Cult Cover] Текст Текст


Альбом "Garage Inc"

Clock strikes twelve and moondrops burst
Out at you from their hiding place
Like acid and oil on a madman's face
His reasons tend to fly away

Like lesser birds on the four winds
Like silver scrapes in May
Now the sands become a crust
And most of you have gone away

Come Susy dear, let's take a walk
Just out there upon the beach
I know you'll soon be married
And you'll want to know where the winds come from

Well it's never said at all
On the map that Carrie reads
Behind the clock back there you know
At the four winds bar

Yeah, hey, hey, hey, hey
Four winds at the four winds bar
Two doors locked and windows barred
One door let to take you in
The other one just mirrors it
Hey, hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey

Ooh, in hellish glare and inference
The other one's a duplicate
The queenly flux, eternal light
Or the light that never warms
Yes, the light, that never, never warms
Yes, the light, that never, never warms
Never warms
Never warms

The clock strikes twelve and moondrops burst
Out at you from their hiding place
Miss Carrie nurse and Suzy dear
Would find themselves at four winds bar

It's the nexus of the crisis
And the origin of storms
Just the place to hopelessly
Encounter time and then came me
Hey, hey, hey, hey

Call me Desdenova, eternal light
These gravely digs of mine
Will surely prove a sight
Hey, and don't forget my dog, fixed and consequent

Astronomy...a star
Astronomy...a star
Astronomy...a star
Astronomy...a star
Astronomy...a star

Бьет двенадцать, и брызги лунного света
Льются на тебя из своего укрытия,
Как бензин и нефть на лицо сумасшедшего.
По мере того, как причины становятся
все более неясными,
Как маленькие птички, уносимые
четырьмя ветрами,
Как серебряные осколки в мае,
Песчинки превращаются в крошки
И тебя уже почти нет.

Сюзи, дорогая, давай прогуляемся
По пляжу.
Я знаю, ты скоро будешь замужней
И тебе захочется узнать, откуда берется
Ну, знаешь, об этом не говорится прямо
На той карте, что читает Кэрри
За часами, там, знаешь,
В Баре Четырех Ветров.

В Баре Четырех Ветров четыре двери.
Две заперты, и окна закрыты ставнями,
Одной двери позволено было впустить тебя,
А другая - лишь ее отражение.

В дьявольском сиянии и окончательности
Вторая - только копия
Царственный поток, вечный свет
Или свет, который никогда не согреет.
Свет, который никогда не согреет.

Бьет двенадцать, и брызги лунного света
Льются на тебя из своего укрытия,
Мисс Медсестра Кэрри и дорогая Сюзи
Оказываются в Баре Четырех Ветров.

Это - связующее звено кризиса
И место рождения штормов,
Место, где можно только безнадежно
Отсчитывать время, пока не появлюсь я.

Зови меня Дездинова -
Вечный свет.
Мое самокопание
То еще зрелище,
Да не забудьте еще о моем псе
Определенном и окончательном.

Астрономия - звезда.

155. Helpless Текст Текст


I gotta see you moving fast
See you come my way
See the dreams, I hope they last
Never fade away.

Gotta see the lights above
Make it loud tonight
Gotta set it all a-fire
Set it all a-light

See the flashing lights
Hear the thunder roar
I am gonna set you all a-light
Gotta make it man
I ain't got a choice
Gotta fill this hall tonight


I don't what I'm gonna do
Maybe not tonight
Gotta set you all a-fire
Gotta treat you right.

I can see the flashing lights
Lit before your love, oh
Gotta hear the thunder roar
Coming from above.

See the flashing lights
Hear the thunder roar
I'm gonna set you all alight
Gotta make it man
I ain't got no choice
Gotta fill this hall tonight


I can see the stars
I can see what's going on

Every night alone
I sing my song just for fun.

Only time will tell
If I'll make it myself someday
This stage is mine
Music is my destiny.

Cannot squeeze the life from me!

I can see the lights
But I can see what's going on
Every night alone
I sing my song just for fun.

Business in collapse
Some men don't like it so
Helpless maybe babe,
But you can leave or join the show.

156. Remember Tomorrow (Iron Maiden Cover) Текст Текст

Unchain the colours before my eyes,
Yesterday's sorrows, tomorrow's white lies.
Scan the horizon, the clouds take me higher,
I shall return from out of fire.

Tears for remembrance, and tears for joy,
Tears for somebody and this lonely boy.
Out in the madness, the all seeing eye,
Flickers above us, to light up the sky.

Unchain the colours before my eyes,
Yesterday's sorrows, tomorrow's white lies.
Scan the horizon, the clouds take me higher,
I shall return from out of fire

157. 2 X 4 Текст Текст

I'm gonna make you, shake you, take you
I'm gonna be the one who breaks you
Put the screws into ya, my way
Yeah, c'mon, c'mon come and make my day
Make my day

Got some hell to pay you, steal your thunder
The joy of violent movement, pulls you under
Ooh bite the bullet, well hard
Yea, but I bite harder, so go to far
To far

Friction, fusion, retribution
I can't hear ya... talk to me
I can't hear ya... so talk to me
I can't hear ya are you talking to me
I can't hear ya are you talking to me
I can't hear ya trying to be my lord
I can't hear ya talking 2 by 4

I'm gonna make you, shake you, take you
I'm gonna be that one who breaks you
Put the screws into ya, my way
Hey c'mon, c'mon, come and make my day
Make my day

Friction, fusion, retribution
I can't hear ya... talk to me
I can't hear ya... talk to me
I can't hear ya are you talking to me
I can't hear ya while your talking to me
I can't hear ya trying to be my lord
I can't hear ya talking 2 by 4

Friction, fusion, retribution
I'm going to make you... talk to me
I'm going to trick you... so talk to me
I can't hear ya are you talking to me
I can't hear ya are you talking to me
I can't hear ya trying to be my lord
I can't hear ya talking 2 by 4

158. Master of Puppets (Pendulum Remix) Текст Текст

End of passion play, crumbling away
I'm your source of self-destruction
Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear
Leading on your deaths construction
Taste me you will see
More is all you need
Dedicated to
How I'm killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your Master
Your life burns faster
Obey your Master

Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind, smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

Needlework the way, never you betray
Life of death becoming clearer
Pain monopoly, ritual misery
Chop your breakfast on a mirror
Taste me you will see
More is all you need
Dedicated to
How I'm killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your Master
Your life burns faster
Obey your Master

Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind, smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

Master, Master, where's the dreams that I've been after?
Master, Master, you promised only lies
Laughter, laughter, all I hear or see is laughter
Laughter, laughter, laughing at my cries
Fix me!


Hell is worth all that, natural habitat
Just a rhyme without a reason
Neverending maze, Drift on numbered days
Now your life is out of season
I will occupy
I will help you die
I will run through you
Now I rule you too

Come crawling faster
Obey your Master
Your life burns faster
Obey your Master

Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind, smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

Конец страстной игры, всё рассыпается.
Я – источник твоего саморазрушения.
По венам разносится страх, ясно ощутимый, жуткий,
Приближающий тебя к смерти.
Попробуй меня на вкус, и ты увидишь,
Что тебе нужно только больше.
Ты восхищаешься тем,
Как я тебя убиваю.

Давай, ползи быстрее,
Слушай своего повелителя.
Твоя жизнь сгорает быстрее,
Слушай своего повелителя,
Я кукловод, я управляю тобой, дёргая за верёвочки,
Я путаю твои мысли и разбиваю мечты.
Ослеплённый мной, ты ничего не видишь.
Просто позови меня по имени, потому что я услышу твой крик:
Просто позови меня по имени, потому что я услышу твой крик:

Ты никогда не предашь работу рукоделия.
Жизнь смерти принимает конкретные очертания.
Монополия боли, ритуальные страдания.
Разрежь свой завтрак на зеркале.
Попробуй меня на вкус, и ты увидишь,
Что тебе нужно только больше.
Ты восхищаешься тем,
Как я тебя убиваю.

Повелитель, повелитель, но где же мои мечты?
Повелитель, повелитель, все твои обещания – только ложь.
Смех, смех, всё, что я слышу и вижу – это смех.
Смех, смех, смех над моими слезами.
Ад стоит всей этой естественной среды,
Это бессмысленная рифма.
Лабиринт бесконечен, но дрейф может длиться ограниченное время.
Теперь твоя жизнь ни к чему.

Я займу это место.
Я помогу тебе умереть,
Я пройду сквозь тебя.
Теперь я управляю тобой тоже.

159. Unforgiven Текст Текст

The Unforgiven (оригинал Metallica)

New blood joins this earth
And quickly he's subdued
Through constant pain disgrace
The young boy learns their rules

With time the child draws in
This whipping boy done wrong
Deprived of all his thoughts
The young man struggles on and on he's known
A vow unto his own
That never from this day
His will they'll take away

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been
What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee unforgiven

They dedicate their lives
To running all of his
He tries to please them all
This bitter man he is
Throughout his life the same
He's battled constantly
This fight he cannot win
A tired man they see
no longer cares
The old man then prepares
To die regretfully
That old man here is me


You labeled me
I'll label you
So I dub the unforgiven


Новая кровь проливается на эту землю
И он быстро покоряется,
Через постоянную боль унижения
Юноша познает их правила.

Со временем ребёнок втягивается,
Этого паренька порют за проступок,
Лишенный всех своих мыслей,
Юноша продолжает сопротивляться, он постиг
Свой обет,
Он в том, что отныне,
Его воля принадлежит другим.

Всё, что я чувствовал,
Всё, что я знал,
Я никогда не показывал,
Ни за что,
Не увидеть того, что могло бы случиться.
Всё, что я чувствовал,
Всё, что я знал,
Я никогда не показывал,
Сам не свой,
Я нарекаю тебя непрощённым.

Они посвятили свои жизни тому,
Чтобы подавлять его,
Он пытается угодить им всем,
Он так жалок,
Вся его жизнь -
Постоянная битва,
Которую ему не выиграть,
Усталому человеку, которого они видят,
уже всё безразлично
Старик готовится
Умереть в раскаянии,
И этот старик - я.


Ты повесил ярлык на меня,
Я повешу на тебя,
Я нарекаю тебя непрощенным.

160. From whom the bells tolls Текст Текст

Make his fight on the hills in the early day
Constant chill deep inside
Shouting gun on they run through the endless gray
On they fight for their right, yes, but who's to say?

For a hill, men would kill, why? They do not know
[Incomprehensible] wounds test their pride
Men of five, still alive through the raging glow
Gone insane from the pain and they surely know

For whom the bell tolls
Time marches on
For whom the bell tolls

Take a look to the sky just before you die
It is the last time he will
Blackened roar, massive roar fills the crumbling sky
Shattered goal fills his soul with a ruthless cry

Stranger now are his eyes to this mystery
He hears the silence so loud
Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be
Now they see what will be blinded eyes to see

161. Creeping Deat Текст Текст

Hebrews born to serve, to the pharaoh
To his every word, live in fear
Of the unknown one, the deliverer
Something must be done, four hundred years

So let it be written, so let it be done
I'm sent here by the chosen one
So let it be written, so let it be done
To kill the first born pharaoh son
I'm creeping death

Let my people go, land of Goshen
I will be with thee, bush of fire
Running red and strong down the Nile
Darkness three days long, hail to fire

So let it be written, so let it be done
I'm sent here by the chosen one
So let it be written, so let it be done
To kill the first-born pharaoh son
I'm creeping death

Die by my hand
I creep across the land
Killing first-born man

Die by my hand
I creep across the land
Killing first-born man

Rule the midnight air, the destroyer
I shall soon be there, deadly mass
Creep the steps and floor, final darkness
Lamb's blood, painted doors, I shall pass

So let it be written, so let it be done
I'm sent here by the chosen one
So let it be written, so let it be done
To kill the first-born pharaoh son
I'm creeping death

162. It's Electric Текст Текст

I'm gonna be a rock and roll star
Gotta groove from night to day
Gotta blow my crummy job
Gonna blow my blues away
I'm gonna make a stand
Gonna make a million
Gonna make it with you
I'm gonna be wild my friend
I gotta push it through
It's electric
It's electric
It's electric
It's electric
I stop on red and I leave on amber
And you face my way
I'm gonna make it my friend
Gonna make it today
Gonna get the tilts from my hills
Down the highway I go
Gonna get the stars from my route
Make it in a rock and roll show
It's electric
It's electric
It's electric
It's electric
I stop on red and I leave on amber
And you face my way
I'm gonna make it my friend
Gonna make it today
Gonna get the tilts from my hills
Down the highway I go
Gonna get the stars from my route
Make it in a rock and roll show
It's electric
It's electric
It's electric
It's electric
It's electric
It's electric

163. Moth Into Flame Текст Текст

Blacked out
Pop queen, amphetamine
The screams crashed into silence

Tapped out
Doused in the gasoline
The high times going timeless

Death of the innocence
The pathway starts to spiral

All for publicity
Destruction going viral

Light it up
Ah, light it up
Another hit erases all the pain
Ah, kill the truth
You’re falling, but you think you’re flying high
High again

Sold your soul
Built a higher wall [Trump]
Now you’re thrown away

Same rise and fall
Who cares at all?
Seduced by fame
A moth into the flame

Backstabbing wicked
The delusion absolution

Fame is the murderer
Seduce you into ruin

Light it up
Ah, light it up
Another hit erases all the pain
Ah, tell the truth
You’re falling, but you think you’re flying high
High again

Sold your soul
Built the higher wall
Now you’re thrown away

Same rise and fall
Who cares at all?
Seduced by fame
A moth into the flame

Guarantee your name, you go and kill yourself
The vultures feast around you still
Overdose on shame and insecurity
If one won’t do that fistful will

Death scene
Black hearse the limousine
A grave filled with seduction

Fame does the murdering
She builds up for destruction

So light it up
Ah, light it up
Another hit erases all the pain
Ah, no excuse
You’re falling, but you think you’re flying high
High again

Sold your soul
Built the higher wall
Now you’re thrown away

Same rise and fall
Who cares at all?
Seduced by fame
A moth into the flame

Addicted to the

164. Breadfan Текст Текст

Breadfan, open up your mind, open up your purse
Open up your vault, never, never gonna lose it
Breadfan, take it all away, never give an inch
Gotta make a mint, gotta make me a million
Breadfan, you got it wrong, some long time friend's
Gonna lose it in the end, who's a fool
Seagull, give it all away, stay a bird, stay a man
Stay a ghost, stay what you wanna be

Loser, give it all away, never stay with the winner
With the man with all the filthy money
Come on, keep it on the side, with a ride on a record
On the top if you're gonna be a bad boy
Breadfan, you got it wrong, some long time friend's
Gonna lose it in the end, who's a fool
Seagull, give it all away, stay a bird, stay a man
Stay a ghost, stay what you wanna be, yeah

Breadfan, open up your mind, open up your purse
Open up your vault, never, never gonna lose it
Breadfan, take it all away, never give an inch
Gotta make a mint, gotta make me a million
Breadfan, you got it wrong, some long time friend's
Gonna lose it in the end, who's a fool
Seagull, give it all away, stay a bird, stay a man
Stay a ghost, stay what you wanna be, yo

[Mommy! Where's Fluffy?]

165. When A Blind Man Cries Текст Текст

If you're leaving close the door.
I'm not expecting people anymore.
Hear me grieving, I'm lying on the floor.
Whether I'm drunk or dead I really ain't too sure.

I'm a blind man, I'm a blind man
And my world is pale.
When a blind man cries,
Lord, you know there aint no sadder tale.

Had a friend once in a room,
Had a good time but it ended much too soon.
In a cold month in that room
We found a reason for the things we had to do.

I'm a blind man, I'm a blind man,
Now my room is cold.
When a blind man cries,
Lord, you know he feels it from his soul.

166. St. angel Текст Текст

Wash your back so you won't stab mine
Get in bed with your own kind
Live your life so you don't see mine
Drape your back so you won't shine
Wash your back so you won't stab mine
Get in bed with your own kind
Live your life so you don't see mine
Drape your back so you won't shine

Ooh then she holds my hand
And i lie to get a smile
Ooh then she holds my hand
And i lie to get a smile

Using what i want
To get what you want
Using what i want
To get what you want
Using what i want
To get what you want
Using what i want
To get what you want

Ooh sweet amber
How sweet are you?
How sweet does it get?
How sweet are you?
How sweet does it get?

Chase the rabbit, fetch the stick
She rolls me over 'till im sick
She deals in habits, deals in pain
I run away, but i'm back again
Chase the rabbit, fetch the stick
She rolls me over 'till im sick
She deals in habits, deals in pain
I run away, but i'm back again

Ooh then she holds my hand
And i lie to get a smile
And she squeezes tighter
I still lie to get a smile

Using what i want
To get what you want
Using what i want
To get what you want
Using what i want
To get what you want
Using what i want
To get what you want

Ooh sweet amber
How sweet are you?
How sweet does it get?
How sweet are you?
How sweet does it get?

She holds the pen that spells the end
She traces me and draws me in...
She holds the pen that spells the end
She traces me and draws me in...

Ooh sweet amber
Ooh sweet amber
How sweet are you?
How sweet does it get?
How sweet are you?
How sweet does it get?

It's never as sweet as it seems

167. Loverman (Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds cover) Текст Текст

Loverman (оригинал Nick Cave )

There’s a devil waiting outside your door
(How much longer)
There’s a devil waiting outside your door
It is bucking and braying and pawing at the floor
And he’s howling with pain and crawling up the walls
There’s a devil waiting outside your door
He’s weak with evil and broken by the world
He’s shouting your name and he’s asking for more
There’s a devil waiting outside your door

Since the world began
Forever, Amen
Till end of time
Take off that dress
I’m coming down
I’m your loverman
Cause I am what I am what I am what I am

L is for LOVE, baby
O is for ONLY you that I do
V is for loving VIRTUALLY all that you are
E is for loving almost EVERYTHING that you do
R is for RAPE me
M is for MURDER me
A is for ANSWERING all of my prayers
N is for KNOWING your loverman’s going to be the answer to all of yours

Till the bitter end
While empires burn down
Forever and ever and ever and ever
Amen I’m your loverman
So help me, baby so help me
Cause I am what I am what I am what I am
I’ll be your loverman!

There’s a devil crawling along your floor
(How much longer)
There’s a devil crawling along your floor
With a trembling heart, he’s coming through your door
With his straining sex in his jumping paw
There’s a devil crawling along your floor
And he’s old and he’s stupid and
He’s hungry and he’s sore
And he’s lame and he’s blind
And he’s dirty and he’s poor
Give him more
There’s a devil crawling along your floor

Here I stand
Forever, Amen
Cause I am what I am what I am what I am
Forgive me, baby
My hands are tied
And I got no choice
No, I got no choice at all

I’ll say it again
L is for LOVE, baby
O is for O yes I do
V is for VIRTUE, so I ain’t gonna hurt you
E is for EVEN if you want me to
R is for RENDER unto me, baby
M is for that which is MINE
A is for ANY old how, darling
N is for ANY old time

I’ll be your loverman! I got a master plan
To take off your dress
And be your man
Seize the throne
Seize the mantle
Seize the crown Cause I am what I am
What I am what I am I’m your loverman!
There’s a devil lying by your side
You might think he’s asleep but look at his
He wants you, baby, to be his bride
There’s a devil lying by your side

168. Broken Beat And Scarred Текст Текст

You rise, you fall, your down, then you rise again
What don't kill you make you more strong
You rise, you fall, your down, then you rise again
What don't kill you make you more strong

Rise, fall, down, rise again
What don't kill you make you more strong
Rise, fall, down, rise again
What don't kill you make you more strong

Through black days
Through black nights
Through pitch black insights

Breaking your teeth on the hard life coming
Show your scars
Cutting your feet on the hard earth running
Show your scars
Breaking your life
Broken, beat and scarred
But we die hard

The dawn, the death, the fight to the final breath
What don't kill you make you more strong
The dawn, the death, the fight to the final breath
What don't kill you make you more strong

Dawn, death, fight, final breath
What don't kill you make you more strong
Dawn, death, fight, final breath
What don't kill you make you more strong

They scratched me
They scraped me
They cut and rape me

Breaking your teeth on the hard life coming
Show your scars
Cutting your feet on the hard earth running
Show your scars
Breaking your life
Broken, beat and scarred
But we die hard

Breaking your teeth on the hard life coming
Show your scars
Cutting your feet on the hard earth running
Show your scars
Braiding your soul in a hard luck story
Show your scars
Spilling your blood in a hot suns foray
Show your scars
Breaking your life
Broken, beat and scarred
We die hard

We die hard
We die hard

169. Sabra Cadabra Текст Текст

Feel so good I feel so fine
Love that little lady always on my mind
She gives me loving every night and day
Never gonna leave her, never going away
Someone to love me
You know she makes me feel alright
Someone to need me
Love me every single night
Feel so happy since I met that girl
When we're making love it's something out of this world
Feels so good to know that she's all mine
Going to love that woman 'til the end of time
Someone to live for
Love me 'til the end of time
She makes me feel happy
Good to know that she's all mine
I am the world the hides
The universal secret of all time
Destruction of the empty spaces
Is my one and only crime
I lived a thousand times
I found out what it means to be believed
The thoughts, the images the unborn childThat never was
You gotta believe me
Hey, I'm talkin to you
Well I know it's hard for you to know the reason why
And I know you'll understand when it is time to die
I don't believe the life you have will be the only one
You have to let your body sleep to let your soul live on
Feel so happy since I met that girl
When we're making love it's something out of this world
Feels so good to know that she's all mine
Going to love that woman 'til the end of time
Someone to live for
Love me 'til the end of time
She makes me feel happy
Good to know that she's all mine

170. Outlaw Torn Текст Текст

And now I wait my whole lifetime for you
And now I wait my whole lifetime for you

I ride the dirt, I ride the tide for you
I search the outside, search inside for you

To take back what you left me
I know I'll always burn to be
The one who seeks so I may find
And now I wait my whole lifetime

I'm outlaw of torn
I'm outlaw of torn
And I'm torn

So on I wait my whole lifetime for you
So on I wait my whole lifetime for you

The more I search, the more my need for you
The more I bless, the more I bleed for you

You make me smash the clock and feel
I'd rather die behind the wheel
Time was never on my side
So on I wait my whole lifetime

I'm outlaw of torn
I'm outlaw
I'm outlaw of torn
And I'm torn

Hear me
And if I close my mind in fear
Please pry it open
See me
And if my face becomes sincere
Hold me
And if I start to come undone
Stitch me together
Save me
And when you see me strut
Remind me of what left this outlaw torn

171. Too Late Too Late Текст Текст

I see that nothin's changed
Insist on playing games
Some waste of time you are
And you're so popular
Well this is it you bitch
I got to make a switch
You find some other john
I know what's goin' on

Your move what do I have to lose
Stalemate, too late, too late

I thought you were for real
Just one more rip-off deal
Don't give me all that crap
I just escaped your trap
You think you see the joke
But you're just chasin' smoke
'Cos now the thrill is gone
I know what's goin' on

Misunderstanding me
The way you felt so free
I'm gonna jump the gun
I'm gonna cut an' run
Your credibility
Don't cut no ice with me
You're just a feeble con
I know what's goin' on

172. Flamingo Текст Текст

Luck. Runs. Out.
Crawling from the wreckage one more time
This map is teared, can't read the signs
Boulevard is rusted, hard to turn
On the path of destruction, feel it burn

Feel safe
In the danger
Feel good
In the bad

Got the burning
Got the speed
Lose your turn
You crash and burn
You walk away

'Cause it ain't no good when there's nothing
Ain't no good when you can't go wrong
Crash and burn and you walk away
How many times can i hear you say
Ain't no good when there's nothing
Ain't no good when you can't go wrong
Luck. Runs. Out.

You crawl back in
But your luck runs out

Luck. Runs. Out.

You love with my struggle
And in love with my pain
Much needed to keep me down again
Don't allow myself to feel too good
Unworthy of me couldn't if i could

Feel safe
In the danger
Feel good
In the bad

Got the burning
Got the speed
Lose your turn
You crash and burn
You walk away

'Cause it ain't no good when there's nothing
Ain't no good when you can't go wrong
Crash and burn and you walk away
How many times can i hear you say
Ain't no good when there's nothing
Ain't no good when you can't go wrong
Luck. Runs. Out.

You crawl back in
But your luck runs out

So you crawl back in
Deep in your obsession
Sent to crash and burn
This in your confession

Ain't no good when there's nothing
Ain't no good when you can't go wrong
Crash and burn and you walk away
How many times can i hear you say
Ain't no good when there's nothing
Ain't no good when you can't go wrong
Luck. Runs. Out.

Crawl back in
But your luck runs out

173. No Leaf Clover (S&M 1999) Текст Текст

And it feels right this time
On his crash course with the big time
Pay no mind to the distant thunder
New Day fills his head with wonder, boy

Says it feels right this time
Turned it 'round and found the right line
“Good day to be alive, sir
Good day to be alive,” he says

Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Was just a freight train coming your way
Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Was just a freight train coming your way

Don't it feels right like this
All the pieces fall to his wish
“Suck up for that quick reward, boy
Suck up for that quick reward,” they say

Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Was just a freight train coming your way
Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Was just a freight train coming your way
It's coming your way
It's coming your wayaaay oh yeah!
Here it comes

Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Was just a freight train coming your way

Then it comes to be, yeah...

Then it comes to be, yeah...

Then it comes to be, yeah...

Then it comes to be, yeah...

Then it comes to be, yeah.

Then it comes to be, yeah...

Then it comes to be, yeah...

Then it comes to be, yeah!

174. Stone Dead Forever Текст Текст

(Originally recorded by Motorhead)

Get on!

You think you see me, in the glass
You think you hear me, better listen fast
I think I see you, gone to seed
Think your reason, is your guilt and greed

You're out there on your own
Your face is turned to stone
What ever happened to your life?
Stone dead forever
All right!

You're a financial wizard, yeah, a top tycoon
You're a sweet long lizard, with a silver spoon
You know you've never had it, quite so good
And you didn't know, that you even could

Your time has come to own
Your touch turned to gold
What ever happened to your life?
Stone dead forever
All right!

It's been a long time, it's been a long long wait
And you caught your fingers, in the pearly gates
You better leave your number, and we'll call you
You know your problem, ain't exactly new

Your time has come today
Your face has turned to hay
What ever happened to your life?
Stone dead forever
That's right!



175. Kill 'em All - 06 - Whiplash Текст Текст

Late at night, all systems go, you've come to see the show
We do our best, you're the rest, you make it real, you know

There is a feeling deep inside that drives you fucking mad
A feeling of a hammerhead, you need it oh so bad

Adrenaline starts to flow
You're thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac

Bang your head against the stage like you never did before
Make it ring, make it bleed, make it really sore

In a frenzied madness with your leather and your spikes
Heads are bobbing all around, it's hot as hell tonight

Adrenaline starts to flow
You're thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac

Here onstage the Marshall noise is piercing through your ears
It kicks your ass, kicks your face, exploding feeling nears

Now's the time to let it rip, to let it fucking loose
We're gathered here to be with you 'cause this is what we choose

Adrenaline starts to flow
You're thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac

The show is through, the metal's gone, it's time to hit the road
Another town, another gig, again we will explode

Hotel rooms and motorways, life out here is raw
But we'll never stop, we'll never quit, 'cause we're Metallica

Adrenaline starts to flow
You're thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac

176. Master of Puppets (Instrumental) Текст Текст

End of passion play, crumbling away
I'm your source of self-destruction
Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear
Leading on your deaths construction
Taste me you will see
More is all you need
Dedicated to
How I'm killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your Master
Your life burns faster
Obey your Master

Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind, smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

Needlework the way, never you betray
Life of death becoming clearer
Pain monopoly, ritual misery
Chop your breakfast on a mirror
Taste me you will see
More is all you need
Dedicated to
How I'm killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your Master
Your life burns faster
Obey your Master

Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind, smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

Master, Master, where's the dreams that I've been after?
Master, Master, you promised only lies
Laughter, laughter, all I hear or see is laughter
Laughter, laughter, laughing at my cries
Fix me!


Hell is worth all that, natural habitat
Just a rhyme without a reason
Neverending maze, Drift on numbered days
Now your life is out of season
I will occupy
I will help you die
I will run through you
Now I rule you too

Come crawling faster
Obey your Master
Your life burns faster
Obey your Master

Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind, smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

177. The One Текст Текст

I can't remember anything
Can't tell if this is true or dream
Deep down inside I feel to scream
This terrible silence stops me
Now that the war is through with me
I'm waking up, I cannot see
That there's not much left of me
Nothing is real but pain now

Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please God, wake me

Back in the womb it's much too real
In pumps life that I must feel
But can't look forward to reveal
Look to the time when I'll live
Fed through the tube that sticks in me
Just like a wartime novelty
Tied to machines that make me be
Cut this life off from me

Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please God, wake me

Now the world is gone I'm just one
Oh please help me
Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please God, help me

Imprisoning me
All that I see
Absolute horror
I cannot live
I cannot die
Trapped in myself
Body my holding cell
Come on, Get 'em up

Has taken my sight
Taken my speech
Taken my hearing
Taken my arms
Taken my legs
Taken my soul
Left me with life in Hell

178. Wherever I May Room Текст Текст

...And the road becomes my bride
I have stripped of all but pride
So in her I do confide
And she keeps me satisfied
Gives me all I need

...And with dust in throat I crave
Only knowledge will I save
To the game you stay a slave
Rover wanderer
Nomad vagabond
Call me what you will

But I'll take my time anywhere
Free to speak my mind anywhere
And I'll redefine anywhere
Anywhere I roam
Where I lay my head is home…Yeah!!

...And the earth becomes my throne
I adapt to the unknown
Under wanderering stars I've grown
By myself but not alone
I ask no one

...And my ties are severed clean
The less I have the more I gain
Off the beaten path I reign
Rover wanderer
Nomad vagabond
Call me what you will... yeah you will

But I'll take my time anywhere
Free to speak my mind anywhere
And I'll never mind anywhere
Anywhere I roam
Where I lay my head is home.. yeah! yeah!!

But I'll take my time anywhere
I'm free to speak my mind
And I'll take my find anywhere
Anywhere I roam
Where I lay my head is home

But I'll take my time anywhere
I'm free to speak my mind
And I'll redefine anywhere
Anywhere I roam
Where I lay my head is home

Carved upon my stone
My body lie, but still I roam yeah yeah!!

Wherever I may roam
Wherever I may roam Ohhh
Wherever I may roam
Wherever I may roam Yeah!!
Wherever I may wonder wonder wonder
Wherever I may roam
Yeah yeah wherever I may roam
Yeah yeah wherever I may roam
Wherever I may roam
Wherever I may roam

179. Human Текст Текст

Don't you leave me Father Time
Take me with you
Tell me does your sun still shine?
Come squeeze the world and drip it down my throat again
Down my throat again, oh

You got to breathe, man, breathe
Coming up for air
You got to breathe, man, breathe
Coming up for.... air

Touch me so I think I'm here
Skin my senses
Barely breathing
Minus human
Come squeeze the world
And drip it down my throat again
... oh, down my throat again, whoa

You got to breathe, man, breathe
Coming up for air
You got to breathe, man, breathe
Coming up for.... air

You got to breathe, man, breathe
Coming up for air
You got to breathe, man, breathe
Coming up for.

180. I Disappear (Ost Mission Impossible 2) Текст Текст

Hey, hey, hey
Here I go now, here I go into new days(x2

I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer

hey, hey, heeee-heeeey
Here I go into new days

Hey, hey, hey
Ain't no mercy, ain't no mercy there for me(x2)

I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer

Hey, hey, heeee-heeeey
Ain't no mercy, ain't no mercy there for me

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong, then it's time I disappear

Hey, hey, hey
And i went on, then I went on down that road

I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer

Hey, hey, heeeeee-heeeeey
And i went, then I went on down that road

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong, then it's time I disappear(2x)

I'm gone! I'm gone! I'm gone baby!

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong, then it's time I disappear(2x)

Oh, disappear

181. Enter Sandman (Smooth Jazz Version) Текст Текст

Say your prayers little one
Don`t forget my son
To include everyone
I tuck you in
walk within
Keep you free from sin
'til the sandman he comes

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to never never-land

Something's wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren't of Snow White
Dreams of war
Dreams of liars
Dreams of dragons fire
And of things that will bite, yeah

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
take my hand
We're off to never never-land

Now I lay me down to sleep (x2)
Pray the lord my soul to keep (x2)
If I die before I wake (x2)
Pray the lord my soul to take (x2)

Hush little baby don't say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
It's just the beasts under your bed
In your closet and in your head

Exit light
Enter night
Grain of sand

Exit light
Enter Night
Take my hand!
We're off to never never-land

Yeah, ha ha ha


Yeah, yeah
oh, whoa

We're off to never never-land

Take my hand
We're off to never never-land
Take my hand
We're off to never never-land

We're off to never never-land

182. You Really Got Me Текст Текст


Girl, you really got me goin
You got me so I don’t know what Im doin,
Yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I can’t sleep at night
Yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I don’t know what Im doin, yeah
Oh yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I can’t sleep at night


You really got me
You really got me
You really got me


See, don’t ever set me free
I always wanna be by your side
Girl, you really got me now
You got me so I can’t sleep at night


Yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I don’t know what Im doin, now
Oh yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I can’t sleep at night

You really got me
You really got me
You really got me
Oh no…

You really got me!
You really got me!
You really got me!
You really got me!


See, don’t ever set me free
I always wanna be by your side
Girl, you really got me now
You got me so I can’t sleep at night


Yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I don’t know what Im doin, now
Oh yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I can’t sleep at night

You really got me
You really got me
You really got me

183. Breadfan (Budgie cover) Текст Текст

Breadfan, open up your mind, open up your purse
Open up your vault, never, never gonna lose it
Breadfan, take it all away, never give an inch
Gotta make a mint, gotta make me a million
Breadfan, you got it wrong, some long time friend's
Gonna lose it in the end, who's a fool
Seagull, give it all away, stay a bird, stay a man
Stay a ghost, stay what you wanna be

Loser, give it all away, never stay with the winner
With the man with all the filthy money
Come on, keep it on the side, with a ride on a record
On the top if you're gonna be a bad boy
Breadfan, you got it wrong, some long time friend's
Gonna lose it in the end, who's a fool
Seagull, give it all away, stay a bird, stay a man
Stay a ghost, stay what you wanna be, yeah

Breadfan, open up your mind, open up your purse
Open up your vault, never, never gonna lose it
Breadfan, take it all away, never give an inch
Gotta make a mint, gotta make me a million
Breadfan, you got it wrong, some long time friend's
Gonna lose it in the end, who's a fool
Seagull, give it all away, stay a bird, stay a man
Stay a ghost, stay what you wanna be, yo

[Mommy! Where's Fluffy?]

184. Smoke on the Water Текст Текст

We all come out to Montreux on the Lake Geneva shoreline
To make records with a mobile we didn't have much time
Frank Zappa and the Mothers were at the pest place around
But some stupid with the flure gun burned the place to the ground

Smoke on the water and fire in the sky
Smoke on the water

They burned down the danbling house it died with an awful sound
Funke and Cloud was running in and out pulling kids out the ground
When it all way over we had to find another place
It seemed that we would lose the race

Smoke on the water and fire in the sky
Smoke on the water

We ended up in the Grand Hotel, it way empty, cool and fare
But with the Rolling truck Stones things just outside waking our music here
With the few red lights and a few old beds we made a place to sweat
No matter what we got out of this I know, I know we'll never forget

Smoke on the water and fire in the sky
Smoke on the water

185. Only Happy When It Rains Текст Текст

I'm only happy when it rains
I'm only happy when it's complicated
And though I know you can't appreciate it
I'm only happy when it rains
You know I love it when the news is bad
Why it feels so good to feel so sad
I'm only happy when it rains

Pour your misery down on me
Pour your misery down on me
(just) Pour your misery down on me
Pour your misery down on me

I'm only happy when it rains
I feel good when things are going wrong
I only listen to the sad, sad songs
I'm only happy when it rains

I only smile in the dark
My only comfort is the night gone black
I didn't accidentally tell you that
I'm only happy when it rains
You'll get the message by the time I'm through
When I complain about me and you
I'm only happy when it rains

Pour your misery down...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down on me...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down on me...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down on me...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down...pour
You can keep me company
As long as you don't care

I'm only happy when it rains
You want to hear about my new obsession
I'm riding high upon a deep depression
I'm only happy when it rains...pour some misery down on me
I'm only happy when it rains....pour some misery down on me
I'm only happy when it rains...pour some misery down on me
I'm only happy when it rains...pour some misery down on me
I'm only happy when it rains...pour some misery down on me...pour some misery down on me...pour some misery down on me...pour some misery down on me

186. Devil's Dance(S&M '99) Текст Текст

Дьявольский танец

Я ощущаю тебя,
Всё, что ты делаешь.
В твоих глазах я вижу пламя, горящее,
Чтоб освободить тебя.
Оно пронизывает тебя.
Ты знаешь, что глубоко внутри
Скоро взойдёт росток, что я посеял.
Когда-нибудь ты поймёшь
И осмелишься придти ко мне.
Ну, давай же, попробуй.
Всё верно:
Давай потанцуем.
Я – змей,
Тот укус, что ты примешь.
Позволь завладеть твоим сознанием.
Оставь себя позади.
Не бойся.
У меня есть то, что тебе нужно.
Я – то, что утолит твой голод.
Когда-нибудь ты поймёшь
И осмелишься придти ко мне.
Ну, давай же, попробуй.
Иди танцевать!
Да, иди танцевать!
Когда-нибудь ты поймёшь
И осмелишься придти ко мне.
Ну, давай же, попробуй.
Я ощущаю тебя,
Всё, что ты делаешь.
В твоих глазах я вижу пламя, горящее,
Чтоб освободить тебя.
Оно пронизывает тебя.
Ты знаешь, что глубоко внутри
Скоро взойдёт росток, что я посеял.
Когда-нибудь ты поймёшь
И осмелишься придти ко мне.
Ну, давай же, попробуй.
Всё верно:
Давай потанцуем.
М-м, приятно видеть тебя здесь…

187. The Small Hours (Holocaust cover) Текст Текст

[Original: Holocaust]

Look out at the darkness, and you will see.
Just call my name and I'll be there.
You cannot touch me, you would not dare.
I am the chill that's in the air.

And I try to get through to you, in my own special way,
As the barriers crumble at the end of the day.

Dark rivers are flowing back into the past.
You are the fish for which I cast.
And what of the future, what is to be.
As the rivers flow into the sea.

And I try to get through to you, in my own special way,
As the barriers crumble at the end of the day.

Do not take for granted, powers out there.
Don't step into the demon's lair.
Time is an illusion, rising from time.
Steep is the mountain which we climb.

And I try to get through to you, in my own special way,
As the barriers crumble at the end of the day.

188. Whiskey In The Jar [Thin Lizzy Cover] Текст Текст

As I was going over
The Kork and Kerry mountains
I saw Captain Farrell
And his money he was counting
I first produced my pistol
And then produced my rapier
I said "Stand and deliver
Or the devil he may take ya"

I took all of his money
And it was a pretty penny
I took all of his money and
I brought it home to Molly
She swore that she'd love me
No Never would she leave me
But the devil take that woman
For you know she treat me easy


Mush a ring dum a doo dum a da
Whack for my daddy'o
Whack for my daddy'o, there's
Whisky in the jar, o

Being drunk and weary
I went to Molly's chamber
Taking my Molly with me
And i never knew the danger
For about six or maybe seven
In walked Captain Farrell
I jumped up, fired off my pistols
And i shot him with both barrels


Now some men like the fishing
And some men like fowling
And some men like to hear
The cannonballs are roaring
Me - I like sleeping
Specially in my Molly's chamber
But here I am in prison,
Here I am with a ball and chain, yeah

189. Stone Cold Crazy (Queen Cover) Текст Текст

Sleeping very soundly on a Saturday morning
I was dreaming I was Al Capone
There's a rumour going round
Gotta clear outa town
I'm smelling like a dry fish bone
Here come the law gonna break down the door
Gonna carry me away once more
Never never I never want it anymore
Gotta get away from this stone cold floor
Crazy stone cold crazy you know

Rainy afternoon I gotta blow a typhoon
And I'm playing on my slide trombone
Anymore anymore cannot take it anymore
Gotta get away from this stone cold floor
Crazy stone cold crazy you know

Walking down the street
Shooting people that I meet
With my rubber tommy water gun
Here come the deputy
He's gonna come and getta me
Gotta get me get up and run
They got the sirens loose
I ran right outa juice
They're gonna put me in a cell
If I can't go to heaven
Will they let me go to hell?
Crazy stone cold crazy you know

190. The Small Hours Текст Текст

Look out at the darkness,
And you will see,
Just call my name and I'll be there.

You cannot touch me,
You would not dare,
I am the chill that's in the air.

And I try to get through to you,
In my own special way,
As the barriers crumble,
At the end of the day.

Dark rivers are flowing,
Back into the past,
You are the fish for which I cast.

And what of the future,
What is to be,
As the rivers flow into the sea.

And I try to get through to you,
In my own special way,
As the barriers crumble,
At the end of the day.

Do not take for granted,
Powers out there,
Don't step into the demon's lair.

Time is an illusion,
Rising from time,
Steep is the mountain which we climb

191. Brothers In Arms (Dire Straits Cover) Текст Текст

These mist covered mountains
Are a home now for me
But my home is the lowlands
And always will be
Some day youll return to
Your valleys and your farms
And youll no longer burn
To be brothers in arms

Through these fields of destruction
Baptisms of fire
Ive watched all your suffering
As the battles raged higher
And though they did hurt me so bad
In the fear and alarm
You did not desert me
My brothers in arms

Theres so many different worlds
So many differents suns
And we have just one world
But we live in different ones

Now the suns gone to hell
And the moons riding high
Let me bid you farewell
Every man has to die
But its written in the starlight
And every line on your palm
Were fools to make war
On our brothers in arms

Братья по войне
…В горах туман густой
И он для нас, как дом,
А где-то дом родной
Покинутым теплом,
Примятая трава
И в сонной тишине
Приходят вдруг слова:
Мы братья по войне…

…в пустующих полях
Всё выжжено огнём…
Страдания и страх,
В которых мы живём,
Для нас повсюду бой…
И мы кричим во сне,
Мы рождены войной,
Мы братья по войне…

…как много разных звёзд,
Как много разных слов,
Война обычный мост
В какой-то из миров…

…мы в огненном аду,
Наш путь из ада в ад,
И нимбы не цветут
Над касками солдат…
На лучшей из планет
Мы молимся луне,
На небе солнца нет,
Мы братья по войне…

192. The More I See Текст Текст

From where I stand I see
Pain, suffering and misery

The more I see, the more I see
The less, the less I believe

From where I stand I see
Hate, violence and war, oh

The more I see, the more I see, ooh
The less, the less I believe

The more I see, the more I see, aah
The less, the less I believe, I believe

From where I stand I see
Pain, suffering and misery

The more I see, the more I see, no
The less, the less I believe

The more I see, the more I see
The more I see, yeah, the more I see, yeah
The more I see, yeah
The less, the less I believe

[Thank you]

193. The Four Horseman Текст Текст

By the last breath of the fourth winds blow
Better raise your ears
The sound of hooves knocks at your door
Lock up your wife and children now
It's time to wield the blade
For now you have got some company

The Horsemen are drawing nearer
On the leather steeds they ride
They have come to take your life
On through the dead of night
With the four Horsemen ride
or choose your fate and die

You have been dying since the day
You were born
You know it has all been planned
The quartet of deliverance rides
A sinner once a sinner twice
No need for confession now
Cause now you have got the fight of your life

The Horsemen are drawing nearer
On the leather steeds they ride
They have come to take your life
On through the dead of night
With the four Horsemen ride
or choose your fate and die

has taken its toll on you
The lines that crack your face
Your body it has torn through
Withered in every place
For what you have had to endure
And what you have put others through
Deliverance for you for sure
There is nothing you can do

So gather round young warriors now
and saddle up your steeds
Killing scores with demon swords
Now is the death of doers of wrong
Swing the judgment hammer down
Safely inside armor blood guts and sweat

The Horsemen are drawing nearer
On the leather steeds they ride
They have come to take your life
On through the dead of night
With the four Horsemen ride
or choose your fate and die.

194. Killing Time Текст Текст

The sound of gunfire, through the night
Killing and hatred has a terrible sight
Reports come in of a heavy attack
Message recieved, we're moving back

Preparations are made for the journey back
Hints on survival, supplies are packed
No more nights in this eternal hell
Destination is simple, we move out

Killing time... your life's on the line
Killing time... your turn to kill
Killing time... what d'ya say?
Killing time... ah, killing time!

Ingenuity needed to keep us alive
No time for cowardice, kill and survive
Like a killer kid with a switchblade knife
Nasty word, he'll take your life

The silence is over the attack again
Killing and hatred, drive me insane
Reports come in of Heavy attack
Message received, we're moving back

Killing time... your life's on the line
Killing time... your turn to kill
Killing time... what d'ya say?
Killing time... ah, killing time!

The sound of gunfire, through the night
Killing and hatred has a terrible sight
Reports come in of a heavy attack
Message recieved, we're moving back

Ingenuity needed to keep us alive
No time for cowardice, kill and survive
Like a killer kid with a switchblade knife
Nasty word, he'll take your life

Killing time... your life's on the line
Killing time... your turn to kill
Killing time... what d'ya say?
Killing time... ah, killing time!

195. Enter the sadman Текст Текст

Say your prayers little one
Don't forget, my son
To include everyone
I tuck you in, warm within
Keep you free from sin
Till the Sandman he comes

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to Never Never Land

Something's wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren't of snow white
Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon's fire
And of things that will bite

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to Never Never Land


Now I lay me down to sleep
(Now I lay me down to sleep)
Pray the lord my soul to keep
(Pray the lord my soul to keep)
If I die before I wake
(If I die before I wake)
Pray the lord my soul to take
(Pray the lord my soul to take)

Hush little baby, don't say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
It's just the beasts under your bed,
In your closet, in your head

Exit light
Enter night
Grain of sand
Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to Never Never Land

Yeah, oooh!

Yeah, yeah!

Yo oh!

We're off to Never Never Land
(Take my hand)

We're off to Never Never Land
(Take my hand)

We're off to Never Never Land

We're off to Never Never Land

We're off to Never Never Land

196. For Whom the Bell Tolls (OST Zombieland) Текст Текст

Make his fight on the hill in the early day constant chill deep inside
Shouting gun on they run through the endless grey on they fight for the right
yes but whos to say
For a hill men would kill why they do not know
Stiffened wounds test there pride
Men of five still alive through the raging glow gone insane from this pain that
they surely know

For Whom the Bell Tolls
Time marchs on
For Whom the Bell Tolls

Take a look to the sky just before you die, its the last time you will
Blackened roar, massive roar fills the crumbling sky, shattered goal fills the
soul with a ruthless cry
Stranger now are his eyes to this mystery, hears the silence so loud
Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be.
Now they see what well be blinded eyes to see...

For Whom the Bell Tolls
Time marches on
For Whom the Bell Tolls

197. Fixxer Текст Текст


Dolls of voodoo all stuck with pins
One for each of us and our sins
So you lay us in a line
Push your pins, they make us humble
Only you can tell in time
If we fall or merely stumble

But tell me, can you heal what Father's done?
Or fix this hole in a mother's son?
Can you heal the broken worlds within?
Can you strip away so we may start again?

Tell me, can you heal what Father's done?
Or cut this rope and let us run?
Just when all seems fine and I'm pain free
You jab another pin, jab another pin in me

Mirror, mirror, upon thy wall
Break the spell or become the doll
See you sharpening the pins
So the holes will remind us
We're just the toys in the hands of another
And in time the needles turn from shine to rust

But tell me, can you heal what Father's done?
Or fix this hole in a mother's son?
Can you heal the broken worlds within?
Can you strip away so we may start again?

Tell me, can you heal what Father's done?
Or cut this rope and let us run?
Just when all seems fine and I'm pain free
You jab another pin, jab another pin in me

Blood for face, sweat for dirt
Three Xs for the stone
To break this curse a ritual's due
I believe I'm not alone
Shell of shotgun, pint of gin
Numb us up to shield the pins
Renew our faith, which way we can
To fall in love with life again
To fall in love with life again
To fall in love with life again
To fall in love
To fall in love
To fall in love with life again

So tell me, can you heal what Father's done?
Or fix this hole in a mother's son?
Can you heal the broken worlds within?
Can you strip away so we may start again?

Tell me, can you heal what Father's done?
Or cut this rope and let us run?
Just when all seems fine and I'm pain free
You jab another pin, jab another pin in me

No more pins in me
No more, no more pins in me

198. Brothers In Arms Текст Текст

These mist covered mountains
Are a home now for me
But my home is the lowlands
And always will be
Some day youll return to
Your valleys and your farms
And youll no longer burn
To be brothers in arms

Through these fields of destruction
Baptisms of fire
Ive watched all your suffering
As the battles raged higher
And though they did hurt me so bad
In the fear and alarm
You did not desert me
My brothers in arms

Theres so many different worlds
So many differents suns
And we have just one world
But we live in different ones

Now the suns gone to hell
And the moons riding high
Let me bid you farewell
Every man has to die
But its written in the starlight
And every line on your palm
Were fools to make war
On our brothers in arms

Братья по оружию

…В горах туман густой
И он для нас, как дом,
А где-то дом родной
Покинутым теплом,
Примятая трава
И в сонной тишине
Приходят вдруг слова:
Мы - братья по оружию…

…в пустующих полях
Всё выжжено огнём…
Страдания и страх,
В которых мы живём,
Для нас повсюду бой…
И мы кричим во сне,
Мы рождены войной,
Мы - братья по оружию…

…как много разных звёзд,
Как много разных слов,
Война обычный мост
В какой-то из миров…

…мы в огненном аду,
Наш путь из ада в ад,
И нимбы не цветут
Над касками солдат…
На лучшей из планет
Мы молимся луне,
На небе солнца нет,
Мы - братья по оружию…

199. Sabbra Cadabra Текст Текст

Аббра Кадабра

Я чувствую себя отлично, просто прекрасно
Любовь к той маленькой леди всегда у меня на уме
Она одаривает меня любовью ежедневно и еженочно
Я не собираюсь бросать ее
Никогда не уйду

Кто-то чтобы любить меня
Вы знаете, она дает мне чувство благополучия
Кто-то, кому я нужен
Любит меня каждую ночь

Чувствую себя таким счастливым с тех пор как я встретил эту девочку
Когда мы занимаемся любовью
Это что-то, что вне этого мира
Приятно сознавать, что она - вся твоя
Я собираюсь любить эту женщину до конца своих дней

Кто-то, для кого живешь
Любит меня до конца своих дней
Делает меня счастливым
Приятно сознавать, что она - вся твоя

Прекрасная леди занимается любовью всю ночь
Прекрасная леди никогда не огорчает меня
Я не хочу оставлять ее
Я никогда не оставлю ее
Ничего больше не надо

Прекрасная леди
Волшебные глаза
Прекрасная леди
Она не лжет мне
Я знаю, что не брошу ее
Я никогда не оставлю ее
Ничего больше не надо

200. For Whom the Bells Toll Текст Текст

Make his fight on the hill in the early day
Constant chill deep inside
Shouting gun, on they run through the endless grey
On the fight, for they are right, yes, by who's to say?
For a hill men would kill, why? They do not know
Suffered wounds test there their pride
Men of five, still alive through the raging glow
Gone insane from the pain that they surely know
For whom the bell tolls
Time marches on
For whom the bell tolls

Take a look to the sky just before you die
It is the last time you will
Blackened roar massive roar fills the crumbling sky
Shattered goal fills his soul with a ruthless cry
Stranger now, are his eyes, to this mystery
He hears the silence so loud
Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be
Now the will see what will be, blinded eyes to see

201. Free Speech for the Dumb Текст Текст

Cвобода слова, свобода слова, свобода слова для тупых!

Cвобода слова, свобода слова, свобода слова для тупых!

Cвобода слова, свобода слова, ёбанная свобода слова для тупых!

202. Tuesdays Gone Текст Текст

Train, roll on
On down the line
Won't you, please, take me far
Far away
Now I feel the wind blow
Outside my door, and
I'm leaving my woman at home (my baby's gone)

Tuesday's gone with the wind, yeah
My baby's gone, gone with the wind
Long gone

And I don't know, where I'm going
I just want to be, left alone (oh, yeah)
When this train ends, I'll try again, ooh
I'm leaving my woman at home
My baby's gone

Tuesday's gone with the wind (ooh, yeah)
Tuesday's gone with the wind, yeah
Tuesday's gone, gone with the wind, yeah
My baby's gone with the wind
Train, roll on
Jump on
Haha, yeah

Tuesday's gone with the wind (yeah, yeah)
Tuesday's gone with the wind, yeah
Tuesday's gone, gone with the wind, yeah
My baby's gone with the wind
Train rolls on

Train, roll on, many miles from my home see I'm
I'm riding my blues babe, blues away, yeah
Well Tuesday you see, ooh, she had to be free, yeah
But somehow I've got to, to carry on (my baby's gone)

Tuesday's gone with the wind
Tuesday's gone, long gone with the wind, Tuesday's gone
Tuesday's gone with the wind
My baby's gone with the wind
Train, roll on
Train, roll on (yeah)

Ride on train
Ride on train
Ride on train
Train, ride, train, ride on
Train, roll on
The train it rolls on
Train, roll on
Train, roll on
Lord, I can't change (I can't change)
Lord, I can't change (I can't change)
Lord, I can't change
Lord, I can't change, yeah (yeah-yeah / train, roll on, yeah)
Ride on train, yeah, yeah, yeah,yeah (yeah)
I can't change
Train, roll on
Ride on train
Lord, I can't change, no
I can't change
Ride on train

203. Blackend Текст Текст

Blackened is the end
Winter it will send
Throwing all you see
Into obscurity
Death of mother earth
Never a rebirth
Evolution's end
Never will it mend

To begin whipping dance of the dead
Blackened is the end
To begin whipping dance of the dead
Color our world blackened

Blistering of earth
Terminate its worth
Deadly nicotine
Kills what might have been
Callous frigid chill
Nothing left to kill
Never seen before
Breathing nevermore

To begin whipping dance of the dead
Blackened is the end
To begin whipping dance of the dead
Color our world blackened

Opposition... contradiction... premonition... compromise
Agitation... violation... mutilation... planet dies
Darkest color
Blistered earth
True death of life
Termination... expiration... cancellation... human race
Expectation... liberation... population... lay to waste
See our mother
Put to death
See our mother die
Smouldering decay
Take her breath away
Millions of our years
In minutes disappears
Darkening in vain
Decadence remains
All is said and done
Never is the sun

To begin whipping dance of the dead
Blackened is the end
To begin whipping dance of the dead
Is the outcome of hypocrisy
Darkest potency
In the exit of humanity

Черное - это конец
Оно пошлет зиму,
Выбросив все, что видишь
В безвестность
Смерть матери-земли
Она не возродится
Конец эволюции
Она никогда не выправится

Чтобы начать танец мертвецов
Черное - это конец
Чтобы начать танец мертвецов
Цвет нашего мира - черный

Нарывы на земле
Лишают ее цены
Смертельный никотин
Убивает то, что могло бы быть
Коченеющий холод
Никого не осталось, чтоб убить
Никогда такого не видели
Никогда больше не вздохнуть

Чтобы начать танец мертвецов
Черное - это конец
Чтобы начать танец мертвецов
Цвет нашего мира - черный

...Планета умирает
Самый темный цвет
Нарывающая земля
Настоящая смерть жизни
Человеческая раса...ожидание...освобождение
Смотри, как наша мать
Приговаривается к смерти
Смотри, как наша мать умирает
Тлеющий распад
Отнимает ее дыхание
Миллионы наших лет
Пропадают за минуты
Меркнущий в тщете
Упадок остается
Все сказано и сделано
Никогда не увидеть солнца

Чтобы начать танец мертвецов
Черное - это конец
Чтобы начать танец мертвецов
Цвет нашего мира - черный

Огонь -
Последствие лицемерия
Самая темная возможность
Окончание рода человеческого
Чвет нашего мира - черный

204. Mama Said (Acoustic) Текст Текст


Dm C Am


Mama she has taught me well
C Am
Told me when I was young
Son your life's an open book
C Am
Don't close it before it's done
The brightest flame burns quickest
C Am
Thats what I heard her say
The son's heart's owed to mother
C Am
But I must find my way....


Dm C Am G
Let my heart go
Dm C Am G
Let your son grow
Dm C Am G
Mama let my heart go
Dm C Bb G Am
Mama let this heart be still.

*Intro again*

*Verse 2*

Remember my new last name
C Am
Wild blood in my veins
Draping the strings around my neck
C Am
The mark that still remains
Left home at an early age
C Am
of what I heard was wrong (?)
I never asked forgiveness
C Am
For what is said is done....


Dm C Am G
Let my heart go
Dm C Am G
Let your son grow
Dm C Am G
Mama let my heart go
Dm C Bb G Am
Mama let this heart be still.


Dm G
Never I asked of you
but never I gave
Dm G
But you gave me your emptiness
that I'll take to my grave
Dm G
Never I asked of you
but never I gave
Dm G
But you gave me your emptiness
that I'll take to my grave
Dm C Bb G Am
So let this heart be still.

*Verse 3*

Mama now I'm coming home
C Am
I'm not all you wished of me
A mother's love for her son
C Am
was spoken heavily(?)
yeah I took your love for granted
C Am
and all the things you said to me
I need your arms to welcome me
C Am
That cold stone's all I see.....


Dm C Am G
Let my heart go
Dm C Am G
Let your son grow
Dm C Am G
Mama let my heart go
Dm C Bb G Am
Mama let this heart be still.
Dm C Am Dm
Let my heart go
Dm C Am Dm
Mama let my heart go
Dm C Am Dm
You never let my heart go
Dm C Bb G Am
Mama let this heart be still.


(solo over Dm G C F twice)

Dm G
Never I asked of you
but never I gave
Dm G
But you gave me your emptiness
that I'll take to my grave
Dm G
Never I asked of you
but never I gave
Dm G
But you gave me your emptiness
that I'll take to my grave
Dm C Bb G Am
So let this heart be still.

205. I Desappear Текст Текст

Hey Hey Hey

Here I go now,
Here I go into the days.

Hey Hey Hey

Here I go now,
Here I go into the days.

I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer.

Hey Hey Hey yeah yeah yeah

Here I go into the day.

Hey Hey Hey yeah

Ain't no mercy,
Ain't no mercy there for me.

Hey Hey Hey

Ain't mercy,
Ain't no mercy there for me.

I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer.

Hey Hey Hey

Ain't mercy,
Ain't no mercy there for me.

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong,
Then it's time I disappear.

Hey Hey Hey

And I went,
And I went on down that road.

Hey Hey Hey

And I went on,
And I went on down that road.

I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer.

Hey Hey Hey

And I went on,
And I went on down that road.

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong,
Then it's time I disappear.

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong,
Then it's time I disappear.

(I'm gone)
(I'm gone)
(I'm gone)
(Gone, man, gone)
(I'm gone)
(Gone, baby)
(I'm gone)
(I'm gone)

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong,
Then it's time I disappear.

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong,
Then it's time I disappear.

206. Blackned Текст Текст


Blackened is the end, winter it will send
Throwing all you see into obscurity
Death of Mother Earth, never a rebirth
Evolution's end, never will it mend


Fire to begin whipping dance of the dead
Blackened is the end
To begin whipping dance of the dead
Color our world blackened

Blistering of earth, terminate its worth
Deadly nicotine kills what might've been
Callous frigid chill, nothing left to kill
Never seen before, breathing nevermore


Fire to begin whipping dance of the dead
Blackened is the end
To begin whipping dance of the dead
Color our world blackened


Opposition, contradiction
Premonition, compromise
Agitation, violation
Mutilation, planet dies

Darkest color, blistered earth
True death of life

Termination, expiration
Cancellation, human race
Expectation, liberation
Population laid to waste

See our mother put to death
See our mother die

Smoldering decay take her breath away
Millions of our years in minutes disappears
Darkening in vain, decadence remains
All is said and done, never is the sun


Fire to begin whipping dance of the dead
Blackened is the end
To begin whipping dance of the dead

Fire is the outcome of hypocrisy
Darkest potency
In the exit of humanity
Color our world blackened


207. Lover Man Текст Текст

There's a devil waiting outside your door (How much longer)
There's a devil waiting outside your door (How much longer)
And he's bucking and braying and pawing the floor (How much longer)
And he's howling with the pain and crawling up the walls (How much longer)
There's a devil waiting outside your door (How much longer)
There's a devil waiting outside your door (How much longer)
And he's weak with evil and broken by the world (How much longer)
And he's shouting your name and asking for more (How much longer)
There's a devil waiting outside your door (How much longer)

Loverman! Since the world began
Forever,Amen Till the end of the game
Take off that dress I'm coming down
I'm your Loverman
Cause I'm, what I'm, what I'm, what I'm, what I'm

L - is for LOVE baby
O - is for ONLY you what I do
V - is for loving VIRTUALLY everything that you are
E - is for almost EVERYTHING that you do
R - is for RAPE me
M - is for MURDER me
A - is for ANSWERING for all my prayers
N - is for KNOWING your loverman's going to be the answer to all of yours

Loverman! Till the bitter end
While the empires burns down
Forever and ever and ever and ever Amen
I'm your Loverman
So help me, baby
So help me, baby
Cause I'm what I'm what I'm what I'm what I'm
I'm your Loverman!

There's a devil crawling along your floor (How much longer)
There's a devil crawling along your floor (How much longer)
With a trembling heart he's coming through your door (How much longer)
With his straining sex in his jumping paw (How much longer)
There's a devil crawling along your floor (How much longer)
And he's old and he's stupid and he's hungry and he's sore
And he's blind and he's lame and he's dirty and he's poor
Give me more, give me more, give me more,
Give me more, give me more (How much long)
There's a devil crawling along your floor

Loverman! Here I stand Forever,Amen
Cause I'm what, I'm what, I'm what, I'm what
Hey forgive me, baby
My hands are tired
And I got no choice no no no no
I got no choice no choice at all

I'll say it again

L - is for LOVE baby
O - is for O yes I do
V - is for VIRTUE, so I'aint gonna hurt you
E - is for EVEN if you want me
R - is for RENDER unto me, baby
M - is for that which is MINE
A - is for ANY old how, darling
N - is for ANY old time

Loverman! (yeah, yeah, yeah) I got a master plan (yeah)
Take off your dress
And be your man,be your man
Seize the throne
Seize the mantle
Seize the crown (yeah)
Cause I'm, what I'm, what I'm, what I'm, yes I'm
I'm your Loverman

There's a devil laying by your side (How much longer)
There's a devil laying by your side (How much longer)
You might think he's asleep but take a look at his eyes (How much longer)
He wants you,darling, to be his bride (How much longer)
There's a devil laying by your side (How much longer)

I'll be your loverman!
Till the end of time
Till the empire burns down
Forever Amen!
I'll be your loverman!
I'll be your loverman!
I'm your loverman!
I'm your loverman!
Yeah, I'm your loverman!
I'm your loverman!

I'm your loverman
I'm your loverman
I'm your loverman
Yeah, I'm your loverman
Yes, I'm your loverman
Forever Amen
How much longer

Это кавер-версия композиции, первоначально исполненной Nick'ом Cave'ом

208. Sad But True (instrumental) Текст Текст

Hey I’m your life
I’m the one who takes you there
Hey I’m your life
I’m the one who cares
They, They betray
I’m your only true friend now
They, They’ll betray
I’m forever there

I’m your dream, make you real
I’m your eyes when you must steal
I’m your pain when you can’t feel
Sad but true

I’m your dream, mind astray
I’m your eyes while you’re away
I’m your pain while you repay
You know it’s sad but true, sad but true

You, You’re my mask
You’re my cover, my shelter
You, You’re my mask
You’re the one who’s blamed
Do, Do my work
Do my dirty work, scapegoat
Do, Do my deeds
For you’re the one who’s shamed

I’m your dream, make you real
I’m your eyes when you must steal
I’m your pain when you can’t feel
Sad but true

I’m your dream, mind astray
I’m your eyes while you’re away
I’m your pain while you repay
You know it’s sad but true,sad but true

I'm your dream,
I'm your eyes,
I'm your pain

I'm your dream
I'm your eyes
I'm your pain

You know it's sad but true

Hate, I’m your hate
I’m your hate when you want love
Pay, Pay the price
Pay for nothing’s fair

Hey, I’m your life
I’m the one who took you there
Hey, I’m your life
And I no longer care

I’m your dream, make you real
I’m your eyes when you must steal
I’m your pain when you can’t feel
Sad but true

I’m your truth, telling lies
I’m your reasoned alibis
I’m inside open your eyes
I’m you

Sad but true

209. My apocalipse Текст Текст

Crawl out of this skin
Hard explosive
Reaching for that pin.

Feel thy name extermination
Descreate inhale the Fire!
So we cross that line
Into the grips, Total eclipse
Suffer unto My Apocalypse!
Deadly vision
Prophecy revealed
Pulling closer still.

Feel thy name analation!
Descreate inhale the Fire!
So we cross that line
Into the grips, Total eclipse
Suffer unto My Apocalypse!

My apocalypse… Go!

Crushing metal, Ripping Skin
Tossing body mannequin
Spilling Blood, Bleeding Gas.

Mangle flesh, Snapping spine
Dripping bloody valentine
Shattered face, spitting glass.

Split apart
Split apart
Split apart
Spit it out!


What makes me drift a litter bit closer?
Dead man takes the steering wheel.
What makes me know it’s time to cross over?
Born to repeat until I feel.

See through the skin, bones they all rattle
Future and past they disagree.
Flesh falls away the bones they all shatter.
I start to see the end in me
See the end in me…

Climb out of this skin
Heart explosive
Reach in, pull that pin.

Violate, annihilate
All wounds unto my eyes
Obliterate, exterminate
As life itself denied.

Feel thy name as hell awakens
Destiny, Inhale the Fire.
But we cross that line
Into the crypt
Total eclipse
Suffer unto My Apocalypse!

Tyrant awaken My Apocalypse!
Demon awaken My Apocalypse!
Heaven awaken My Apocalypse!
Suffer forever My Apocalypse!

210. Nothing Else Metter Текст Текст

So close no matter how far

Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

So close no matter how far

Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they say
Never cared for games they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
And I know

So close no matter how far

Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
No nothing else matters

211. Fuel (S&M) Текст Текст

Give me fuel,
Give me fire,
Give me that which I desire,

Turn on, I see red
Adrenaline crash and crack my head
Nitro junkie, paint me dead
And I see red

One hundred plus through black and white
War horse, warhead
Fuck 'em man, white knuckle tight
Through black and white

Ooh, I burn,
Fuel is pumping engines,
Burning hard, loose and clean

And I burn,
Churning my direction,
Quench my thirst with gasoline

So give me fuel,
Give me fire,
Give me that which I desire


Turn on beyond the bone
Swallow future, spit out home,
Burn your face upon the chrome
Yeah, oh yeah!

Take the corner, join the crash
Headlights, headlines,
Another junkie lives too fast
Yeah, lives way too fast
Yeah, lives way too fast, (fast) fast,
(fast) fast, (fast) fast woah

Ooh, on I burn,
Fuel is pumping engines,
Burning hard loose and clean

And on I burn,
Churning my direction,
Quench my thirst with gasoline

So, give me fuel
Give me fire,
Give me that which I desire,
Ooh yeah!

White knuckle tight!

Give me fuel
Give me fire
My desire

Ooh, on I burn,
Fuel is pumping engines,
Burning hard, loose and clean
And on and on,
Churning my direction,
Quench my thirst with gasoline

Give me fuel,
Give me fire,
Give me that which I desire,

Oh I burn!

Дай мне топлива, дай огня,
Дай то, что я хочу!

Завожу, я вижу красный свет.
Адреналин долбит и трещит у меня в голове.
Я наркозависим от скорости, без нее помру.
И я вижу красный свет.

Скорость уже за сотню, я мчусь через тьму и свет, ха-ха!
Это мой боевой конь, моя боеголовка.
Пошли их всех, и, сжав руль в кулаках,
Мчись через тьму и свет.

Ооо, и я горю.
Подливаю топлива в движок,
Чтобы горело помощней, и я чист и свободен.

И я горю,
Следую в своем направлении,
Утоляю свою бензиновую жажду.

Так дай же мне топлива, дай огня,
Дай то, что я хочу!

Эй, а что там за поворотом?..
Забыть о будущем, плевать на надежду,
Сожги свой передок, пока он не станет хромовым.

Не вписался в поворот - готовься в аварии.
Фары, прямо, впереди -
Еще один наркоман живет слишком быстро.
Да, и он слишком быстр, быстр, быстр, уау!

Ооо, и я горю.
Подливаю топлива в движок,
Чтобы горело помощней, и я чист и свободен.

И я горю,
Следую в своем направлении,
Утоляю свою бензиновую жажду.

Так дай же мне топлива, дай огня,
Дай то, что я хочу!

О, да, эй.

Эй, эй, эй, эй,
Эй, эй, эй, эй,
Эй, эй.
Почувствуй, как оно горит
И сжигает мою боль.

Ооо, и я горю.
Подливаю топлива в движок,
Чтобы горело помощней, и я чист и свободен.

И я горю,
Следую в своем направлении,
Утоляю свою бензиновую жажду.

Так дай же мне топлива, дай огня,
Дай то, что я хочу! Да!

Так горит, да!

212. Nothing Else Matters (Instrumental) Текст Текст

So close no matter how far
couldn't be much more from the heart
forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters

never opened myself this way
life is ours, we live it our way
all these words I don't just say
and nothing else matters

trust I seek and I find in you
every day for us something new
open mind for a different view
and nothing else matters

never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
but I know

so close no matter how far
couldn't be much more from the heart
forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters

never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
but I know

never opened myself this way
life is ours, we live it our way
all these words I don't just say
and nothing else matters

trust I seek and I find in yo*u
every day for us something new
open mind for a different view
and nothing else matters

never cared for what they say
never cared for games they play
never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
but I know

so close no matter how far
couldn't be much more from the heart
forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters

213. Fade To Black (Live in France 2009) Текст Текст

Life it seems will fade away
Drifting further everyday
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters no one else
I have lost the will to live Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free

Things not what they used to be Missing one inside of me
Deadly loss this cant be real
Cannot stand this hell i feel
Emptiness is filling me To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me but now, hes gone

No one but me can save myself, but its too late
Now i cant think, think why i should even try

Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death greets me warm, now i will just say goodbye

214. Wisky in the Jar Текст Текст

As i was going over
The Kork and Kerry mountains
I saw Captain Farrell
And his money he was counting
I first produced my pistol
And then produced my rapier
I said "Stand and deliver
Or the devil he may take you"

I took all of his money
And it was a pretty penny
I took all of his money and
I brought it home to Molly
She swore that she'd love me
No Never would she leave me
But the devil take that woman
For you know she treat me easy


Mush a ring dum a doo dum a da
Whack for my daddy'o
Whack for my daddy'o, there's
Whisky in the jar, o

Being drunk and weary
I went to Molly's chamber
Taking my Molly with me
And i never knew the danger
For about six or maybe seven
In walked Captain Farrell
I jumped up, fired off my pistols
And i shot him with both barrels


Now some men like the fishing
And some men like fowling
And some men like to hear
The cannonballs are roaring
Me - I like sleeping
Specially in my Molly's chamber
But here i am in prison,
Here i am with a ball and chain, yeah

215. Die, Die My Darling [Misfits] Текст Текст

Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Just shut your pretty eyes

I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in Hell

Don't cry to me oh baby
Your future's in an oblong box, yeah
Don't cry to me oh baby
Should have seen it a-comin' on
Don't cry to me oh baby
I don't know it was in your power
Don't cry to me oh baby
Dead-end girl for a dead-end guy
Don't cry to me oh baby
Now your life drains on the floor
Don't cry to me oh baby

Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Just shut your pretty mouth

I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in Hell

Don't cry to me a baby
Your future is in an oblong box
Don't cry to me oh baby
Should have seen the end a-comin' on, a-comin'
Don't cry to me oh baby
I don't know it was in your power
Don't cry to me oh baby
Dead-end girl for a dead-end guy
Don't cry to me oh baby
Now your life drains on the floor
Don't cry to me oh baby

Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Shut your pretty mouth

I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in Hell

Don't cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Don't cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Die, die, die my darling
Die, die, die my darling

Die, die, die, die, die, die....

216. Sad But True (S&M 1999) Текст Текст

Hey (hey)
I'm your life
I'm the one who takes you there
hey (hey)
I'm your life
I'm the one who cares
they (they)
they betray
I'm your only true friend now
they (they)
they'll betray
I'm forever there

I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
sad but true

I'm your dream, mind astray
I'm your eyes while you're away
I'm your pain while you repay
you know it's sad but true

sad but true

you (you)
you're my mask
you're my cover, my shelter
you (you)
you're my mask
you're the one who's blamed
do (do)
do my work
do my dirty work, scapegoat
do (do)
do my deeds
for you're the one who's shamed

I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
sad but true

I'm your dream, mind astray
I'm your eyes while you're away
I'm your pain while you repay
you know it's sad but true

sad but true

I'm your dream
I'm your eyes
I'm your pain

you know it's sad but true

hate (hate)
I'm your hate
I'm your hate when you want love
pay (pay)
pay the price
pay, for nothing's fair

hey (hey)
I'm your life
I'm the one who took you there
hey (hey)
I'm your life
and I no longer care

I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
sad but true

I'm your truth, telling lies
I'm your reasoned alibis
I'm inside open your eyes
I'm you

sad but true

217. Overkill (Motorhead cover) Текст Текст

[Kilmister, Clarke, Taylor]
[Originally recorded by Motorhead in 1979]

Only way to feel the noise
Is when it's good and loud
So good I can't believe it
Screamin' with the crowd

Don't sweat it
Give it back to you
Don't sweat it
Give it back to you
Shut up

On your feet you feel the beat
It goes straight to your spine
Shake your head, you must be dead
If it don't make you fly

Don't sweat it
Give it back to you
Don't sweat it
Give it back to you
Get the fuck down

Ooh yeah

Know your body's made to move
It goes straight to your spine
You gotta move it
If it don't make you fly

Don't sweat it
Give it back to you
Don't sweat it
Give it back to you
Get on it!

218. Astronomy [Blue Öyster Cult cover] Текст Текст

(Originally recorded by Blue Oyster Cult)

Clock strikes twelve and moondrops burst
Out at you from their hiding place
Like acid and oil on a madman's face
His reasons tend to fly away

Like lesser birds on the four winds
Like silver scrapes in May
Now the sands become a crust
And most of you have gone away

Come Susy dear, let's take a walk
Just out there upon the beach
I know you'll soon be married
And you'll want to know where the winds come from

Well it's never said at all
On the map that Carrie reads
Behind the clock back there you know
At the four winds bar

Yeah, hey, hey, hey, hey
Four winds at the four winds bar
Two doors locked and windows barred
One door let to take you in
The other one just mirrors it
Hey, hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey

Ooh, in hellish glare and inference
The other one's a duplicate
The queenly flux, eternal light
Or the light that never warms
Yes, the light, that never, never warms
Yes, the light, that never, never warms
Never warms
Never warms

The clock strikes twelve and moondrops burst
Out at you from their hiding place
Miss Carrie nurse and Suzy dear
Would find themselves at four winds bar

It's the nexus of the crisis
And the origin of storms
Just the place to hopelessly
Encounter time and then came me
Hey, hey, hey, hey

Call me Desdenova, eternal light
These gravely digs of mine
Will surely prove a sight
Hey, and don't forget my dog, fixed and consequent

Astronomy...a star
Astronomy...a star
Astronomy...a star
Astronomy...a star
Astronomy...a star

219. Nothing Else Matters (Live) Текст Текст

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

So close no matter how far

Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they say
Never cared for games they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
And I know

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
No nothing else matters

220. Tuesday's Gone (Acoustic) Текст Текст

Train roll on, on down the line
Won't you please take me far away
Now, I feel the wind blow outside my door
I leave my woman at home

Tuesday's gone with the wind
My baby's gone with the wind

And I don't know oh where I'm going
I just want to be left alone
When this train ends, I'll try again
I leave my woman at home

Tuesday's gone with the wind
Tuesday's gone with the wind
Tuesday's gone with the wind
My baby's gone with the wind

Train roll on, Tuesday's gone

Train roll on, many miles from my home
See, I'm riding my blues away
Tuesday, you see, she had to be free
But somehow, I've got to carry on

Tuesday's gone with the wind
Tuesday's gone with the wind
Tuesday's gone with the wind
My baby's gone with the wind

221. The Unfogiven I Текст Текст

New blood joins this earth
And quickly he's subdued
Through constant pained disgrace
The young boy learns their rules

With time, the child draws in
This whipping boy done wrong
Deprived of all his thoughts
The young man struggles on and on, he's known
A vow unto his own
That never from this day
His will they'll take away

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee “Unforgiven”

They dedicate their lives
To running all of his
He tries to please them all
This bitter man he is

Throughout his life the same
He's battled constantly
This fight he cannot win
A tired man they see no longer cares
The old man then prepares
To die regretfully
That old man here is me

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee “Unforgiven”

You labeled me
I'll label you
So I dub thee “Unforgiven”

222. Saint Anger Текст Текст

Saint Anger round my neck
Saint Anger round my neck
He never gets respect
Saint Anger round my neck

(Its rushing out, Its rushing out)
Saint Anger round my neck
(It's rushing out, It's rushing out)
He never gets respect
(It's rushing out, It's rushing out)
Saint Anger round my neck
(It's rushing out, It's rushing out)
He never gets respect

Fuck it all and no regrets
I hit the lights on these dark sets
I need a voice to let myself
To let myself go free
Fuck it all and fuck regrets
I hit the lights on these dark sets
Medallion noose I hang myself
Saint Anger round my neck

I feel my world shake
I can't look away
Hard to see clear
Is it me
Or is it fear?

I'm madly in anger with you
I'm madly in anger with you

Saint Anger round my neck
Saint Anger round my neck
He never gets respect
Saint Anger round my neck

(Its rushing out, Its rushing out)
Saint Anger round my neck
(It's rushing out, It's rushing out)
He never gets respect
(It's rushing out, It's rushing out)
Saint Anger round my neck
(It's rushing out, It's rushing out)
He never gets respect

Fuck it all and no regrets
I hit the lights on these dark sets
I need a voice to let myself
To let myself go free
Fuck it all and fuck regrets
I hit the lights on these dark sets
Medallion noose I hang myself
Saint Anger round my neck

I feel my world shake.
I can't look away.
Hard to see clear:
Is it me,
Or is it fear?

I'm madly in anger with you.
I'm madly in anger with you.
I'm madly in anger with you.
I'm madly in anger with you.

I want my anger to be healthy.
I want my anger just for me.
I need my anger not to control.
I want my anger to be me.

I need to set my anger free.
I need to set my anger free.
I need to set my anger free.
I need to set my anger free.

223. I Dissappear Текст Текст

Hey Hey Hey

Here I go now,
Here I go into the days.

Hey Hey Hey

Here I go now,
Here I go into the days.

I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer.

Hey Hey Hey yeah yeah yeah

Here I go into the day.

Hey Hey Hey yeah

Ain't no mercy,
Ain't no mercy there for me.

Hey Hey Hey

Ain't mercy,
Ain't no mercy there for me.

I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer.

Hey Hey Hey

Ain't mercy,
Ain't no mercy there for me.

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong,
Then it's time I disappear.

Hey Hey Hey

And I went,
And I went on down that road.

Hey Hey Hey

And I went on,
And I went on down that road.

I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer.

Hey Hey Hey

And I went on,
And I went on down that road.

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong,
Then it's time I disappear.

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong,
Then it's time I disappear.

(I'm gone)
(I'm gone)
(I'm gone)
(Gone, man, gone)
(I'm gone)
(Gone, baby)
(I'm gone)
(I'm gone)

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong,
Then it's time I disappear.

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong,
Then it's time I disappear.

224. Die, Die My Darling (Misfits cover) Текст Текст

Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Just shut your pretty eyes

I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in Hell

Don't cry to me oh baby
Your future's in an oblong box, yeah
Don't cry to me oh baby
Should have seen it a-comin' on
Don't cry to me oh baby
I don't know it was in your power
Don't cry to me oh baby
Dead-end girl for a dead-end guy
Don't cry to me oh baby
Now your life drains on the floor
Don't cry to me oh baby

Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Just shut your pretty mouth

I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in Hell

Don't cry to me a baby
Your future is in an oblong box
Don't cry to me oh baby
Should have seen the end a-comin' on, a-comin'
Don't cry to me oh baby
I don't know it was in your power
Don't cry to me oh baby
Dead-end girl for a dead-end guy
Don't cry to me oh baby
Now your life drains on the floor
Don't cry to me oh baby

Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Shut your pretty mouth

I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in Hell

Don't cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Don't cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Die, die, die my darling
Die, die, die my darling

Die, die, die, die, die, die...

225. The Mechanix Текст Текст

Вы думаете, вы были на моей станции
И вы принесли ваш двигатель для меня
Ты горелки да, реальный автомобиль
Вы говорите, что хотите, чтобы ваш заказ заполнены
Заставил меня дрожь, когда я положил его в
Насосные просто не будет делать, вы знаете, к счастью для вас

Кто бы когда-нибудь думал, что ты бы лучше
При включении винт, чем мне
Я делаю это для моей жизни
Вы сделали мой приводной вал кривошипно
Вы сделали мой поршни выпуклость
Вы сделали мой шарикоподшипники таять от тепла
Ах, да, да

Мы были переложив это тяжело, когда мы сняли
Положите сегодня все четыре на этаже
Когда мы попали верхней то вы знаете, он чувствует себя так медленно
Вы говорите, что хотите, чтобы ваш заказ заполнены
Заставил меня дрожь, когда я положил его в
Насосные просто не будет делать, вы знаете, к счастью для вас

Кто бы когда-нибудь думал, что ты бы лучше
При включении винт, чем мне
Я делаю это для моей жизни
Вы сделали мой приводной вал кривошипно
Вы сделали мой поршни выпуклость
Вы сделали мой шарикоподшипники таять от тепла
Ах, да, да

Я даю вам обслуживание в номерах
И вы знаете, что более чем достаточно
При искры моего модуля вы знаете, я в любви
Вы думаете, вы были на моей станции
И вы принесли ваш двигатель для меня
Со всеми 4 на полу я чувствую, что в магазине

Кто бы когда-нибудь думал, что ты бы лучше
При включении винт, чем мне
Я делаю это для моей жизни
Вы сделали мой приводной вал кривошипно
Вы сделали мой поршни выпуклость
Вы сделали мой шарикоподшипники таять от тепла
Ах, да, да

226. King of Nothing Текст Текст

Wish I may, wish I might
Have this I wish tonight
Are you satisfied?
Dig for gold, dig for fame
You dig to make your name
Are you pacified?

All the wants you waste
All the things you've chased

Then it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger
But there's no one around
Just want one thing
Just to play the king
But the castle's crumbled
And you're left with just a name

Where's your crown,
King Nothing?
Where's your crown?

Hot and cold, bought and sold
A heart as hard as gold
Are you satisfied?
Wish I might, wish I may
You wish your life away
Are you pacified?

All the wants you waste
All the things you've chased

Then it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger
But there's no one around
Just want one thing
Just to play the king
But the castle's crumbled
And you're left with just a name
Where's your crown, King Nothing?
Where's your crown?

I wish I may, I wish I might
Have this wish I wish tonight
I want that star, I want it now
I want it all and I don't care how

Careful what you wish
Careful what you say
Careful what you wish, you may regret it
Careful what you wish, you just might get it

Then it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger
But there's no one around
Just want one thing
Just to play the king
But the castle's crumbled
And you're left with just a name

Where's your crown, King Nothing?


You're just nothing
Where's your crown, King Nothing?
You're just nothing
Absolutely nothing

Off to never-never land

Песня: Король-ничто
Альбом: Load ‘96

Все, что я могу желать,
Все, что я мог желать,
Получил все, что я сегодня пожелал,
Ты удовлетворен?
Золото нашел,
Славу получил,
Ты имя заслужил,
Ты успокоился?

Все, что желал, ты потерял,
К тому, к чему стремился –
Все вдребезги разбилось,
Корону свою сбрасываешь,
И пальцем указать пытаешься, но никого вокруг,
Желаешь одного –
Всего лишь короля изображать,
Но замок пал, и у тебя сейчас – лишь имя,
Где же твоя корона, Король-ничто?
Где же твоя корона?

И в жар и в холод,
Купил – продал,
И сердце, словно золото черство,
Да! Ты удовлетворен?
Все, что я могу желать,
Все, что я мог желать,
Желаешь, чтобы твоя жизнь прошла,
Ты успокоился?

К тому, к чему стремился –
Все вдребезги разбилось,
Корону свою сбрасываешь,
И пальцем указать пытаешься, но никого вокруг,
Желаешь одного –
Всего лишь короля изображать,
Но замок пал, и у тебя сейчас – лишь имя,
Где же твоя корона, Король-ничто?
Где же твоя корона?


Хочу эту звезду, хочу сейчас,
Хочу это все, и не волнует как,
Будь осторожен в своих желаниях,
И осторожен в своих словах,
Будь осторожен в своих желаниях, ты можешь об этом пожалеть,
Будь осторожен в своих желаниях, ты можешь это получить.

К тому, к чему стремился –
Все вдребезги разбилось,
Корону свою сбрасываешь,
И пальцем указать пытаешься, но никого вокруг,
Желаешь одного –
Всего лишь короля изображать,
Но замок пал, и у тебя сейчас – лишь имя,
Где же твоя корона, Король-ничто?
Где же твоя корона?

О, ты просто ничего собой не представляешь,
Где же твоя корона, Король-ничто?
О, ты просто ничего собой не представляешь,
Абсолютно ничего

В той стране, которой нет.

227. Iron Man (Black Sabbath cover) Текст Текст

Has he lost his mind?
Can he see or is he blind?
Can he walk at all
Or if he moves will he fall?

Is he alive or dead?
Has he thoughts within his head?
We'll just pass him there
Why should we even care?

He was turned to steel
In the great magnetic field
When he travelled time
For the future of mankind

Nobody wants him
He just stares at the world
Planning his vengeance
That he will soon unfold

Now the time is here
For Iron Man to spread fear
Vengeance from the grave
Kills the people he once saved

Nobody wants him
They just turn their heads
Nobody helps him
Now he has his revenge

Heavy bolts of lead
Fills his victims full of dread
Running as fast as they can
Iron Man lives again!

Я - Железный Человек.

Он потерял рассудок ?
Он способен видеть, или он слеп ?
Он вообще может ходить,
Или упадет, если двинется ?

Он жив или мертв ?
В его голове есть мысли ?
Мы просто-напросто отправим его туда
Какое нам до него дело ?

Он был превращен в сталь
В сильном магнитном поле,
В котором он путешествовал во времени
Ради будущего человечества.

Никто его не желает
Он просто смотрит на мир,
Замышляя возмездие,
Которое он вскоре сотворит.

Теперь пришла пора
Для Железного Человека сеять страх,
Возмездие из могилы
Губит людей, которых он некогда спас.

Никто его не желает,
Люди просто отворачиваются
Никто ему не поможет
Теперь он сотворил свою месть.

Тяжелые свинцовые башмаки
Наполняют ужасом сердца жертв,
Они бегут со всех ног -
Железный Человек живет вновь !

228. Helpless (Diamond Head cover) Текст Текст


I gotta see you moving fast
See you come my way
See the dreams, I hope they last
Never fade away.

Gotta see the lights above
Make it loud tonight
Gotta set it all a-fire
Set it all a-light

See the flashing lights
Hear the thunder roar
I am gonna set you all a-light
Gotta make it man
I ain't got a choice
Gotta fill this hall tonight


I don't what I'm gonna do
Maybe not tonight
Gotta set you all a-fire
Gotta treat you right.

I can see the flashing lights
Lit before your love, oh
Gotta hear the thunder roar
Coming from above.

See the flashing lights
Hear the thunder roar
I'm gonna set you all alight
Gotta make it man
I ain't got no choice
Gotta fill this hall tonight


I can see the stars
I can see what's going on

Every night alone
I sing my song just for fun.

Only time will tell
If I'll make it myself someday
This stage is mine
Music is my destiny.

Cannot squeeze the life from me!

I can see the lights
But I can see what's going on
Every night alone
I sing my song just for fun.

Business in collapse
Some men don't like it so
Helpless maybe babe,
But you can leave or join the show.

229. Ronnie Rising (A Tribute to Ronnie James Dio) Текст Текст

(Featuring A Light In The Black, Tarot Woman, Stargazer, Kill The King — Rainbow medley)

I don't wanna go
Something tells me no, no, no, no
But traces in the sand
The lines inside my hand say go go go

Beware of a place
A smile on a bright shiny face
I'll never return, how do you know
Tarot woman, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know

She can take you there
The entrance to the fair, my, my, my
Ride the carousel
Cast a magic spell, fly, fly, fly

Beware of a place
A smile on a bright shiny face
I'll never return, how do you know
Tarot woman, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know

High noon
Oh I'd sell my soul for water
Nine years' worth
Of breakin' my back
There's no sun in the shadow of the wizard
See how he glides
Why he's lighter than air
Oh I see his face

Where is your star
Is it far, is it far, is it far
When do we leave
I believe, I believe, yes I believe

* in the heat and the rain
With whips and chains
Just to see him fly
So many die

We built a tower of stone
With out flesh and bone
Just to see him fly
Don't know why
Now where do we go

Danger, danger the queen's about to kill
There's a stranger, stranger and life about to spill
Oh no, move me out of harm
I need a spell and a charm
Fly like the wind
I'm no pawn, so be gone, speed on and on
Kill the king
Tear him down
Kill the king
Strike him down

Power, power it happens every day
Power, devour all along the way
Oh no, move me out of harm
I need a spell and a charm
Fly like the wind
I'm no pawn, so be gone, speed on and on
Kill the king
Strike him down

Treason, treason, the specter looms again
Treason, treason, the realm is safe and then
Oh no, move me out of harm
I need a spell and a charm
Fly like the rainbow
I'm no pawn, so be gone, speed on and on

Kill the king
Tear him down
Kill the king
Got to take his crown
Kill the king
Got to take his crown
Kill the king
Shut him down

230. Last Caress (Misfits cover) Текст Текст

I got something to say
I killed your baby today
And it doesn't matter much to me
As long as it's dead

Well I got something to say
I raped your mother today
And it doesn't matter much to me
As long as she spread

Sweet lovely death
I am waiting for your breath
Come sweet death, one last caress


Sweet lovely death
I am waiting for your breath
Come sweet death, one last caress

Well, I got something to say
I killed your baby today
And it doesn't matter much to me
As long as it's dead

Sweet lovely death
I am waiting for your breath
Come sweet death
One last caress

One last caress, sweet death
One last caress, sweet death

Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh

231. Today Your Love, Tomorrow the World Текст Текст

I'm a shock trooper in a stupor
Yes I am.
I'm a Nazi schatze
Y'know I fight for fatherland.

I'm a shock trooper in a stupor
Yes I am.
I'm a Nazi schatze
Y'know I fight for fatherland.

Little German boy
Being pushed around
Little German boy
In a German town.

I'm a shock trooper in a stupor
Yes I am.
I'm a Nazi schatze
Y'know I fight for fatherland.

I'm a shock trooper in a stupor
Yes I am.
I'm a Nazi schatze
Y'know I fight for fatherland.

Little German boy
Being pushed around
Little German boy
In a German t....

Today your love, tomorrow the world.

232. The Prince (Diamond Head cover) Текст Текст

Originally performed by Diamond Head
Now I see his face, I see his smile
Such a lonely place, no golden mile
Eyes tell of morbid tales of his black heart
His deeds through ages past tell of his part

See his face, see his smile
Time to die

Angel from below, change my dreams
I want for glory's hour, for wealth's esteem
I wish to sell my soul, to be reborn
I wish for earthly riches, don't want no crown of thorns

See his face, see his smile
Time to die

I was born a fool, don't want to stay that way
Devil take my soul, with diamonds you repay
I don't care for heaven, so don't you look for me to cry
And I will burn in hell, from the day I die

See his face, see his smile
Time to die

233. I'm Only Happy When It rains Текст Текст

I'm only happy when it rains
I'm only happy when it's complicated
And though I know you can't appreciate it
I'm only happy when it rains
You know I love it when the news is bad
Why it feels so good to feel so sad
I'm only happy when it rains

Pour your misery down
Pour your misery down on me
Pour your misery down
Pour your misery down on me

I'm only happy when it rains
I feel good when things are going wrong
I only listen to the sad, sad songs
I'm only happy when it rains

I only smile in the dark
My only comfort is the night gone black
I didn't accidentally tell you that
I'm only happy when it rains
You'll get the message by the time I'm through
When I complain about me and you
I'm only happy when it rains

Pour your misery down...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down on me...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down on me...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down on me...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down...pour
You can keep me company
As long as you don't care

I'm only happy when it rains
You want to hear about my new obsession
I'm riding high upon a deep depression
I'm only happy when it rains...pour some misery down on me
I'm only happy when it rains....pour some misery down on me
I'm only happy when it rains...pour some misery down on me
I'm only happy when it rains...pour some misery down on me
I'm only happy when it rains...pour some misery down on me...pour some misery down on me...pour some misery down on me...pour some misery down on me

Я счастлива, только когда идет дождь
Я счастлива, только когда все сложно
И хотя я знаю, что ты не можешь
оценить это
Я счастлива, только когда идет дождь

Ты знаешь, я люблю
плохие новости
И почему так хорошо чувствовать
себя грустной
Я счастлива, только когда идет дождь

Излей свои страдания,
Излей свои страдания на меня
Излей свои страдания,
Излей свои страдания на меня

Я счастлива, только когда идет дождь
Я чувствую себя хорошо,
когда все не так
Я слушаю только грустные,
грустные песни
Я счастлива, только когда идет дождь

Я улыбаюсь только в темноте
Мое единственное утешение -
это темная ночь
Я не случайно говорю тебе это
Я счастлива, только когда идет дождь

Ты получишь письмо, когда
я буду свободна
Когда я буду жаловаться
на себя и тебя
Я счастлива, только когда идет дождь

Излей свои страдания
Излей свои страдания на меня
Излей свои страдания
Излей свои страдания на меня
Излей свои страдания
Излей свои страдания на меня
Излей свои страдания

Ты можешь быть со мной
Пока тебе не надоест

Я счастлива, только когда идет дождь
Ты хочешь услышать о моем
новом наваждении?
Я выбираюсь из глубокого
Я счастлива, только когда идет дождь
(Излей немного страдания на меня)

234. Fade to Black (live) Текст Текст

Угасает жизнь во мне,
Всё меньше смысла в новом дне.
В своей душе теряюсь я,
Всё безразлично для меня.

Я потерял желанье жить,
Мне больше нечего дарить.
Здесь ничего нет для меня,
Умру, свободным стану я...

Так непривычно всё вокруг,
Во мне теряется мой дух.
Путь к смерти - в нем потерян я,
Не терпит Ад душа моя....

Меня заполнит пустота,
И вот - последняя черта,
И тьма вдруг поглотит рассвет...
Я был собой, теперь уж нет....

В силах лишь я спасти свою душу,
Но поздно!
Не знаю, вот стоит ли всё это
Пробовать мне?..

Вчерашнего дня похоже
Не существовало..
Меня смерть встречает, а я
Говорю всем "Прощай"!

235. So Fucking What Текст Текст

So fucking what!

Well I've been to Hastings,
and I've been to Brighton.
I've been to Eastport too.
So what.
So what.
And I've been here,
I've been there.
I've been every fucking where.
So what.
So what.
So what, so what, you boring little cunt.

Who cares.
Who cares what you do.
Yeah who cares,
Who cares about you, you, you, you, you.

Well I've fucked a queen.
I've fucked fucked.
I've even sucked an old man's cock.
So what.
So what.
And I've fucked a sheep.
I've fucked a goat.
I rammed my cock right down his throat.
So what.
So what.
So what, so what, you boring little fuck.

Who cares.
Who cares what you do.
And who cares,
Who cares about you, you, you, you, you.

And I've drunk that,
I've drunk this.
I've spewed up on a pint of piss.
So what.
So what.
I've had scank,
I've have speed.
I've jacked up until I bleed.
So what.
So what.
So what, so what, you boring little cunt.

Who cares.
Who cares what you do.
Yeah who cares,
Who cares about you, you, you, you, you.

I've had crabs,
I've had lice,
I've had the clap and that ain't nice.
So what.
So what.
I've fucked this,
I've fucked that.
I've even fucked a school girl's twat.
So what.
So what.
So what, so what you boring little fuck.

Who cares.
Who cares what you do.
And who cares,
Who cares about you, you, you, you, you, you.

So fucking what!

236. Hit the light Текст Текст

Hit the Lights

No life till leather
We are gonna kick some ass tonight
We got the metal madness
When our fans start screaming
It's right well alright
When we start to rock
We never want to stop again

Hit the lights
Hit the lights
Hit the lights

You know our fans are insane
We are gonna blow this place away
with volume higher
Than anything today the only way
When we start to rock
We never want to stop again

Hit the lights
Hit the lights
Hit the lights

With all our screaming
We are gonna rip right through your brain
We got the lethal power
It is causing you sweet pain Oh sweet pain
When we start to rock
We never want to stop again

Hit the lights
Hit the lights
Hit the lights

237. fade to black (instrumental) Текст Текст

Life, it seems, will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters, no one else

I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free

Things not what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Can't stand this hell I feel

Emptiness is filling me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now he's gone

No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
Now I can't think, think why I should even try

Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye, *Goodbye*

238. Bleeding Me (S&M) Текст Текст

I'm diggin' my way
Yes, I'm diggin' my way to something
I'm diggin' my way to something better

I'm pushin' to stay
Yes, I'm pushin' to stay with something
I'm pushin' to stay with something better

Whoa-oh-oh, yeah
Whoa-oh, yeah
Oh, yeah

I'm sowin' the seeds, yes
Yes, I'm sowin' the seeds I've taken
Sowin' the seeds I take for granted

This thorn in my side
Yes, this thorn in my side is from the tree
This thorn in my side is from the tree I've planted

Ooh, It tears me and I bleed
And I bleed

Caught under wheels' roll
I take the leech, yeah, I'm bleeding me
Can't stop to save my soul
I take that leash that's leading me

I'm bleeding me
Ooh, I can't take it

Caught under wheels' roll
Ooh-Oh, the bleeding of me
Ooh, yeah
Yes, of me
The bleeding of me

I'm caught under wheels' roll
I take that leech, hey, I'm bleeding me
I can't stop to save my soul
I take that leash that's leading me

I'm bleeding me
Ooh, I can't take it
Caught under wheels' rolls
Whoa, whoa, the bleeding of me

The bleeding of me

I am the beast that feeds the feast
I am the blood, I am release

Come make me pure
Bleed me a cure
I'm caught, caught, I'm caught under

Caught under wheels' roll
I take that leech, hey, I'm bleeding me
I can't stop to save my soul
I take the leash that's leading me

I'm bleeding me
Ooh, I can't take it
Can't take it
I can't take it
No, oh, the bleeding of me

Feel it, man

Come on and bleed me

I'm diggin' my way
Yes, I'm diggin' my way to something
I'm diggin' my way to something better, yeah

I'm pushin' to stay
Yes, I'm pushin' to stay with something
I'm pushin' to stay with something better
Yeah, with something better

239. The Memory Remains (live) Текст Текст

Fortune, fame,
Mirror vain
Gone insane,
But the memory remains

Heavy rings on fingers wave,
Another star denies the grave,
See the nowhere crowd
Cry the nowhere tears of honor

Like twisted vines that grow,
Hide and swallow mansions whole
In light of an already
Faded prima donna

Fortune, fame, mirror vain, gone insane
Fortune, fame, mirror vain, gone insane
But the memory remains

Heavy rings hold cigarettes
Up to lips that time forgets,
While the Hollywood sun
Sets behind your back

And can't the band play on,
Just listen, they play my song
Ash to ash, dust to dust,
Fade to black

Fortune, fame, mirror vain, gone insane
Fortune, fame, mirror vain, gone insane
Dance, little tin goddess

Drift away, fade away,
Little tin goddess
Ash to ash, dust to dust
Fade to black

Fortune, fame, mirror vain, gone insane
Fortune, fame, mirror vain, gone insane
But the memory remains

Ash to ash, dust to dust
Fade to black, the memories remain, yeah
To this faded prima donna
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Dance, little tin goddess, dance
Say yes - at least say hello

240. Sad But True(live) Текст Текст

Эй (эй!)
Я – твоя жизнь,
Я – единственный, кто сопровождает тебя.
Эй (эй!)
Я – твоя жизнь,
Я – единственный, кому не безразлично.
Они (они),
Они предают,
Я один – твой настоящий друг.
Они (они),
Они предадут,
Я всегда буду рядом.

Я – твои мечты, переносящие тебя в реальность,
Я – твои глаза, когда нужно что-то украсть,
Я – твоя боль, когда ты ничего не чувствуешь.
Это горькая правда…

Я – твой сон, заблудший разум,
Я – твои глаза, когда тебя нет.
Я – твоя боль, которой ты расплачиваешься.
Ты знаешь, Это горькая правда…

Как ни печально, это правда…

Ты (ты),
Ты – моя маска,
Ты – моё укрытие, моё убежище.
Ты (ты),
Ты – моя маска,
Ты – тот, на кого падают все обвинения.
Сделай (сделай!)
Сделай мою работу за меня,
Ты сделаешь за меня работу, ведь ты – козёл отпущения.
Сделай (сделай!)
Соверши всё, что должен сделать я,
Ведь тебе одному будет стыдно.

Я – твои мечты, переносящие тебя в реальность,
Я – твои глаза, когда нужно что-то украсть,
Я – твоя боль, когда ты ничего не чувствуешь.
Это горькая правда…

Я – твой сон, заблудший разум,
Я – твои глаза, когда тебя нет.
Я – твоя боль, которой ты расплачиваешься.
Ты знаешь, это горькая правда…

Это горькая правда…

Я – твоя мечта,
Я – твои глаза,
Я – твоя боль.

Ты знаешь, как ни печально, но это правда!

Ненависть (ненависть!)
Я – твоя ненависть,
Я – твоя ненависть, когда тебе нужна любовь.
Заплати (заплати),
Заплати цену,
Заплати, ведь ничего честного нет в мире.

Эй (эй!)
Я – твоя жизнь,
Я – единственный, кто сопровождает тебя.
Эй (эй!)
Я – твоя жизнь,
И мне теперь безразлично.

Я – твои мечты, переносящие тебя в реальность,
Я – твои глаза, когда нужно что-то украсть,
Я – твоя боль, когда ты ничего не чувствуешь.
Это горькая правда…

Я – твоя правда, обманывающая тебя,
Я – твоё обоснованное алиби,
Я внутри, открой свои глаза!
Я – это ты.

Это – горькая правда.

241. 53rd And 3rd Текст Текст

If you think you can, well, come on man
I was a green beret in vietnam
I say, No more of your fairy stories
cause I got my other worries

53rd and 3rd
Standing on the street
53rd and 3rd
I'm tryin' to turn a trick
53rd and 3rd
Youre the one they never pick
53rd and 3rd
Don't make you feel sick?

If you think you can, well, come on man
I was a green beret in vietnam
I say, No more of your fairy stories
cause I got my other worries

53rd and 3rd
Standing on the street
53rd and 3rd
I'm tryin' to turn a trick
53rd and 3rd
Youre the one they never pick
53rd and 3rd
Don't make you feel sick?

Then I took out my razor blade
Then I did what God forbade
Now the cops are after me
But I proved that I'm no sissy

53rd and 3rd
Standing on the street
53rd and 3rd
I'm tryin' to turn a trick
53rd and 3rd
Youre the one they never pick
53rd and 3rd
Don't make you feel sick?

53rd and 3rd
53rd and 3rd
53rd and 3rd
53rd and 3rd
53rd and 3rd
53rd and 3rd...

242. Blitz Krieg Текст Текст

Let us have peace, let us have life
Let us escape the cruel knife
Let us have time, let the sun shine
Let us beware the deadly sign

The day is coming
Armageddon's near
Inferno's coming
Can we survive the blitzkrieg?
The blitzkrieg
The blitzkrieg

Save us from fate, save us from hate
Save ourselves before it's too late
Come to our need, hear our plea
Save ourselves before the earth bleeds

The day is dawning
The time is near
Aliens calling
Can we survive the blitzkrieg?
The blitzkrieg
The blitzkrieg

Haha, i fucked up on that one part guys.

243. Sabbra Cadabra (Black Sabbath Cover) Текст Текст

Feel so good, I feel so fine
Love that little lady always on my mind
She gives me loving every night and day
Never gonna leave her, never going away

Someone to love me
You know she makes me feel all right, yeah (all right)
Someone to need me
Love me every single night, yeah

Feel so happy since I met that girl
When we're making love
It's something out of this world
Feels so good to know that she's all mine
Gonna love that woman 'til the end of time

Someone to live for
Love me 'til the end of time, hey, hey-yeah
She makes me feel happy
It's good to know that she's all mine

I am the world that hides
The universal secret of all time
Destruction of the empty spaces
Is my one and only crime
I've lived a thousand times
I found out what it means to be believed
The thoughts and images
The unborn child that never was conceived

You gotta believe me
Hey, I'm talking to you

Well, I know, it's hard for you
To know the reason why
And I know you'll understand
More when it's time to die
Don't believe the life you have
Will be the only one
You have to let your body sleep
To let your soul live on, haha

Feel so happy since I met that girl
When we're making love
It's something out of this world
Feels so good to know that she's all mine
Gonna love that woman 'til the end of time

Someone to live for
Love me 'til the end of time, yeah, ooh, oh
She makes me feel happy
It's good to know that she's all mine
She's all mine, yeah
Yo, ooh, yeah

244. Stone Dead Forever (Motorhead cover) Текст Текст

(Originally recorded by Motorhead)

Get on!

You think you see me, in the glass
You think you hear me, better listen fast
I think I see you, gone to seed
Think your reason, is your guilt and greed

You're out there on your own
Your face is turned to stone
What ever happened to your life?
Stone dead forever
All right!

You're a financial wizard, yeah, a top tycoon
You're a sweet long lizard, with a silver spoon
You know you've never had it, quite so good
And you didn't know, that you even could

Your time has come to own
Your touch turned to gold
What ever happened to your life?
Stone dead forever
All right!

It's been a long time, it's been a long long wait
And you caught your fingers, in the pearly gates
You better leave your number, and we'll call you
You know your problem, ain't exactly new

Your time has come today
Your face has turned to hay
What ever happened to your life?
Stone dead forever
That's right!



245. Loverman (Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds Cover) Текст Текст

There's a devil waiting outside your door (How much longer?)
There's a devil waiting outside your door (How much longer?)
And he's bucking and braying and pawing at the floor (How much longer?)
And he's howling with pain, crawling up the walls (How much longer?)
There's a devil waiting outside your door (How much longer?)
And he's weak with evil and broken by the world (How much longer?)
And he's shouting your name and asking for more (How much longer?)
There's a devil waiting outside your door (How much longer?)

Loverman! Since the world began
Forever, amen, till the end of time, yeah
Take off that dress, oh
I'm coming down, yeah
I'm your loverman, yeah
'Cause I am what I am what I am what I am what I am

L is for LOVE, baby
O is for ONLY you that I do
V is for loving VIRTUALLY everything that you are
E is for loving almost EVERYTHING that you do
R is for RAPE me
M is for MURDER me
A is for ANSWERING all of my prayers
N is for KNOWING your loverman's going to be the answer to all of yours

Loverman! Till the bitter end
While the empires burn down
Forever and ever and ever, ever, amen
I'm your loverman
So help me, baby
So help me, baby
'Cause I am what I am what I am what I am what I am
I'm your loverman

There's a devil crawling along your floor (How much longer?)
There's a devil crawling along your floor (How much longer?)
With a trembling heart, he's coming through your door (How much longer?)
With his straining sex in his jumping paw (How much longer?)
Ooh, there's a devil crawling along your floor (How much longer?)
And he's old and he's stupid and he's hungry and he's sore
And he's blind and he's lame and he's dirty and he's poor
Gimme more, gimme more, gimme more,
Gimme more, gimme more, gimme more (How much longer?)
There's a devil crawling along your floor

Loverman! Haha! And here I stand
Forever, amen
'cause I am what I am what I am what I am, hey
Forgive me, baby
My hands are tied
And I got no choice, no, no, no, no
I got no choice, no choice at all

I'll say it again
L is for LOVE, baby
O is for OH yes I do
V is for VIRTUE, so I ain't gonna hurt you
E is for EVEN if you want me to
R is for RENDER unto me, baby
M is for that which is MINE
A is for ANY old how darling
N is for ANY old time

Loverman! Yeah, yeah, yeah! I got a masterplan, yeah
To take off your dress, yeah
And be your man, be your man, yeah
Seize the throne, haha
Seize the mantle
Seize the crown, yeah
'cause I am what I am what I am what I am, that I am
I'm your loverman

There's a devil laying by your side (How much longer?)
There's a devil laying by your side (How much longer?)
You might think he's asleep, but take a look at his eyes (How much longer?)
And he wants you, baby, to be his bride (How much longer?)
And there's a devil laying by your side (How much longer?)

Loverman! Loverman! Loverman!
I'll be your loverman!
Till the end of the time!
Till the empires burn down!
Forever, amen
I'll be your loverman
I'll be your loverman
I'm your loverman
I'm your loverman
Yeah, I'm your loverman
I'm your loverman
I'm your loverman
I'm your loverman
I'm your loverman
Yeah, I'm your loverman
Yes, I'm your loverman
Forever, amen
(How much longer?)

246. Nothing Else Matters (Elevator version) Текст Текст

So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
and nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
and nothing else matters

never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
but I know

So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters

never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
but I know

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us, something new
Open mind for a different view
and nothing else matters

never cared for what they say
never cared for games they play
never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
and I know

So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
No, nothing else matters

247. Darkness Текст Текст

When the darkness takes from me
Cruel hands are scorned
How our light dims carelessly
Bringing bare minds torn

Come with me
When the darkness comes
We all must leave
When the darkness comes

Sifting through my memories
Lifting spirits once more
Ones we lose forever breathe
Through the past reborn

Come with me
When the darkness comes
We all must leave
When the darkness comes

Wasted seasons surround us
Take not for granted your time
Such a thing waits for no man
Stone gardens stand before us
Lifelong the memoirs always rhyme
Try to live before one dies

Come with me
When the darkness comes
We all must leave
When the darkness comes

248. Turn The Page (Bob Seger) Текст Текст

On a long and lonesome highway, east of Omaha
You can listen to the engines
moanin' Out its one note song
You can think about the woman or the girl
You knew the night before

But your thoughts will soon be wandering
The way they always do
When you're ridin' sixteen hours
And there's nothin' much to do
And you don't feel much like riding
You just wish the trip was through

Here I am, On the road again
There I am, Up on the stage
There I go, Playin' star again
There I go, Turn the page

So you walk into this restaurant
Strung out from the road
And you feel the eyes upon you
As you're shaking off the cold
You pretend it doesn't bother you
But you just want to explode

most times you can't hear 'em talk
But other times you can
All the same old clichés:
"Is it woman? Is it man?"
And you always seem outnumbered
You don't dare make a stand
Make your stand

Here I am, On the road again
There I am, Up on the stage
Here I go, Playn' star again
There I go, Turn the page

Out there in the spotlight, you're a million miles away
Every ounce of energy, you try and give away
As the sweat pours out your body, like the music that you play

Later in the evenin' as you lie awake in bed
With the echoes of the amplifiers ringin' in your head
You smoke the day's last cigarette
Rememberin' what she said
What she said

(Yeah, what she said.)

Here I am, on the road again
There I am, up on the stage
Here I go, playn' star again
There I go, turn the page
And there I go, turn that page
There I go, yeah
Here I go, yeah(3x)
There I go, there I go
(And I'm gone)

249. For Whom the Bell Tolls (live) Текст Текст

Make his fight on the hill in the early day
Constant chill deep inside
Shouting gun, on they run through the endless gray
On they fight, for they are right, yes, but who's to say?
For a hill, men would kill. Why? They do not know
Stiffend wounds test their pride
Men of five, still alive through the raging glow
Gone insane from the pain that they surely know

For whom the bell tolls
Time marches on
For whom the bell tolls

Take a look to the sky just before you die
It's the last time you will
Blackened roar, massive roar, fills the crumbling sky
Shattered goal fills his soul with a ruthless cry
Stranger now are his eyes to this mystery
He hears the silence so loud
Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be
Now they see what will be, blinded eyes to see

For whom the bell tolls
Time marches on
For whom the bell tolls

250. The Unfogiven 2 Текст Текст

Lay beside me
Tell me what they've done
Speak the words I wanna hear
To make my demons run
The door is locked now
But it's opened if you're true
If you can understand the me
Then I can understand the you

Lay beside me
Under wicked skies
Through black of day
Dark of night
We share this pair of lives
The door cracks open
But there's no sun shining through
Black heart scarring darker still
But there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining

What I've felt
What I've known
Turn the pages
Turn the stone
Behind the door
Should I open it for you?

What I've felt
What I've known
Sick and tired
I stand alone
Could you be there
'cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?

Come lay beside me
This won't hurt, I swear
She loves me not
She loves me still
But she'll never love again
She lay beside me
But she'll be there when I'm gone
Black heart scarring darker still
Yes, she'll be there when I'm gone
Yes, she'll be there when I'm gone
Dead sure she'll be there

What I've felt
What I've known
Turn the pages
Turn the stone
Behind the door
Should I open it for you?

What I've felt
What I've known
Sick and tired
I stand alone
Could you be there
'cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?

Lay beside me
Tell me what I've done
The door is closed, so are your eyes
But now I see the sun
Now I see the sun
Yes, now I see it

What I've felt
What I've known
Turn the pages
Turn the stone
Behind the door
Should I open it for you?

What I've felt
What I've known
So sick and tired
I stand alone
Could you be there
'cause I'm the one who waits
The one who waits for you

What I've felt
What I've known
Turn the pages
Turn the stone
Behind the door
Should I open it for you?
So I dub thee unforgiven

Oh, what I've felt
Oh, what I've known
I take this key
And I bury it in you
Because you're unforgiven too

Never free
Never me
'cause you're unforgiven too

251. I Disapear Текст Текст

Hey Hey Hey
Here I go now
Here I go into new days
Hey Hey Hey
Here I go now
Here I go into new days
I’m pain, I’m hope, I’m suffer
Yeah Hey Hey Hey Yeah Yeah
Here I go into new days

Hey Hey Hey
Ain’t no mercy
Ain’t no mercy there for me
Hey Hey Hey
Ain’t no mercy
Ain’t no mercy there for me
I’m pain, I’m hope, I’m suffer
Yeah, Yeah, Hey, Hey no mercy
Ain’t no mercy there for me

Do you bury me when I’m gone
Do you teach me while I’m here
Just as soon as I belong
Then it’s time I disappear

Hey Hey Hey
And I went
And I went on down that road
Hey Hey Hey
And I went on
And I went on down that road
I’m pain, I’m hope, I’m suffer
Hey Hey Hey Yeah And I went on
And I went on down that road

Do you bury me when I’m gone
Do you teach me while I’m here
Just as soon as I belong
Then it’s time I disappear

Do you bury me when I’m gone
Do you teach me while I’m here
Just as soon as I belong
Then it’s time I disappear


Screaming in the background:
I’m gone I’m gone
I’m gone
Oh yeah I’m gone
I’m gone
I’m gone baby
I’m gone I’m gone

Do you bury me when I’m gone
Do you teach me while I’m here
Just as soon as I belong
Then it’s time I disappear

Do you bury me when I’m gone
Do you teach me while I’m here
Just as soon as I belong
Then it’s time I disappear

252. One (live) Текст Текст

I can’t remember anything
Can’t tell if this is true or dream
Deep down inside I feel to scream
This terrible silence stops me

Now that the war is through with me
I’m waking up, I cannot see
That there is not much left of me
Nothing is real but pain now

Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please, God, wake me

Back in the womb it’s much too real
In pumps life that I must feel
But can’t look forward to reveal
Look to the time when I’ll live

Fed through the tube that sticks in me
Just like a wartime novelty
Tied to machines that make me be
Cut this life off from me

Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please, God, wake me

Now the world is gone, I’m just one
Oh God, help me
Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please, God, help me

Darkness imprisoning me
All that I see
Absolute horror
I cannot live
I cannot die
Trapped in myself
Body my holding cell

Landmine has taken my sight
Taken my speech
Taken my hearing
Taken my arms
Taken my legs
Taken my soul
Left me with life in hell

253. Blackened (remastered) Текст Текст

Blackened is the end
Winter it will send
Throwing all you see
Into obscurity

Death of mother Earth
Never a rebirth
Evolution’s end
Never will it mend


To begin whipping dance of the dead
Blackened is the end
To begin whipping dance of the dead
Color our world blackened

Blistering of Earth
Terminate its worth
Deadly nicotine
Kills what might have been
Callous frigid chill
Nothing left to kill
Never seen before
Breathing nevermore


To begin whipping dance of the dead
Blackened is the end
To begin whipping dance of the dead
Color our world blackened


Agitation…Violation…Mutilation…Planet dies

Darkest color
Blistered Earth
True death of life

Termination…Expiration…Cancellation…Human race
Expectation…Liberation…Population…Lay to waste

See our mother
Put to death
See our mother die

Smouldering decay
Take her breath away
Millions of our years
In minutes disappears
Darkening in vain
Decadence remains
All is said and done
Never is the Sun


To begin whipping dance of the dead
Blackened is the end

To begin whipping dance of the dead
Color our world blackened


Is the outcome of hypocrisy
Darkest potency
In the exit of humanity
Color our world blackened

254. Fade To Back Текст Текст

Life it seems, will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free

Things are not what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Cannot stand this hell I feel
Emptiness is filing me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now He's gone

No one but me can save myself,
but it to late
Now I can't think,
think why I should even try

Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death Greets me warm,
now I will just say good-bye

255. The Unforgiven (Live) Текст Текст

New blood joins this earth
And quickly he's subdued
Through constant pain disgrace
The young boy learns their rules

With time the child draws in
This whipping boy done wrong
Deprived of all his thoughts
The young man struggles on and on he's known
A vow unto his own
That never from this day
His will they'll take away

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been
What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee unforgiven

They dedicate their lives
To running all of his
He tries to please them all
This bitter man he is
Throughout his life the same
He's battled constantly
This fight he cannot win
A tired man they see
no longer cares
The old man then prepares
To die regretfully
That old man here is me


You labeled me
I'll label you
So I dub the unforgiven

256. The Unforgiven (Live Shit) Текст Текст

New blood joins this earth
And quickly he's subdued
Through constant pained disgrace
The young boy learns their rules

With time the child draws in
This whipping boy done wrong
Deprived of all his thoughts
The young man struggles on and on he's known
A vow unto his own
That never from this day
His will they'll take away

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through what I've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee unforgiven

They dedicate their lives
To running all of his
He tries to please them all
This bitter man he is
Throughout his life the same
He's battled constantly
This fight he cannot win
A tired man they see no longer cares
The old man then prepares
To die regretfully
That old man here is me

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through what I've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee unforgiven

You labeled me
I labeled you
So I dub thee unforgiven

Непрощённая (перевод Фёдора Холодкова из Электрогорска)

Ляг со мною, все мне расскажи
Повторяй за мной слова, чтобы демоны ушли.
Дверь открою, если ты мне не солжешь,
Ведь я смогу тебя понять, лишь если ты меня поймешь.

Ляг со мною, небес почувствуй боль.
Все тени дня, всю тьму ночей я разделю с тобой…
Дверь открыта, но сквозь щель не виден свет,
Лишь на сердце черный шрам, но сквозь щель не виден свет,
Но сквозь щель не виден свет,
Там совсем нет солнца…

Что я чувствовал, что знал
Из страниц, что я листал?
За мною дверь, пропустить в нее тебя??
Что я чувствовал, что знал?
Я один, я так устал…
Ты будешь здесь? Ведь я один, кто ждет тебя…
Или ты непрощенная???

Ляг со мною, верь мне, боль ушла…
Не важно, любит или нет, любовь в ней умерла.
Она здесь будет, даже если я уйду,
Лишь на сердце новый шрам, даже если я уйду,
Даже если я уйду,
Даже если сгину…

Что я чувствовал, что знал
Из страниц, что я листал?
За мною дверь, пропустить в нее тебя??
Ляг со мною… Что я натворил??
Закрыта дверь – твои глаза,
Но солнце даст мне сил… Солнце даст мне сил…
Да, мне даст сил солнце…

Что я чувствовал, что знал
Из страниц, что я листал?
За мною дверь, пропустить в нее тебя??

Что я чувствовал, что знал?

От двери ключ
Укрываю я в тебя,
Ведь ты же непрощенная.

Навеки несвободная,
Другая, не как я,
Ведь ты же непрощённая...

257. Disposable Heroes (Instrumental) Текст Текст

Bodies fill the fields I see, hungry heroes end
No one to play soldier now, no one to pretend
Running blind through killing fields, bred to kill them all
Victim of what said should be
A servant `til I fall

Soldier boy, made of clay
Now an empty shell
Twenty one, only son
But he served us well
Bred to kill, not to care
Just do as we say
Finished here, Greeting Death
He's yours to take away

Back to the front
You will do what I say, when I say
Back to the front
You will die when I say, you must die
Back to the front
You coward
You servant
You blindman

Barking of machinegun fire, does nothing to me now
Sounding of the clock that ticks, get used to it somehow
More a man, more stripes you wear, glory seeker trends
Bodies fill the fields I see
The slaughter never ends

Soldier boy, made of clay
Now an empty shell
Twenty one, only son
But he served us well
Bred to kill, not to care
Just do as we say
Finished here, Greeting Death
He's yours to take away

Back to the front
You will do what I say, when I say
Back to the front
You will die when I say, you must die
Back to the front
You coward
You servant
You blindman

Why, Am I dying?
Kill, have no fear
Lie, live off lying
Hell, Hell is here

I was born for dying

Life planned out before my birth, nothing could I say
Had no chance to see myself, molded day by day
Looking back I realize, nothing have I done
Left to die with only friend
Alone I clench my gun

Soldier boy, made of clay
Now an empty shell
Twenty one, only son
But he served us well
Bred to kill, not to care
Just do as we say
Finished here, Greeting Death
He's yours to take away

Back to the front
You will do what I say, when I say
Back to the front
You will die when I say, you must die
Back to the front
You coward
You servant
You blindman

Back to the front.

258. The New Song (Death Is Not The End) Текст Текст

2006.06.08 - 04
Gelredome, Arnhem

Man in black comes around
Blacks the light
Blacks the sound
Far enough to take from here
To rise above the myth of fear
Lay you out, and take 'em down

Open up your gate
Spirit dialate
Watch the falling sand
Sifting through his hand
Open Up Your Gate
Spirit Dialate
Whisper To Your Friend
Death Is Not The End!

Not the End
Not the End
Its the beginning
It’s a…

Rob the hour, loss of time
Spilling sand you will not find
Dearly beloved
We gathered today
to say goodbye and find our way
Bid farewell with closing eyes

Open Up Your Gate
Spirit Dialate
Watch the falling sand
Slipping through his hand
Open Up Your Gate
Spirit Dialate
Whisper to your friend
Death Is Not The End!

Not the End
Not the End
its the begining

Ive been a rambler, the light sets me free
Ive been a gambler, the light sets me free

The light sets me free!!!!

*Guitar Solo*


Ive been a rambler, the light sets me free
ive been a gambler, the light sets me free

Sets me free


Done my time in this cell
Accept the toll of the man
Man of black has turned to light
Shall return for you tonight
Say goodbye to our old selves

Open up your gate
Spirit dialate
Watch the falling sand
Slipping through his hand
Open Up Your Gate
Spirit Dialate
Whisper to your friends
Death Is Not The End!

Not the End
Not the End
its the begining

Death is not the end!

259. Hardwired (2016) Текст Текст

Я пью мохито
Я ем буррито
На лошадях скачу
На лошадей дрочу

Я горячий мексиканец
Выходи со мной на танец
А не то я всю твою
Нахуй вырежу семью

В облаках вчера летал
Из огня людей спасал
Ездил я на крокодиле
Мой знакомый - наркодилер

Я горячий мексиканец
Выходи со мной на танец
А не то я всю твою
Нахуй вырежу семью

У меня два ноутбука
Сделанные из бамбука
В интернете день и ночь
Залипаю я кароч

Я горячий мексиканец
Выходи со мной на танец
А не то я всю твою
Нахуй вырежу семью

Знает нынче целый свет
Как встречал осёл рассвет
Эта песня про любовь
И ты её не забывай

Я горячий мексиканец
Выходи со мной на танец
А не то я всю твою
Нахуй вырежу семью

260. Whisky in the Jar Текст Текст

As I was goinґ over the Cork and Kerry mountains
I saw Captain Farrell, his money he was countinґ
I first produced my pistol and then produced my rapier
I said stand and deliver or the devil he may take ya

I took all of his money and it was a pretty penny
I took all of his money and I brought it home to Molly
She swore that sheґd love me, no never would she leave me
But the devil take that woman for you know she tricked me easy

Mush-a rain dum a do dum a da
Wept for my daddy-o
Wept for my daddy-o
Thereґs whiskey in the jar-o

Being drunk and weary, I went to Molly's chamber
Takin' my Molly with me, but I never knew the danger
For about six, maybe seven, yeah in walked Captian Farrell
I jumped up fired my pistols, and I shot him with both barrells

Mush-a ring dum a doo dum a da
Wept for my daddy-o
Wept for my daddy-o
There's whiskey in the jar-o

Yeah, Whiskey, oh
oh-ho, yeah, oh

Now some men like the fishinґand some man like the foulinґ
And some men like ta hear, ta hear cannon ball roarinґ
Me I like sleepinґspecially in my Mollyґs chamber
But here I am in prison, here I am with a ball and chain yeah

Mush-a ring dum a doo dum a da
Wept for my daddy-o
Wept for my daddy-o
Thereґs whiskey in the jar-o

Whiskey in the jar-o

Mush-a ring dum a doo dum a da (x4)

Ещё есть виски во фляге.

Во время перехода через горы Cork и Kerry
Я видел капитана Фаррелла и деньги,которые он пересчитывал
Сначала я достал пистолет, затем достал шпагу
Я сказал: "Стоять! Давай бабки, пока я не отправил тебя к дьяволу!"

Я забрал у него все деньги, и это было славно
Я забрал у него все деньги и принес их домой к Молли
Она клялась, что любит меня и никогда не бросит
Но дьявол овладел этой женщиной, и она с легкостью послала меня

Муша ринг дум а ду дум а да
Какой удар для моего папочки
Какой удар для моего папочки
Ничего - еще есть виски во фляге!

Пьяный и утомленный я пошел в палатку к Молли
Деньги были при мне, и я никогда не знал слова "опасность"
Часов в шесть или возможно в семь, я увидел идущего Капитана Фаррелла
Я вскочил и выстрелил, я разрядил в него оба ствола

Теперь такие люди как Fishin и такие как Fowlin
Слушают свист ядер и грохот пушек
Я нахожу более приятным поспать, особенно в палатке моей Молли
Только вот я нахожусь в тюрьме, т.к. ядро у меня еще и с цепочкой

Муша ринг дум а ду дум а да
Какой удар для моего папочки
Какой удар для моего папочки
Ничего - еще есть виски во фляге!

261. Nothin' Else Matters Текст Текст

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters, yeah

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they say
Never cared for games they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
And I know

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
No nothing else matters

262. Low Man's Lyrics Текст Текст

My eyes seek reality
My fingers seek my veins
There's a dog at your back step
He must come in from the rain

I fall 'cause I've let go
The net below has rot away
So my eyes seek reality
And my fingers seek my veins

The trash fire is warm
But nowhere safe from the storm
And I can't bear to see
What I've let me be
So wicked and worn

So as I write to you
Of what is done and to do
Maybe you'll understand
And you won't cry for this man
'Cause low man is due

Please forgive me

My eyes seek reality
My fingers feel for faith
Touch clean with a dirty hand
I touch the clean to the waste

The trash fire is warm
But nowhere safe from the storm
And I can't bear to see
What I've let me be
So wicked and worn

So as I write to you
Of what is done and to do
Maybe you'll understand
And won't cry for this man
'Cause low man is due
Please forgive me

So low, the sky is all I see
All I want from you is forgive me
So you bring this poor dog in from the rain
Though he just wants right back out again

And I cry to the alleyway
Confess all to the rain
But I lie, lie straight to the mirror
The one I've broken to match my face

The trash fire is warm
But nowhere safe from the storm
And I can't bear to see
What I've let me be
So wicked and worn

So as I write to you
Of what is done and to do
Maybe you'll understand
And won't cry for this man
'Cause low man is due

Please forgive me

So low, the sky is all I see
All I want from you is forgive me
So you bring this poor dog in from the rain
Though he just wants right back out again

My eyes seek reality
My fingers seek my veins
"Стихи Опустившегося Человека"

Мои глаза ищут реальность,
Мои пальцы нащупывают вены.
Псу на ступеньке твоего заднего двора
Так нужно укрыться от дождя.

Я опустился, потому что махнул на всё рукой.
Мои глаза ищут реальность,
Мои пальцы нащупывают вены.

Костер из мусора неплохо греет,
Но нигде нет спасения от ветра.
И мне не нужно усилий, что бы понять,
Почему я позволил себе стать
Таким озлобленным и опустившимся.

И вот я пишу тебе
О том, что сделано и что еще предстоит.
Может быть, ты поймешь
И не будешь оплакивать этого человека,
Потому что опустившийся человек – это то, что мне причитается.

Пожалуйста, прости меня...

Мои глаза ищут реальность,
Мои пальцы ищут доверия.
Касаясь чистого грязной рукой
Я коснулся чистоты и все замарал.

Пожалуйста, прости меня...
Пожалуйста, прости меня...

Небо так низко – это всё что я вижу.
Все, чего я хочу от тебя – это твоё прощение.
И ты приносишь бедного пса, укрывая от дождя,
Хотя он хочет иметь право вернутся обратно.

И я кричу в переулок,
Исповедуюсь во всем дождю,
Но я лгу, лгу прямо перед зеркалом,
Однажды мной разбитым, за то что соответствовало моему лицу.

Пожалуйста, прости меня...

263. Metalica - Enter Sandman Текст Текст

Enter Sandman* (оригинал Metallica)
Say your prayers little one
Don't forget, my son
To include everyone

Tuck you in, warm within
Keep you free from sin
Till the sandman he comes

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
Off to never never land

Something's wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren't of snow white

Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon's fire
And of things that will bite

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
Off to never never land

Now I lay me down to sleep
Pray the lord my soul to keep
If I die before I wake
Pray the lord my soul to take

Hush little baby, don't say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
It's just the beast under your bed,
In your closet, in your head

Exit light
Enter night
Grain of sand

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to never never land


Входи, песочный человек (перевод Shuriken)
Читай молитвы, малыш,
и не вздумай, сын мой,
Пропустить ни одной.

Завернись - тепло внутри,
От греха тебя хранит,
Пока песочный человек не придет.

Спи вполглаза,
Крепче к подушке прижмись.

Гаснет свет,
Входит ночь,
Уведи меня прочь
В страну-которой-нет.

Свет погас и что-то не так,
Тяжки думы в ночи
И совсем не светлы.

Сны о лжецах, сны о войне,
Сны о драконьем огне
И о том, что может укусить во сне!

Спи вполглаза,
Крепче к подушке прижмись.

Гаснет свет,
Входит ночь,
Уведи меня прочь
В страну-которой-нет.

Я ложусь спать и молю господа
Хранить мою душу.
Если я умру во сне,
Молю господа забрать мою душу к себе.

Тихо, детка, замолчи.
Все равно, что там шуршит,
Просто под кроватью зверь,
В гардеробе, в голове!

Гаснет свет,
Входит ночь,
Засыпает песком...

Гаснет свет,
Входит ночь
Уведи меня прочь
В страну-которой-нет.


264. The Wait (Killing Joke Cover) Текст Текст

Motives changing
Day to day
The fire increases
Masks decay
I look at the river
White foam floats down
The body's poisoned
Got to sit tight

The wait
The wait
The wait
The wait

After awakening
The silence grows
The screams subside
Distortion shows
Mutant thoughts
Of bad mouthed news
It's just another birth
Of distorted views

The wait
The wait
The wait
The wait

The wait
The wait
The wait
The wait

265. The Shortest Straw (OST Hesher 2010) Текст Текст

Suspicion Is Your Name
Your Honesty to Blame
Put Dignity to Shame
Witchhunt Modern Day
Determining Decay
The Blatant Disarray
The Public Eyes' Disgrace
Defying Common Place
Unending Paper Chase

This Vertigo it Doth Bring

Shortest Straw
Challenge Liberty
Downed by Law
Live in Infamy
Rub You Raw
Witchhunt Riding Through
Shortest Straw
This Shortest Straw Has Been Pulled for You

Pulled for You
Shortest Straw
Pulled for You
Shortest Straw
Pulled for You
Shortest Straw
Shortest Straw Has Been Pulled for You

The Accusations Fly
Discrimination, Why?
Your Inner Self to Die
Doubt Sunk Itself in You
It's Teeth and Talons Through
Your Living Catch 2-2

A Mass Hysteria
A Megalomania
Reveal Dementia

In Vertigo You Will Be

Shortest Straw
Challenge Liberty
Downed by Law
Live in Infamy
Rub You Raw
Witchhunt Riding Through
Shortest Straw
This Shortest Straw Has Been Pulled for You

Pulled for You
Shortest Straw
Pulled for You
Shortest Straw
Pulled for You
Shortest Straw
Shortest Straw Has Been Pulled for You

Shortest Straw
Pulled for You
Shortest Straw
Pulled for You
Shortest Straw
Pulled for You
Shortest Straw
Shortest Straw Has Been Pulled for You

Behind You, Hands Are Tied
Your Being, Ostracized
Your Hell Is Multiplied
The Fallout Has Begun
Oppressive Damage Done
Your Many Turned to None
To Nothing
You're Reaching Your Nadir
Your Will Has Disappeared
The Lie Is Crystal Clear

Channels Red
One Word Said
Black Listed
With Vertigo Make You Dead

Shortest Straw
Challenge Liberty
Downed by Law
Live in Infamy
Rub You Raw
Witchhunt Riding Through
Shortest Straw
This Shortest Straw Has Been Pulled for You
Pulled for You

266. Fade To Black (Acoustic Live) Текст Текст

Life it seems, will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters, no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free

Things not what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this can’t be real
Can’t stand this hell I feel
Emptiness is filling me
To the point of agony
Growling darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now he’s gone

No one but me can save myself but it’s too late
Now I can’t think, think why I should even try

Yesterday seems as through it never existed
Death greets me warm, now I will just say good bye…

Растворюсь в темноте

Жизнь, кажется, скоро угаснет...
Увядая с каждым днем,
Теряясь в себе самом,
Ничто и никто не имеет больше никакого значения...
Я потерял желание жить,
Больше нечего отдать,
Нет ничего для меня,
Только быстрый конец может освободить меня...

Все не такое, каким было раньше,
Теряясь изнутри...
Окончательно потерянный, это кажется таким нереальным...
Не могу больше терпеть этот ад, который чувствую,
Пустота заполняет меня,
Переходя в агонию...
Нарастающая тьма, забирает рассвет,
Я был собой, но теперь его нет...

Никто кроме меня самого не сможет спасти меня,
Но уже слишком поздно,
И теперь я ничего не могу придумать
И зачем мне даже пытаться

Прошлое как будто никогда не существовало,
Смерть тепло приветствует меня,
И я скажу всего лишь "Прощай!"

267. Ride the Lightning (live) Текст Текст

Ride the Lightning

Guilty as charged
But damn it, it ain't right
There is someone else controlling me

Death in the air
Strapped in the electric chair
This can't be happening to me

Who made you God to say
"I'll take your life from you!"

Flash before my eyes
Now it's time to die
Burning in my brain
I can feel the flames

Wait for the sign
To flick the switch of death
It's the beginning of the end

Sweat, chilling cold
As I watch death unfold
Consciousness my only friend

My fingers grip with fear
What I am doing here?

Flash before my eyes
Now it's time to die
Burning in my brain
I can feel the flames

Someone help me
Oh please God help me
They are trying to take it all away
I don't want to die

Time moving slowly
The minutes seem like hours
The final curtain call I see

How true is this?
Just get it over with
If this is true, just let it be

Wakened by the horrid cream
Freed from the frightening dream

Flash before my eyes
Now it's time to die
Burning in my brain
I can feel the flames

268. Mama Said (Edit) Текст Текст

Mama Said

Mama, she has taught me well
Told me when I was young
"Son, your life's an open book
Don't close it 'fore its done"
"The brightest flame burns quickest"
That's what I heard her say
A son's heart sowed to mother
But I must find my way

Let my heart go
Let your son grow
Mama, let my heart go
Or let this heart be still yeah, still

Rebel, mind your last name
Wild blood in my veins
They bring strings around my neck
The mark that still remains
Left home at an early age
Of what I heard was wrong
I never asked forgiveness
But what is said is done

Let my heart go
Let your son grow
Mama, let my heart go
Let this heart be still

Never I ask of you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness
That I'll take to my grave
Never I ask of you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness
That I'll take to my grave
So let this heart be still

Mama, now I'm coming home
I'm not all you wished of me
A mother's love for her son
Spoken, help me be
I took your love for granted
Not a thing you said to me
I needed your arms to welcome me
But, a cold stone's all I see

Let my heart go
Let your son grow
Mama, let my heart go
Or let this heart be still

Let my heart go
Mama, let my heart go
You never let my heart go
So let this heart be still

Never I ask of you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness
That I'll take to my grave
Never I ask of you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness
That I'll take to my grave
So let this heart be still

Мама говорила

Мама учила меня,
Говорила мне пацану, -
Сын, жизнь твоя - открытый учебник,
Не закрывай его, пока не закончишь.
Тише едешь, дальше будешь, -
Слышал я от неё.
Слова запали в душу,
Но я искал свой путь.

Отпусти моё сердце.
Позволь своему сыну повзрослеть.
Мама, отпусти моё сердце
Или позволь этому сердцу успокоиться.
Да, затихнуть.

Бунтарь, помни свои корни.
Дикая кровь в моих жилах.
Меня захомутали,
Тавро ещё остаётся.
Покинул дом я рано.
Что слышал - не признавал.
Никогда не просил прощения,
Но слово я держал.

Отпусти моё сердце.
Позволь своему сыну повзрослеть.
Мама, отпусти моё сердце
Или позволь этому сердцу успокоиться.
Никогда не просил у тебя,
Но ничего и не давал.
Но ты дала мне свою пустоту,
Которая останется со мной до конца.
Никогда не просил у тебя,
Но ничего и не давал.
Но ты дала мне свою пустоту,
Что останется со мной до конца.
Да упокоится это сердце.

Мама, теперь я возвращаюсь домой,
Я не все твои мечты.
Материнская любовь во мне
Жила, помогала мне жить.
Я взял твою любовь за основу -
Не то, чему учила ты.
Я ждал, что твои объятья встретят меня,
Но могильный камень - всё, что я вижу...

Отпусти моё сердце.
Позволь своему сыну повзрослеть.
Мама, отпусти моё сердце.
Позволь этому сердцу успокоиться.
Отпусти моё сердце.
Ты никогда не отпустишь моё сердце.
Так что позволь этому сердцу успокоиться.
Никогда не прошу у тебя,
Но ничего и не давал.
Но ты дала мне свою пустоту,
Которая останется со мной до конца.
Никогда не прошу у тебя,
Но ничего и не давал.
Но ты дала мне свою пустоту,
Которая останется со мной до конца.
Да упокоится это сердце.

269. Hell isn't good (OST South Park) Текст Текст

Little boy, you're going to hell!
You said bad words, threw rocks at the bird
And now, this is your hotel!
You ain't going back, this ain't disneyland, it's HELL!

Little boy, it's time for you to pay!
For hurting that bird, and not going to church
And staring at boobs everyday
Now you must stand in HELL!

Hell isn't good, Hell isn't good, HELL!
No, Hell isn't good, Hell isn't good, HELL!

Adolf Hitler: Something in german..
George Burns: Hey fuckface, have you seen Gracie?
Mahatma Ghandi: There is orderliness the universe
Hell isn't good, Hell isn't good, HELL!

270. The Unforgiven (demo) Текст Текст

New blood joins this earth
And quickly he's subdued
Through constant pained disgrace
The young boy learns their rules

With time, the child draws in
This whipping boy done wrong
Deprived of all his thoughts
The young man struggles on and on, he's known
A vow unto his own
That never from this day
His will they'll take away

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee "Unforgiven"

They dedicate their lives
To running all of his
He tries to please them all
This bitter man he is

Throughout his life the same
He's battled constantly
This fight he cannot win
A tired man they see no longer cares
The old man then prepares
To die regretfully
That old man here is me

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee "Unforgiven"

You labeled me
I'll label you
So I dub thee "Unforgiven"

Copyright © 1991 Creeping Death Music (ASCAP)
International Copyright Secured
All Rights Reserved

271. Welcom home (Sanitarium) Текст Текст

Welcome to where time stands still
No one leaves and no one will
Moon is full, never seems to change
Just labeled mentally deranged
Dream the same thing every night
I see our freedom in my sight
No locked doors, no windows barred
No things to make my brain seem scarred

Sleep, my friend, and you will see
That dream is my reality
They keep me locked up in this cage
Can't they see it's why my brain says “rage”

Sanitarium, leave me be
Sanitarium, just leave me alone

Build my fear of what's out there
Cannot breathe the open air
Whisper things into my brain
Assuring me that I'm insane
They think our heads are in their hands
But violent use brings violent plans
Keep him tied, it makes him well
He's getting better, can't you tell?

No more can they keep us in
Listen, damn it, we will win
They see it right, they see it well
But they think this saves us from our hell

Sanitarium, leave me be
Sanitarium, just leave me alone
Sanitarium, just leave me alone

Fear of living on
Natives getting restless now
Mutiny in the air
Got some death to do
Mirror stares back hard
Kill, it's such a friendly word
Seems the only way
For reaching out again

Где будто вечность длится день,
Где яркий свет сменяет тень,
Добро пожаловать туда,
Где все свихнулись - ты и я.
Каждый раз один лишь вижу сон:
Я вновь рассудка не лишён,
Меня не держат взаперти,
Куда хочу, могу идти...

Во сне ты вдруг кошмар узрел?
Знай, сон твой - это мой удел...
Я здесь, как в клетке нахожусь,
Не буен я, лишь на свободу рвусь!

Изолятор... Я не могу так больше жить!
Изолятор... Оставьте меня в покое!

Жить на воле я боюсь,
Но отсюда вырваться стремлюсь.
Слышу шёпот в голове,
Да, я точно не в себе...
Здоровье наше в их руках?
Их методы вселяют страх!
К кушетке пристегнуть ремнём?
Варвар недостоин быть врачом!

Я жить так больше не могу,
Лелею мысль, что сбегу...
Дороги, знаю, нет назад,
И я не выдержу сей ад...

Изолятор... Я не могу так больше жить!
Изолятор... Оставьте меня в покое!
Изолятор... Оставьте меня в покое!

Уснуть я не могу,
Надеюсь, завтра не сможет наступить,
Отсюда я сбегу,
Даже если придётся мне убить.
Они следят за мной...
Смерть - любимое из слов,
Она подарит мне покой,
Лишит меня безумия оков...

272. Last Caress - Green Hell (Misfits Cover) Текст Текст

I got something to say
I killed your baby today and it
Doesn't matter much to me
As long as it's dead

I got something to say
I raped your mother today
Doesn't matter much to me
As long as she spread

Sweet lovely death, just waiting for your breath
Cold sweet death, one last caress

Sweet lovely death, just waiting for your breath
Cold sweet death, one last caress

I got something to say
I killed your baby today and it
Doesn't matter much to me
As long as it's dead

Sweet lovely death, just waiting for your breath
Cold sweet death, one last caress

Last Caress Today! Yo-whoaaoo. Yooo!

Here in this place lies the key to your death
Touch it, see it
Here in this place is the means to your end
Touch it, feel it
Green hell

You did your best as someone could
I bet you never knew you would
And did you run away from it?
I bet you thought you really could
We're gonna burn in hell
Green Hell
Like every hell but kind of green
Green Hell Green Hell
Try let me get back up there
Green Hell Green Hell
Feel it burning in your cereal
Green Hell Green Hell
Throw our fuckin' friends inside
Green Hell Green Hell
Gotta fuckin' pay and you must stay
Green Hell Green Hell
Cannot refill the torch of death
Green Hell Green Hell
Hell is reigning in your blood
Green Hell Green Hell
Gotta burn it all
Green hell

You did your best as someone could
I bet you never knew you would
And did you run away from me
I bet you thought you really could

Here in this place lies the key to your death
Touch it, see it
Here in this place sister won't let it in
Touch it, feel it
Green hell

You did your best as someone could
I bet you never knew you would
Did you run away from me?
I bet you thought you really could
You've come to this as someone told
I bet you never knew you would
Gonna bring
Green hell

273. One (Instrumental) Текст Текст

I can't remember anything
Can't tell if this is true or dream
Deep down inside I feel to scream
This terrible silence stops me

Now what the war is through with me
I'm waking up , I cannot see
That there's not much left of me
Nothing is real but pain now

Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please God , wake me

Back in the womb it's much too real
In pumps life that I must feel
But can't look forward to reveal
Look to the time when I'll live

Fed through the tube that sticks in me
Just like a wartime novelty
Tied to machines that make me be
Cut this life off from me

Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please God , wake me
Now the world is gone , I'm just one
Oh God , help me hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh , please God help me

Darkness imprisoning me
all that I see
absolute horror
I cannot live
I cannot die
trapped in myself
body my holding cell

Landmine has taken my sight
taken my speech
taken my hearing
taken my arms
taken my legs
taken my soul
left me with life in hell


Я не могу вспомнить ничего
Не могу различить, это явь или сон
Глубоко в себе я хочу закричать
Но эта ужасная тишина останавливает ме¦ня
Война теперь кончилась для меня
Я просыпаюсь и не вижу
Что от меня осталось не так уж и много
Ничего реального нет теперь, кроме боли

Я сдерживаю свое дыхание, желая смерти
О, боже, прошу, разбуди меня

Словно снова в утробе, это так реально
Внутрь меня качают жизнь, которой я должен жить
Но я не могу смотреть вперед, чтобы открыть
То, какой будет моя жизнь, когда я буду жить
Меня кормят через трубочку, вставленную в меня-
Изобретение войны
Я привязан к машинам, которые позволяют
Мне существовать
Отключите такую жизнь от меня

Мир исчез, я совсем один
О боже, помоги мне сдержать дыхание,
Я желаю смерти
О боже, прошу, помоги мне
Тьма заточила меня
Все, что я вижу
Абсолютный ужас
Я не могу жить
Я не могу умереть
Заключенный сам в себе
Мое тело тюремная камера
Полевая мина забрала мое зрение
забрала мою речь
забрала мой слух
забрала мои руки
забрала мои ноги
забрала мою душу
Оставила меня жить в аду

274. One (Starcraft Remix) Текст Текст

I can't remember anything
Can't tell if this is true or dream
Deep down inside I feel to scream
This terrible silence stops me

Now that the war is through with me
I'm waking up, I cannot see
That there's not much left of me
Nothing is real but pain now

Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please god, wake me

Back in the womb it's much too real
In pumps life that I must feel
But can't look forward to reveal
Look to the time when I'll live

Fed through the tube that sticks in me
Just like a wartime novelty
Tied to machines that make me be
Cut this LIFE off from me

Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please god, wake me

Now the world is gone I'm just one
Oh god, help me

Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please god, help me

Darkness imprisoning me
All that I see
Absolute horror
I cannot live
I cannot die
Trapped in myself
Body my holding cell

Landmines has taken my sight
Taken my speech
Taken my hearing
Taken my arms
Taken my legs
Taken my soul
Left me with life in hell

275. Muster Of Puppets Текст Текст


You're so good to me Baby Baby

I wanna lock you up in my closet, when no one's around
I wanna put your hand in my pocket, because you're allowed
I wanna drive you into the corner, and kiss you without a sound
I wanna stay this way forever, I'll say it aloud
Now you're in and you can't get out

You make me so hot
Make me wanna drop
You're so ridiculous
I can barely stop
I can hardly breathe
You make me wanna scream
You're so fabulous
You're so good to me Baby Baby
You're so good to me Baby Baby

I can make you feel all better, just take it in
And I can show you all the places, you've never been
And I can make you say everything, that you never said
And I will let you do anything, again and again
Now you're in and you can't get out

You make me so hot
Make me wanna drop
You're so ridiculous
I can barely stop
I can hardly breathe
You make me wanna scream
You're so fabulous
You're so good to me Baby Baby
You're so good to me Baby Baby

Kiss me gently
Always I know
Hold me love me
Don't ever go

You make me so hot
Make me wanna drop
You're so ridiculous
I can barely stop
I can hardly breathe
You make me wanna scream
You're so fabulous
You're so good to me

You make me so hot
Make me wanna drop
You're so ridiculous
I can barely stop
I can hardly breathe
You make me wanna scream


Ты так хорошо ко мне относишься, малыш…

Я бы хотела запереть тебя в своей комнате,
Где никого нет,
Я хочу, чтобы ты засунул руки в кармашки моих джинсов,
Потому что тебе это можно,
Я хочу отвести тебя в укромное местечко
И беззвучно целовать,
Я хочу, чтобы это длилось вечно.
И я говорю это во всеуслышанье
Сейчас ты здесь и ты не сможешь сбежать

Я становлюсь такой горячей
Я сразу же затихаю
Ты такой милый
Я едва могу остановиться
Я едва могу дышать
Мне хочется кричать
Ты такой потрясающий
Ты так хорошо ко мне относишься, малыш…
Ты так хорошо ко мне относишься, малыш…

Я могу сделать тебя счастливым,
Только пойми это
И я могу показать тебе те места,
Где ты никогда не был,
Я могу заставить тебя сказать то.
О чем ты всегда молчал,
Я разрешу тебе делать все, что хочешь
Снова и снова
Сейчас ты здесь и ты не сможешь сбежать

Я становлюсь такой горячей
Я сразу же затихаю
Ты такой милый
Я едва могу остановиться
Я едва могу дышать
Мне хочется кричать
Ты такой потрясающий
Ты так хорошо ко мне относишься, малыш…
Ты так хорошо ко мне относишься, малыш…

Целуй меня нежно
Владей мной, люби меня
Никогда не уходи

Я становлюсь такой горячей
Я сразу же затихаю
Ты такой милый
Я едва могу остановиться
Я едва могу дышать
Мне хочется кричать
Ты такой потрясающий
Ты так хорошо ко мне относишься, малыш…
Ты так хорошо ко мне относишься, малыш…

Я становлюсь такой горячей
Я сразу же затихаю
Ты такой милый
Я едва могу остановиться
Я едва могу дышать
Мне хочется кричать
Ты такой потрясающий
Ты так хорошо ко мне относишься, малыш…
Ты так хорошо ко мне относишься, малыш…

Ты такой хороший…

276. 02 The Four Horsemen Текст Текст

The Four Horsemen
(J.Hetfield, L.Ulrich, D.Mustaine)
Buy the last breath of the fourth winds blow
Better raise your ears
The sound of hooves knock at your door
Lock up your wife and children now
It's time to wield the blade
For now you have got some company

The horsemen are drawing nearer
On the leather steeds they ride
They have came to take your life
On through the dead of night
With the four horsemen ride
Or choose your fate and die

You have been dying since the day
You were born
You know it has all been planned
The quartet of deliverance rides
A sinner once a sinner twice
No need for confession now
Cause now you have got the fight of your life

The horsemen are drawing nearer
On the leather steeds they ride
They have came to take your life
On through the dead of night
With the four horsemen ride
Or choose your fate and die

Has taken it's toll on you
The lines that crack your face
Your body it has torn through
Withered in every place
For what you have had to endure
And what you have put others through
Deliverance for you for sure
There is nothing you can do

So gather round young warriors now
And saddle up your steeds
Killing scores with demons swords
Now is the death of doers of wrong
Swing the judgement hammer down
Safely inside armor blood guts and sweat

The horsemen are drawing nearer
On the leather steeds they ride
They have came to take your life
On through the dead of night
With the four horsemen ride
Or choose your fate and die

277. The call of ctulu Текст Текст

Guilty as charged
But damn it, it ain't right
There is someone else controlling me

Death in the air
Strapped in the electric chair
This can't be happening to me

Who made you God to say
"I'll take your life from you!"

Flash before my eyes
Now it's time to die
Burning in my brain
I can feel the flames

Wait for the sign
To flick the switch of death
It's the beginning of the end

Sweat, chilling cold
As I watch death unfold
Consciousness my only friend

My fingers grip with fear
What I am doing here?

Flash before my eyes
Now it's time to die
Burning in my brain
I can feel the flames

Someone help me
Oh please God help me
They are trying to take it all away
I don't want to die

Time moving slowly
The minutes seem like hours
The final curtain call I see

How true is this?
Just get it over with
If this is true, just let it be

Wakened by the horrid cream
Freed from the frightening dream

Flash before my eyes
Now it's time to die
Burning in my brain
I can feel the flames

278. Nothing Else Matter (acoustic) Текст Текст

Em D C
So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
G Н7 Em
And nothing else matters

Em D C
Never opened my self this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
G Н7 Em
And nothing else matters

Em D
Trust I seek and find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
G Н7 Em
And nothing else matters

{Начало припева}
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
A D Em
But I know
{конец припева}

{Повторить первый куплет}
{Повторить первый и второй куплеты}

Never cared for what they say
Never cared for what they play

Never cared for what they do

Never cared for what they know

A D Em
But I know

279. Kenny Goes To Hell Текст Текст

Little boy, at peace what is this place beyond the stars? open up your eyes what are these things your moving towards? head so full of wonder worries in the past could it be your free at last? NO!

James Hetfeild:Little boy, your going to hell!
You said bad words, threw rocks at the bird
And now, this is your hotel
You ain't going back, this ain't disneyland, it's HELL

Little boy, it's time for you to pay!
For hurting that bird, and not going to church
And staring at boobs everyday
Now you must stand in HELL!

Hell isn't good, hell isn't good, HELL!
No, hell isn't good, hell isn't good,HELL!

Adolf Hitler: something in german...
George Burns: Hey fuckface, have you seen Gracie?
Mahatma Ghandi: There is orderliness in the universe
James Hetfield: Hell isn't good, hell isn't good, HELL!

Слышь, малец?
Ты должно быть не рад?
Ты матом регался,
Камнями швырялся,
и потому отправляешься в адю
Ты никогда не вернёшься назад,
Тут вам не Диснейленд,
Ад- это ад!
Гадкий малыш,
Ты думал, ты спишь?
А Вот тебе шиш-
В ад ты летишь.
В церковь ты не ходил,
Камнем птичку подбил,
На сиськи всё время глазел, что есть сил.
И вот ты в аду!
Не во сне, не в бреду
Плотно попал ты себе на беду!
И вот ведь чёрт-
Ад- не курорт!
Да не то слово, хреново в аду,
Есть во вселенной порядок отменный.
Знай, ебанько, в аду нелегко!

280. Tuesday's Gone (Lynyrd Skynyrd Cover) Текст Текст

Train, roll on, on down the line
Won't you, please, take me far, far away
Now I feel the wind blow, outside my door
And I'm, I'm leaving my woman at home (my baby's gone)

Tuesday's gone with the wind, yeah
My baby's gone, gone with the wind
Long gone

And I don't know, where I'm going
I just want to be, left alone (ooh, yeah)
When this train ends, I'll try again, ooh
I'm leaving my woman at home (home)
My baby's gone

Tuesday's gone with the wind
Tuesday's gone (long gone) with the wind, yeah
Tuesday's gone, gone with the wind, yeah
My baby's gone with the wind
Train, roll on

Tuesday's gone with the wind,
Tuesday's gone, long gone with the wind
My baby's gone with the wind
Train, roll on

Train, roll on, many miles from my home
See I'm, I'm riding my blues, babe, blues away
Tuesday, you see, ooh, she had to be free
But somehow I've got to, to carry on (my baby's gone)

Tuesday's gone with the wind
Train, roll on
Lord, I can't change
Ride on train

281. Welcome Home (Sanatorium) Текст Текст

Welcome to where time stands still
no one leaves and no one will
Moon is full, never seems to change
just labeled mentally deranged

Dream the same thing every night
I see our freedom in my sight
No locked doors, No windows barred
No things to make my brain seem scarred

Sleep my friend and you will see
that dream is my reality
They keep me locked up in this cage
can't they see it's why my brain says Rage

Sanitarium, leave me be
Sanitarium, just leave me alone

Build my fear of what's out there
and cannot breathe the open air
Whisper things into my brain
assuring me that I'm insane

They think our heads are in their hands
but violent use brings violent plans
Keep him tied, it makes him well
he's getting better, can't you tell?

No more can they keep us in
Listen, damn it, we will win
They see it right, they see it well
but they think this saves us from our Hell

Sanitarium, leave me be
Sanitarium, just leave me alone
Sanitarium, just leave me alone

Fear of living on
natives getting restless now
Mutiny in the air
got some death to do
Mirror stares back hard
Kill, it's such a friendly word
seems the only way
for reaching out again.

282. Lords of Summer (First Pass Version) Текст Текст

Hell riders into the night
Galloping out in the faster
Through your dream they wake!
Walk through the fire and hate
Frosting your soul into zero

Are you remembering the sound?
Recall the shaking of the ground..
Calling! Calling! All as one
Lords of summer bring the sun.
Coming! coming! Winter’s turn
Lords of summer shall return

Internal falling has begun
You trade your darkness for the sun
Melting the chill of winters turn
But soon the lords of summer shall return
Lords of summer shall return!

Light blasting through penetrate
It’s been a long lonely winter
Illumination bright
Beating the volume and light
Reanimating the fire

Become an access of the sound?
Recall the shaking of the ground.
Calling! Calling! All as one
Lords of summer bring the sun.
Coming! coming! Winter’s turn
Lords of summer have returned

Internal falling has begun
You trade your darkness for the sun
Melting the chill of winters turn
Now that the Lords of summer have returned
Lords of summer have returned!

Coming Coming All as one
Lords of summer bring the sun
Coming Coming Wintershed
Lords of summer shall return

Internal falling has begun
You trade your darkness for the sun
Melting the chill of winters turn
Now that the Lords of summer have returned
Lords of summer have returned!

Настало время!
Адские всадники мчатся в ночи
Скачут быстро-быстро
В твоём сне они пробуждаются
Проходят через огонь и ненависть
Обращая твою душу в лёд

Ты возбуждён.
Помнишь ли ты этот звук?
И земля сотрясается
Взывайте! Взывайте! Все как один
Боги лета вернут солнце (принесут)
Они идут, идут! Очередь зимы
Но боги лета вернутся!

Началось душевное падение
Ты променял тьму на солнце
Растопив зимний холод
Но вскоре возвратятся боги лета
Боги лета возвратятся!

Мощный поток света пронизывает
Это была столь долгая одинокая зима
Повсюду иллюминация
Удары грома, звук и свет
Воскрешают огонь

Преображение становится доступом к звуку
Заставь землю сотрясаться
Взывайте! Взывайте! Все как один
Боги лета вернут солнце (принесут)
Они идут, идут! Очередь зимы
Но боги лета вернутся!

Началось душевное падение
Ты променял тьму на солнце
Растопив зимний холод
Но вскоре возвратятся боги лета
Боги лета возвратятся!

283. Call of Cthulhu Текст Текст

ну понятия не имею, как я мог забыть об этой песне.
слушал ещё в раннем (совсем раннем) школьном возрасте, на кассетном плеере, плёнку, которую сестре принёс её одноклассник.
очень мне понравилась тогда, нравится и по сей день.:)
хотя и нет в ней вроде особой зацепки.
дж-дж, пацаны!

284. Stone Dead Forever (Motörhead Cover) Текст Текст

Ты плохо видишь, сквозь стекло
Ты плохо слышишь, хочу, чтоб до тебя дошло
Я вижу, парень, ты совсем зачах
Всему виною жадность и страх
Ты сам себя сгубил
На жизнь свою забил
( )
Умрешь навечно

Ты рулишь фишку, ты крутой
Пасешь поляну, парень не простой
Что б ты ни спиздил - тебе не впрок
А сколько в жизни ты бы сделать мог
Но вот твой час настал
Ты встал на пьедестал
Но никого не наебешь -
Умрешь навечно

Ты ждал напрасно, так долго ждал
Баблом погублен, парень ты пропал
Встань, ссука, в очередь, ты не один такой
Хохочет дьявол, хозяин твой
И вот пришел твой час
Огонь в глазах погас
И никого не наебешь -
Умрешь навечно

285. Motorbreath (OST "Hesher") Текст Текст

James Hetfield


Living and dying laughing and crying
Once you have seen it you will never be the same
Life in the fast lane is just how it seems
Hard and it's heavy, it's dirty and mean

It's how I live my life
I can't take it any other way
The sign of living fast
It is going to take
Your breath away

Don't stop for nothing it's full speed or nothing
I am taking down you know whatever is in my way
Getting your kicks as you are shooting the line
Sending the shivers up and down your spine

It's how I live my life
I can't take it any other way
The sign of living fast
It is going to take
Your breath away

Those people who tell you not to take chances
They are all missing on what life is about
You only live once so take hold of the chance
Don't end up like others the same song and dance

It's how I live my life
I can't take it any other way
The sign of living fast
It is going to take
Your breath away

286. Master Of Puppets (Metallica Cover) Текст Текст

End of passion play, crumbling away
I'm your source of self-destruction
Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear
Leading on your deaths' construction

Taste me you will see
More is all you need
You're dedicated to
How I'm killin you

Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, cause I'll hear you scream

Needlework the way, never you betray
Life of death becoming clearer
Pain monopoly, ritual misery
Chop your breakfast on a mirror

Taste me you will see
More is all you need
You're dedicated to
How I'm killin you

Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, cause I'll Hear you scream

Master, master...

(1st Solo)

Where's the dreams that I've been after?
You promised only lies
All I hear or see is laughter
Laughing at my cries
Taste me!!

(2nd Solo)

Hell is worth all that
Natural habitat
Just a rhyme without a reason
Neverending maze
Drift on numbered days
Now your life is out of season

I will occupy
I will help you die
I will run through you
Now I rule you too

Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, cause I'll Hear you scream

287. One [Live with the SFSO] Текст Текст

Не могу ничего вспомнить,
Не могу сказать, было ли это во сне иль на яву.
Глубоко внутри хотелось заорать,
Но эта жуткая тишина останавливала меня...

Теперь, когда эта война покончила со мной,
Я просыпаюсь, я не вижу,
Что не так уж много от меня осталось.
Ничто так не реально, как эта боль.

Останови мое дыхание, мне хотелось бы умереть
Пожалуйста, Господи, разбуди меня!

Назад в чрево матери - куда реальнее...
В насосах жизни, которые я, должно быть, чувствую,
Но не могу заглянуть вперед,
В то время, когда я буду жить...

Питаюсь через трубочку, вставленную в меня,
Прям как новинка военного времени.
Привязан к машинам, которые позволяют мне существовать,
Избавь меня от такой жизни...

Останови мое дыхание, мне хотелось бы умереть
Пожалуйста, Господи, разбуди меня!

Сейчас весь мир сгинул, есть только я один,
О, Господи, помоги мне!
Останови мое дыхание, мне хотелось бы умереть,
Пожалуйста, Господи, помоги мне!

Темнота обволакивает меня,
Все, что я вижу, -
Абсолютный ужас...
Я не могу жить,
Я не могу умереть,
Пойманный в себе...
Тело – меня держащая обитель...

Мина забрала мое зрение,
Забрала мою речь,
Забрала мой слух,
Забрала мои руки,
Забрала мои ноги,
Забрала мою душу,
Оставила мне жизнь в аду...

288. For Whom the Bell Toll Текст Текст

Make his fight on the hill in the early day
constant chill deep inside
Shouting gun on they run through the endless grey
on they fight for the right yes but who's to say
For a hill men would kill why they do not know

Stiffened wounds test there pride
Men of five still alive through the raging glow
gone insane from this pain that
they surely know

For Whom the Bell Tolls
Time marches on
For Whom the Bell Tolls

Take a look to the sky just before you die,
it's the last time you will
Blackened roar, massive roar fills the crumbling sky,
shattered goal fills the
soul with a ruthless cry
Stranger now are his eyes to this mystery,
hears the silence so loud
Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be.

Now they see what we'll be blinded eyes to see...

For Whom the Bell Tolls
Time marches on
For Whom the Bell Tolls

289. Kirk Hammet - One Текст Текст

I can't remember anything
Can't tell if this is true or dream
Deep down inside I feel to scream
This terrible silence stops me

Now what the war is through with me
I'm waking up , I cannot see
That there's not much left of me
Nothing is real but pain now

Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please God , wake me

Back in the womb it's much too real
In pumps life that I must feel
But can't look forward to reveal
Look to the time when I'll live

Fed through the tube that sticks in me
Just like a wartime novelty
Tied to machines that make me be
Cut this life off from me

Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please God , wake me
Now the world is gone , I'm just one
Oh God , help me hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh , please God help me

Darkness imprisoning me
all that I see
absolute horror
I cannot live
I cannot die
trapped in myself
body my holding cell

Landmine has taken my sight
taken my speech
taken my hearing
taken my arms
taken my legs
taken my soul
left me with life in hell

290. Blitzkrieg (live) Текст Текст

Let us have peace, let us have life
Let us escape the cruel night
Let us have time, let the sun shine
Let us beware the deadly sign

The day is coming
Armageddon's near
Inferno's coming
Can we survive The Blitzkrieg
The Blitzkrieg
The Blitzkrieg

Save us from fate, save us from hate
Save ourselves before it's too late
Come to our need, hear our plea
Save ourselves before the earth bleeds

The day is dawning
The time is near
Aliens calling
Can we survive The Blitzkrieg
The Blitzkrieg
The Blitzkrieg




"Shut The Fuck Up, Your Worthless"

291. Phantom Lord (Live) Текст Текст

Sound is ripping through your ears
The deafening sound of metal nears
Your body's waiting for his whips
The taste of leather on your lips

Hear the cry of war
Louder than before
With his sword in hand
To control the land
Crushing metal strikes
On this frightening night
Fall onto your knees
For the Phantom Lord

Victims falling under chains
You hear them crying dying pains
Fist of terror's breaking through
Now there's nothing you can do

Hear the cry of war
Louder than before
With his sword in hand
To control the land
Crushing metal strikes
On this frightening night
Fall onto your knees
For the Phantom Lord

The leather armies have prevailed
The Phantom Lord has never failed
Smoke is lifting from the ground
The rising volume metal sound

Hear the cry of war
Louder than before
With his sword in hand
To control the land
Crushing metal strikes
On this frightening night
Fall onto your knees
For the Phantom Lord

Fall to your knees
And bow to the Phantom Lord

Copyright © 1983 Creeping Death Music (ASCAP)
International Copyright Secured
All Rights Reserved

292. Hero Of The Day [Live with the SFSO] Текст Текст

(Hetfield, Ulrich, Hammett)

Mama they try and break me

The window burns to light the way back home
A light that warms no matter where they've gone

They're off to find the hero of the day
But what if they should fall by someone's wicked way

Still the window burns
Time so slowly turns
Someone there is sighing
Keepers of the flames
Do ya feel your name?
Can't you hear your babies crying?

Mama they try and break me
Still they try and break me

'Scuze me while I tend to how I feel
These things return to me that still seem real

Now deservingly this easy chair
But the rocking stopped by wheels of despair

Don't want your aid
But the fist I've made
For years can't hold or feel
No, I'm not all me
So please excuse me
While I tend to how I feel

But now the dreams and waking dreams
That ever last the night
So build the wall, behind it crawl
And hide until it's light
So can you hear your babies cryin' now?

Still the window burns
Time so slowly turns
And someone there is sighing
Keepers of the flames
Did you hear your names?
Did you hear your babies crying?

But now the dreams and waking dreams
That ever last the night
So build the wall, behind it crawl
And hide until it's light
So can't you hear your babies cryin' now?

Mama they try and break me

293. Crash Course In Brain Surgery (Budgie cover) Текст Текст

Look inside and you will see,
The words are cutting deep inside my brain.
Thunder burning, quickly burning,
Knife of words is driving me insane, insane yeah.

Raven black is on my track,
He shows me how to neutralize the knife.
Show to me in surgery,
The art of fighting words to conquer life, conquer life yeah.

Now the wicked lance of fear,
Is driving from my heady mountain brain.
Crash course in brain surgery,
Has stopped the bloody knife of words again yeah, yeah, yeah.

294. Low Man's Lyric (acoustic) Текст Текст

My eyes seek reality
My fingers seek my veins
Theres a dog at your back step
He must come in from the rain
I fall cause I let go
The net below has rot away
So my eyes seek reality
And my fingers seek my veins

The trash fire is warm
But nowhere safe from the storm
And I can't bare to see
What I've let me be
So wicked and worn

So as I write to you
Of what is done and to do
Maybe you'll understand
And won't cry for this man
'Cause low man is due

Please forgive me

My eyes seek reality
My fingers feel for faith
Touch clean with a dirty hand
I touched the clean to the waste

The trash fire is warm
But nowhere safe from the storm
And I can't bare to see
What I've let me be
So wicked and worn

So as I write to you
Of what is done and to do
Maybe you'll understand
And won't cry for this man
'Cause low man is due

Please forgive me
Please forgive me
Please forgive me

So low the sky is all I see
All I want from you is forgive me
So you bring this poor dog in from the rain
Though he just wants right back out again

And I cry, to the alley way
Confess all to the rain
But I lie, lie straight to the mirror
The one I've broken, to match my face

The trash fire is warm
But nowhere safe from the storm
And I can't bare to see
What I've let me be
So wicked and worn

So as I write to you (yeah)
Of what is done and to do (yeah)
Maybe you'll understand
And won't cry for this man
'Cause low man is due

Please forgive me
Please forgive me

So low the sky is all I see
All I want from you is forgive me
So you bring this poor dog in from the rain
Though he just wants right back out again

My eyes seek reality
My fingers seek my veins

295. Battery (Remastered) Текст Текст

Lashing out the action, returning the reaction
Weak are ripped and torn away
Hypnotizing power, crushing all that cower
Battery is here to stay

Smashing through the boundaries
lunacy has found me
cannot stop the Battery
Pounding out aggression
turns into obsession
cannot kill the Battery
Cannot kill the family
Battery is found in me

Crushing all deceivers, mashing non-believers
never ending potency
Hungry violence seeker, feeding off the weaker
Breeding on insanity

Smashing through the boundaries
lunacy has found me
cannot stop the Battery
Pounding out aggression
turns into obsession
cannot kill the Battery
Cannot kill the family
Battery is found in me

Circle of Destruction,
Hammer comes crushing
Powerhouse of energy
Whipping up a fury, Dominating flurry
We create the Battery

Smashing through the boundaries
lunacy has found me
cannot stop the Battery
Pounding out aggression
turns into obsession
cannot kill the Battery
Cannot kill the family
Battery is found in me

296. Holier than you Текст Текст

The crap rolls out your mouth again
Haven't changed, your brain is still gelatin
Little whispers circle around your head
Why don't you worry about yourself INSTEAD!!!

Who are you? where ya been? where ya from?
Gossip burning on the tip of your tongue
You lie so much you believe yourself
Judge not l'est ye be judged yourself

Holier than thou
You are
Holier than thou
You are

You know not

Before you judge me take a look at you
Can't you find something better to do
Point the finger, slow to understand
Arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand

It's not you are it's who you know
Others lives are the basis of your own
Burn your bridges and build them back with wealth
Judge not l'est ye be judged yourself

Holier than thou
You are
Holier than thou
You are

You know not

Yeah who the hell are you?
Hey yo

Holier than thou
You are
Holier than thou
You are

You know not


297. Flamingo (All nightmare long demo) Текст Текст

Luck. Runs. Out.
Crawling from the wreckage one more time
This map is teared, can't read the signs
Boulevard is rusted, hard to turn
On the path of destruction, feel it burn

Feel safe
In the danger
Feel good
In the bad

Got the burning
Got the speed
Lose your turn
You crash and burn
You walk away

'Cause it ain't no good when there's nothing
Ain't no good when you can't go wrong
Crash and burn and you walk away
How many times can i hear you say
Ain't no good when there's nothing
Ain't no good when you can't go wrong
Luck. Runs. Out.

You crawl back in
But your luck runs out

Luck. Runs. Out.

You love with my struggle
And in love with my pain
Much needed to keep me down again
Don't allow myself to feel too good
Unworthy of me couldn't if i could

Feel safe
In the danger
Feel good
In the bad

Got the burning
Got the speed
Lose your turn
You crash and burn
You walk away

'Cause it ain't no good when there's nothing
Ain't no good when you can't go wrong
Crash and burn and you walk away
How many times can i hear you say
Ain't no good when there's nothing
Ain't no good when you can't go wrong
Luck. Runs. Out.

You crawl back in
But your luck runs out

So you crawl back in
Deep in your obsession
Sent to crash and burn
This in your confession

Ain't no good when there's nothing
Ain't no good when you can't go wrong
Crash and burn and you walk away
How many times can i hear you say
Ain't no good when there's nothing
Ain't no good when you can't go wrong
Luck. Runs. Out.

Crawl back in
But your luck runs out

298. Tuesday’s Gone Текст Текст

Train roll on, on down the line
Won't you please take me far away
Now, I feel the wind blow outside my door
I leave my woman at home

Tuesday's gone with the wind
My baby's gone with the wind

And I don't know oh where I'm going
I just want to be left alone
When this train ends, I'll try again
I leave my woman at home

Tuesday's gone with the wind
Tuesday's gone with the wind
Tuesday's gone with the wind
My baby's gone with the wind

Train roll on, Tuesday's gone

Train roll on, many miles from my home
See, I'm riding my blues away
Tuesday, you see, she had to be free
But somehow, I've got to carry on

Tuesday's gone with the wind
Tuesday's gone with the wind
Tuesday's gone with the wind
My baby's gone with the wind

299. Hell & Back Текст Текст

There's no where else i could run to
She wretched but she comforts me
and after everyone goes home
she's always there for me

when the sun goes hell boun
and the moon goes resurrect the night
I will hide within her
Not much good has come out of the light

After everyone goes home
and I am left here on my own
I will run straight to hell and back

Straight to hell and back

When they turn out all their lights
and I am left to rule at night
Always return to hell and back

Straight to hell and back

Straight down yeah!

A lonely light in the window
Just longing for some company
Tragic harvesting hateful
But there's nothing as willing as she

And when the night has fallen
It falls hard and let it all begins
When she starts her crawling
I feel the darkness growing from within

After everyone goes home
and I am left here on my own
I will run straight to hell and back

Straight to hell and back

When they turn out all their lights
and I am left to rule at night
Always return to hell and back

Straight to hell and back

I will run straight to hell and back

I become two, we become one
a battle unequal, unholy, undone

The path is cut deep
The path is won well
I follow my footsteps
to leave from your hell

After everyone goes home
and I am left here on my own
I will run straight to hell and back

Straight to hell and back

When they turn out all their lights
and I am left to rule at night
Always return to hell and back

Straight to hell and back

I will run straight to hell and back
Iron Music []

300. The unforgiven lll Текст Текст

How could he know this new dawn's light
Would change his life forever?
Set sail to sea but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure

Was he the one causing pain
With his careless dreaming?
Been afraid
Always afraid
Of the things he's feeling
He could just be gone

He would just sail on
He would just sail on

How can I be lost?
If I've got nowhere to go?
Searched the seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost
In remembrance I relive
How can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

These days drift on inside a fog
It's thick and suffocating
This seeking life outside its hell
Inside intoxicating
He's run aground
Like his life
Water's much too shallow
Slipping fast
Down with the ship
Fading in the shadows now
A castaway

All gone

Blame gone away

How can I be lost
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost
In remembrance I relive
And how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me, why can't I forgive me?

Set sail to sea but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure
How could he know this new dawn's light
Would change his life forever

How can I be lost
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost
In remembrance I relive
So how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

301. Green Hell (Misfits Cover) Текст Текст

Here in this place lies the genie of death
Touch it, see it
Here in this place is a means to your end
Touch it, feel it
Green hell

You've come to this like no one could
I bet you never knew you woke it
And don't you run away from anything
I bet you thought you really could in Hell

We're gonna burn in Hell
Green hell
Like every hell but kind of green
In Hell, green hell
We're gonna face the mess we're
In Hell, green hell
I think I'd rather be up here
In Hell, green hell
You know I fuckin' shake apart
In Hell, green hell
Gotta find a way that you will stay
Green hell
Cannot forget about the heat
In Hell, green hell
Hell is green I need a flame
In Hell, green hell
Gonna burn in Hell
Green hell

You've come to this like no one could
I bet you never knew you woke it
And don't you run from anything
I bet you thought you really could take it

Here in this place is the genie of death
Touch it, see it
Here in this place is the way to your end
Touch it, see it
Green hell

You've come to this like no one could
I bet you never knew you woke it
And don't you run away from anything
I bet you thought you really could
You've come to this like no one could
I bet you never knew you woke it
We're gonna burn in Hell
Green hell

302. Sad But True (Black Album) Текст Текст

Hey! I'm your life
I'm the one who takes you there
Hey! I'm your life
I'm the one who cares
They, they betray
I'm your only true friend now
They, they'll betray
I'm forever there

I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
Sad but true

I'm your dream, mind astray
I'm your eyes while you're away
I'm your pain while you repay
You know it's sad but true

Sad but true

You! You're my mask
You're my cover, my shelter
You! You're my mask
You're the one who's blamed
Do! Do my work
Do my dirty work, scapegoat
Do! Do my deeds
For you're the one who's shamed

I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
Sad but true

I'm your dream, mind astray
I'm your eyes while you're away
I'm your pain while you repay
You know it's sad but true

Sad but true

I'm your dream
I'm your eyes
I'm your pain

You know it's sad but true

Hate! I'm your hate
I'm your hate when you want love
Pay! Pay the price
Pay, for nothing's fair
Hey! I'm your life
I'm the one who took you there
Hey! I'm your life
And I no longer care

I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
Sad but true

I'm your truth, telling lies
I'm your reasoned alibis
I'm inside open your eyes
I'm you

Sad but true

303. Master of Puppets (Live Berlin 09.12.2008) Текст Текст

End of passion play, crumbling away
I'm your source of self-destruction
Veins that pump with fear, sucking dark is clear
Leading on your deaths construction

Taste me you will see
More is all you need
Dedicated to
How I'm killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your Master
Your life burns faster
Obey your Master

Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

Needlework the way, never you betray
Life of death becoming clearer
Pain monopoly, ritual misery
Chop your breakfast on a mirror

Taste me you will see
More is all you need
Dedicated to
How I'm killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your Master
Your life burns faster
Obey your Master

Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

Master, Master, where's the dreams that I've been after?
Master, Master, you promised only lies
Laughter, Laughter, all I hear or see is laughter
Laughter, Laughter, laughing at my cries
Hell is worth all that, natural habitat
Just a rhyme without a reason
Neverending maze, drift on numbered days
now your life is out of season
I will occupy
I will help you die
I will run through you
Now I rule you too

Come crawling faster
Obey your Master
Your life burns faster
Obey your Master

Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

Конец игре пришел и гнев весь твой прошел,
Я внутри тебя съедаю.
В венах черных страх рассыпает в прах
Твое тело, разрушая.

Ты увидишь то,
Что понять не дано,
Ты решил для себя
Как мне убить тебя.

Сюда, быстрее,
Я твой хозяин.
И жизнь истлеет.
Я твой хозяин.
Да, я

Хозяин театра, я дергаю нить,
Уродую разум, разбиваю мечты.
Ты мной ослеплен, пустоту видишь ты.
Когда меня ты зовешь, переходишь на крик.
Да, я
Когда меня ты зовешь, переходишь на крик.
Да, я

Поршень и игла с тобою навсегда,
Нет вчера, не будет завтра.
Только боль одна и горя ритуал.
Разбей же об стекло свой завтрак.

Ты увидишь то,
Что понять не дано,
Ты решил для себя
Как мне убить тебя.

Сюда, быстрее,
Я твой хозяин.
И жизнь истлеет.
Я твой хозяин.
Да, я

Хозяин театра, я дергаю нить,
Уродую разум, разбиваю мечты.
Ты мной ослеплен, пустоту видишь ты.
Когда меня ты зовешь, переходишь на крик.
Да, я
Когда меня ты зовешь, переходишь на крик.
Да, я

Хозяин, хозяин, что же, что со мною будет?
Хозяин, хозяин, прости мне мою ложь,
Громче, громче, чтобы слышал я и видел,
Громче, громче смейся надо мной.

Ад - это цена за твои дела,
Что творишь зимой и летом.
Бесконечный путь, плывешь куда-нибудь,
В жизни больше нет ответа.

Отдай судьбу свою,
Тебя я в гроб вгоню,
Я овладел тобой,
Теперь играй со мной.

Сюда, быстрее,
Я твой хозяин.
И жизнь истлеет.
Я твой хозяин.
Да, я

Хозяин театра, я дергаю нить,
Уродую разум, разбиваю мечты.
Ты мной ослеплен, пустоту видишь ты.
Когда меня ты зовешь, переходишь на крик.
Да, я
Когда меня ты зовешь, переходишь на крик.
Да, я

304. Commando (Ramones cover) Текст Текст

They do their best, they do what they can
They get them ready for VietNam

From old Hanoi to East Berlin
Commando - involved again

They do their best, they do what they can
They get them ready for Viet Nam

First rule is- The laws of Germany
Second rule is- Be nice to mommy
Third rule is- Don't talk to commies
Fourth rule is- Eat kosher salamis

They do their best, they do what they can
They get them ready for VietNam

From old Hanoi to East Berlin
Commando - involved again

They do their best, they do what they can
They get them ready for Viet Nam

First rule is- The laws of Germany
Second rule is- Be nice to mommy
Third rule is- Don't talk to commies
Fourth rule is- Eat kosher salamis